@ -0,0 +1,224 @@ |
import json |
class Frame(): |
def __init__(self, time, data): |
self.time = time |
self.data = data |
class GridEyeData(): |
def __init__(self, filePath): |
self.f = open(filePath, 'r') |
self.frames = [None]*4 |
def readFrame(self): |
time = self.f.readline() |
if not time: |
return False |
time = float(time) |
for i in range(4): |
data = json.loads(self.f.readline()) |
self.frames[i] = Frame(time, data) |
return True |
if __name__ == '__main__': |
import cv2 |
import numpy as np |
import sys |
def exponential(img, value): |
tmp = cv2.pow(img.astype(np.double), value)*(255.0/(255.0**value)) |
return tmp.astype(np.uint8) |
SIZE = 128 |
distanceBetweenSensors_w = 2.6 #cm |
distanceBetweenSensors_h = 2.6 #cm |
distance2Object = 60.0 #cm |
cnt = 0 |
avers = [] |
fourcc = cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc(*'XVID') |
videoWriter = cv2.VideoWriter('output.avi', fourcc, 10.0, (SIZE*2,SIZE*4)) |
cv2.imshow('sample', np.zeros((SIZE*4,SIZE*2), np.uint8)) |
gridEye = GridEyeData(sys.argv[1]) |
hasLastFrame = False |
hasPos = False |
innerHasPos = False |
endTime = 0 |
startTime = 0 |
innerEndTime = 0 |
innerStartTime = 0 |
path = [] |
speed = 0 |
while gridEye.readFrame(): |
frames = gridEye.frames |
imgs = [] |
for frame in frames: |
img = (np.array(frame.data)-15)*10 |
img = cv2.resize(img.astype(np.uint8), (SIZE,SIZE), interpolation = cv2.INTER_LINEAR) # INTER_LINEAR, INTER_CUBIC |
imgs.append(img) |
avers.append(np.zeros((SIZE,SIZE), np.uint16)) |
if cnt < AVERAGE_FRAME: |
cnt += 1 |
for i in range(len(imgs)): |
avers[i] += imgs[i] |
if cnt == AVERAGE_FRAME: |
for i in range(len(avers)): |
avers[i] = avers[i]/AVERAGE_FRAME |
avers[i] = avers[i].astype(np.uint8) |
avers[i] += ADJUST_BACK |
continue |
for i in range(len(imgs)): |
imgs[i] = cv2.subtract(imgs[i], avers[i]) |
out = np.full((SIZE*4, SIZE*2), 255, dtype=np.uint16) |
out[:SIZE, :SIZE] = imgs[0] |
out[:SIZE, SIZE:SIZE*2] = imgs[1] |
out[SIZE:SIZE*2, :SIZE] = imgs[2] |
out[SIZE:SIZE*2, SIZE:SIZE*2] = imgs[3] |
# production |
''' |
maxProduct = 0 |
overlap_w = 0 |
for i in range(80, 128): |
product = sum(imgs[0][:,SIZE-i:].astype(np.uint32)*imgs[1][:,:i].astype(np.uint32)) |
product += sum(imgs[2][:,SIZE-i:].astype(np.uint32)*imgs[3][:,:i].astype(np.uint32)) |
product = sum(product) / len(product) |
if product > maxProduct: |
maxProduct = product |
overlap_w = i |
tmp = maxProduct |
maxProduct = 0 |
overlap_h = 0 |
for i in range(80, 128): |
product = sum(imgs[0][SIZE-i:, :].astype(np.uint32)*imgs[2][:i,:].astype(np.uint32)) |
product += sum(imgs[1][SIZE-i:, :].astype(np.uint32)*imgs[3][:i,:].astype(np.uint32)) |
product = sum(product) / len(product) |
if product > maxProduct: |
maxProduct = product |
overlap_h = i |
maxProduct = (tmp + maxProduct)/2 |
# fixed overlap_h |
''' |
maxProduct = 0 |
overlaps = 125 |
overlap_w = overlaps |
overlap_h = overlaps |
product = sum(imgs[0][:,SIZE-overlaps:].astype(np.uint32)*imgs[1][:,:overlaps].astype(np.uint32)) |
product += sum(imgs[2][:,SIZE-overlaps:].astype(np.uint32)*imgs[3][:,:overlaps].astype(np.uint32)) |
product = sum(product) / len(product) |
maxProduct = product |
tmp = maxProduct |
maxProduct = 0 |
product = sum(imgs[0][SIZE-overlaps:, :].astype(np.uint32)*imgs[2][:overlaps,:].astype(np.uint32)) |
product += sum(imgs[1][SIZE-overlaps:, :].astype(np.uint32)*imgs[3][:overlaps,:].astype(np.uint32)) |
product = sum(product) / len(product) |
maxProduct = product |
maxProduct = (tmp + maxProduct)/2 |
tmp = np.zeros((SIZE, SIZE*2-overlap_w), dtype=np.uint16) |
tmp[:, :SIZE] = imgs[0] |
tmp[:, -SIZE:] += imgs[1] |
