diff --git a/trunk/RTCSA_SS/04Evaluation.tex b/trunk/RTCSA_SS/04Evaluation.tex
index 70654db..0131ed3 100644
--- a/trunk/RTCSA_SS/04Evaluation.tex
+++ b/trunk/RTCSA_SS/04Evaluation.tex
@@ -29,5 +29,5 @@ can be improved about 5\% by SRCNN.
 We let a person lay on bed and change his pose every minute. The pose is repeating
 lay on back, lay on left, lay on back and lay on right. Our method will output the current pose
-every 10 seconds and check if the pose changed. The accuracy of pose detection is 65\%, and the
+every 10 seconds and detect the turning over. The accuracy of pose detection is 65\%, and the
 turning over detection has 50\% recall rate and 83\% precision.