You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

5637 lines
210 KiB

  1. @string{RTSS = {Proceedings of the IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium}}
  2. @string{RTAS = {Proceedings of the IEEE Real-Time Technology and Application Symposium}}
  3. @string{RTAS03 = {Proceedings of the IEEE Real-Time and Embedded Technology and Application Symposium}}
  4. @InProceedings{David99,
  5. author = {{D. L. Levine} and {S. Flores-Gaitan} and {D. C. Schmidt}},
  6. title = {Measuring {OS} Support for Real-time {CORBA} {ORB}s},
  7. booktitle = {The 4th IEEE International Workshop on Object-oriented Real-time Dpendable Systems},
  8. year = 1999,
  9. days = {27-29},
  10. month = {January},
  11. organization = {IEEE},
  12. publisher = {IEEE}
  13. }
  14. @Unpublished{David00,
  15. author = {{D. L. Levine} and {S. Flores-Gaitan} and {D.
  16. C. Schmidt}},
  17. title = {An Empirical Evaluation of {OS} Endsystem Support
  18. for Real-time {CORBA} Object Requet Brokers},
  19. note = {Submitted to Multimedia Computing and Networking
  20. 2000}
  21. }
  22. @InProceedings{DeL97,
  23. author = {{Z. Deng} and {J. W.-S. Liu}},
  24. title = {Scheduling real-time applications in an open environment},
  25. booktitle = RTSS,
  26. pages = {308-319},
  27. year = 1997,
  28. address = {San Francisco, CA USA},
  29. month = {December},
  30. organization = {IEEE}
  31. }
  32. @TechReport{CSDG98,
  33. author = {Federal Geographic Data Committee},
  34. title = {Content Standard for Digital Geo{S}patial Metadata},
  35. institution = {Federal Geograhic Data Committee},
  36. year = 1998,
  37. note = {http://www.fgdc.gov/metadata/contstan.html}
  38. }
  39. @Book{IE80297,
  40. title = {Standard for Wireless {LAN} Medium Access Control(MAC) and Physical Layer(PHY) specifications},
  41. publisher = {IEEE},
  42. year = 1997
  43. }
  44. @Article{homerf98,
  45. author = {{K. J. Negus} and {J. Waters} and {J. Tourrilhes} and
  46. {C. Romans} and {J. Lansford} and {S. Hui}},
  47. title = {Home{RF} and {SWAP}: Wireless networking for the
  48. connected home},
  49. journal = {ACM Mobile Computing and Communications Review},
  50. year = 1998,
  51. volume = 2,
  52. number = 4,
  53. month = {October},
  54. pages = {28--37}
  55. }
  56. @Article{Jaap:1998,
  57. author = {{J. Haartsen} and {M. Naghshineh} and {J. Inouye},
  58. {O. J. Joeressen} and {W. Allen}},
  59. title = {Bluetooth: Vision, Goals, and Architecture},
  60. journal = {ACM Mobile Computing and Communications Review},
  61. year = 1998,
  62. volume = 2,
  63. number = 4,
  64. pages = {38--45},
  65. month = {October}
  66. }
  67. @TechReport{FGDC:99,
  68. author = {Ground Transportatin Subcommittee},
  69. title = {{NSDI} Framework Transportation Identification Standard
  70. - working draft},
  71. institution = {Federal Geographic Data Committee},
  72. year = 1999,
  73. month = {May},
  74. note = {http://www.fgdc.gov/fgdc.html}
  75. }
  76. @TechReport{CEN:99,
  77. author = {European Committee for Standardisation},
  78. title = {{G}eographic {D}ata {F}iles},
  79. institution = {Comit\'{e} Europ\'{e}en de Normalisation(CEN)},
  80. year = 1995,
  81. note = {}
  82. }
  83. @Book{Garey79,
  84. author = {M. R. Garey and D. S. Johnson},
  85. title = {Computers and intractability: a guide to the theory of NP-completeness},
  86. publisher = {W. H. Freeman},
  87. year = 1979
  88. }
  89. @InProceedings{Joa97,
  90. author = {J. Eriksson},
  91. title = {Real-time and active databases: A Survey},
  92. booktitle = {International Workshop on Active and Real-Time Database Systems (2nd : 1997 : Como, Italy) Active, real-time, and temporal database systems : second international workshop, ARTDB-97},
  93. pages = {1 -- 27},
  94. year = 1998,
  95. editor = {{Sten F. Andler} and {Jorgen Hansson}},
  96. series = {Lectures Notes in Computer Science},
  97. publisher = {Springer}
  98. }
  99. @Article{Yod97,
  100. author = {{M. Barabanov} and {V. Yodaiken}},
  101. title = {Introducing {R}eal-{T}ime {U}nix},
  102. journal = {Linux Journal},
  103. year = {1997},