tmp[:, (SIZE-overlap_w): SIZE] = tmp[:, (SIZE-overlap_w): SIZE]/2 |
tmp2 = np.zeros((SIZE, SIZE*2-overlap_w), dtype=np.uint16) |
tmp2[:, :SIZE] = imgs[2] |
tmp2[:, -SIZE:] += imgs[3] |
tmp2[:, (SIZE-overlap_w): SIZE] = tmp2[:, (SIZE-overlap_w): SIZE]/2 |
merge = np.zeros((SIZE*2-overlap_h, SIZE*2-overlap_w), dtype=np.uint16) |
merge[:SIZE, :] = tmp |
merge[-SIZE:, :] += tmp2 |
merge[(SIZE-overlap_h):SIZE, :] = merge[(SIZE-overlap_h):SIZE, :]/2 |
position = [0,0] |
rows,cols = merge.shape |
for i in range(rows): |
for j in range(cols): |
position[0] += i*merge[i][j] |
position[1] += j*merge[i][j] |
position[0] /= sum(sum(merge)) |
position[1] /= sum(sum(merge)) |
offset_w = int(overlap_w/2) |
offset_h = int(overlap_h/2) |
out[SIZE*2+offset_h:SIZE*4-overlap_h+offset_h, offset_w: SIZE*2-overlap_w+offset_w] = merge |
pos_w = 1.17*position[0] #distanceBetweenSensors_w/(SIZE-overlap_w)*position[0] |
pos_h = 1.17*position[1] #distanceBetweenSensors_h/(SIZE-overlap_h)*position[1] |
if not hasPos: |
startPos = [pos_w, pos_h] |
sp = position |
path = [] |
truePath = [] |
times = [] |
startTime = frames[0].time |
hasPos = True |
if not innerHasPos and pos_w >= 16 and pos_w <= 109 and pos_h >= 16 and pos_h <= 109: |
innerStartPos = [pos_w, pos_h] |
innerStartTime = frames[0].time |
innerHasPos = True |
if pos_w >= 16 and pos_w <= 109 and pos_h >= 16 and pos_h <= 109: |
innerEndPos = [pos_w, pos_h] |
innerEndTime = frames[0].time |
elif innerHasPos: |
if innerEndTime - innerStartTime > 0: |
print (innerStartPos, innerEndPos) |
print ('inner speed:', ((innerEndPos[0]-innerStartPos[0])**2+(innerEndPos[1]-innerStartPos[1])**2)**0.5/(innerEndTime - innerStartTime)) |
print ('time:', innerEndTime-innerStartTime) |
innerHasPos = False |
endPos = [pos_w, pos_h] |
endTime = frames[0].time |
path.append(position) |
truePath.append(endPos) |
times.append(frames[0].time) |
elif hasPos: |
if endTime - startTime > 0: |
print (startPos, endPos) |
print ('speed:', ((endPos[0]-startPos[0])**2+(endPos[1]-startPos[1])**2)**0.5/(endTime - startTime)) |
print ('time:', endTime-startTime) |
if innerHasPos and innerEndTime - innerStartTime > 0: |
print (innerStartPos, innerEndPos) |
print ('inner speed:', ((innerEndPos[0]-innerStartPos[0])**2+(innerEndPos[1]-innerStartPos[1])**2)**0.5/(innerEndTime - innerStartTime)) |
print ('time:', innerEndTime-innerStartTime) |
hasPos = False |
innerHasPos = False |
out = out.astype(np.uint8) |
out = exponential(out, EXPONENTAL_VALUE) |
out = cv2.cvtColor(out,cv2.COLOR_GRAY2BGR) |
if endTime - startTime > MIN_EXIST_TIME: |
speed = ((endPos[0]-startPos[0])**2+(endPos[1]-startPos[1])**2)**0.5/(endTime - startTime) |
cv2.putText(out, f'{speed:.2f}', |
(0, SIZE*2),cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 1, (0, 255, 0), 2, cv2.LINE_AA) |
speed = ((truePath[-1][0]-truePath[-2][0])**2+(truePath[-1][1]-truePath[-2][1])**2)**0.5/(times[-1] - times[-2]) |
cv2.putText(out, f'{speed:.2f}', |
(0, SIZE*2+30),cv2.FONT_HERSHEY_SIMPLEX, 1, (0, 255, 0), 2, cv2.LINE_AA) |
cv2.circle(out, (offset_w+int(position[1]), SIZE*2+offset_h+int(position[0])), 10, (255,0,0), 5) |
cv2.circle(out, (offset_w+int(sp[1]), SIZE*2+offset_h+int(sp[0])), 10, (0,255,0), 5) |
for i in range(len(path)-1): |
cv2.line(out, (offset_w+int(path[i][1]), SIZE*2+offset_h+int(path[i][0])), (offset_w+int(path[i+1][1]), SIZE*2+offset_h+int(path[i+1][0])), (0,0,255)) |
cv2.line |
lastFrame = out[SIZE*2:,:] |
hasLastFrame = True |
elif hasLastFrame: |
out[SIZE*2:,:] = lastFrame |
cv2.imshow('sample', out) |
videoWriter.write(out) |
key = cv2.waitKey(1) |
if key == ord('q'): |
break |
videoWriter.release() |
cv2.destroyAllWindows() |