  104. number = {34},
  105. month = {Feb.}
  106. }
  107. @InProceedings{Sri98,
  108. author = {B. Srinivasan et al},
  109. title = {A firm real-time system implementation using commerical off-the shelf hardware and free software},
  110. booktitle = RTAS,
  111. pages = {112-119},
  112. year = 1998
  113. }
  114. @InProceedings{Lin99,
  115. author = {{Y.-C. Wang} and {K.-J. Lin}},
  116. title = {Implementing a {G}eneral {R}eal-{T}ime {S}cheduling {F}ramework in the {RED}-{L}inux {R}eal-{T}ime {K}ernel},
  117. booktitle =RTSS,
  118. year = {1999},
  119. }
  120. @InProceedings{DeLiuSun97,
  121. author = {{Z. Deng} and {J. W.-S. Liu} and {J. Sun}},
  122. title = {A Scheme for Scheduling Hard Real-Time Application in Open System Environment},
  123. booktitle = {Proceedings of the 9th Euromicro Conference on Real-Time Systems},
  124. pages = {191-199},
  125. year = {1997},
  126. address = {Toledo, Spain},
  127. month = {June},
  128. organization = {IEEE}
  129. }
  130. @InProceedings{ZhangLiu99,
  131. author = {{L. Z. Zhang} and {J. W. -S. Liu} and {Z. Deng} and {I. Philip}},
  132. title = {Hierarchical Scheduling of Periodic Messages in Open System},
  133. booktitle = RTSS,
  134. year = {1999},
  135. address = {Phoenix, AZ USA},
  136. month = {December},
  137. organization = {IEEE}
  138. }
  139. @InProceedings{Mercer94,
  140. author = {{C.W. Mercer} and {S. Savage} and {H. Tokuda}},
  141. title = {Processor Capacity Reserves: Operating System Support for Multimedia Applications},
  142. booktitle ={Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Multimedia Computing and Systems},
  143. year = {1994},
  144. month = {May},
  145. organization = {IEEE},
  146. OPTnote = {a capacity reservation technique is used to handle tasks with variable computation time and bound their computational demand.}
  147. }
  148. @Article{SpBu96,
  149. author = {{M. Spuri} and {G. Buttazzo}},
  150. title = {Scheduling Aperiodic Tasks in Dynamic Priority Systems},
  151. journal = {Real-Time Systems},
  152. year = {1996},
  153. pages = {179--210},
  154. volume = {10}
  155. }
  156. @Misc{ORBacus,
  157. author = {{Object Oriented Concepts, Inc.}},
  158. title = {{ORB}acus},
  159. howpublished = {http://www.ooc.com/ob/}
  160. }
  161. @Misc{TAO,
  162. author = {{Distributed Object Computing(DOC) Group, Department of Computer Science, Washington University}},
  163. title = {{TAO}},
  164. howpublished = {http://www.cs.wustl.edu/~schmidt/TAO.html}
  165. }
  166. @InProceedings{JiaVia99,
  167. author = {{S. Jiang} and {N. H. Vaidya}},
  168. title = {Scheduling Data Boradcast to "Impatient" Users},
  169. booktitle = {MobiDE},
  170. year = {1999},
  171. address = {Seattle, WA USA},
  172. month = {},
  173. organization = {ACM}
  174. }
  175. @InProceedings{KoMc99,
  176. author = {{P. Kostkova} and {J. A. McCann}},
  177. title = {{MAGNET}: An Architecture for Dynamic Resource Allocation},
  178. booktitle = {Mobi{DE}},
  179. year = {1999},
  180. address = {Seattle, WA USA},
  181. month = {},
  182. organization = {ACM}
  183. }
  184. @Article{DengLiu99,
  185. author = {{Z. Deng} and {J. W. -S. Liu} and {L. Zhang} and {S. Mouna} and {A. Frei}},
  186. title = {An Open Environment for real time applications},
  187. journal = {Real-time Systems Journal},
  188. year = {1999},
  189. volume = {16},
  190. number = {2-3},
  191. pages = {155--185},
  192. month = {May}
  193. }
  194. @InProceedings{JenLocke85,
  195. author = {{E. Jensen} and {C. Locke} and {H. Tokuda}},
  196. title = {A time driven scheduling model for real-time operating systems},
  197. booktitle = RTSS,
  198. year = {1985},
  199. pages = {112--122},
  200. OPTnote = {This paper introduce a value-density scheduling algorithm for time-driven
  201. scheduling algorithm. This algorithm try to maximum the overall system value
  202. by scheduling. It did allow some tasks to miss deadline.
  203. No guarantee for head-read-time system.
  204. Lots of following papers improve this algorithm.}
  205. }
  206. @Article{Burns98,
  207. author = {{A. Burns} and {D. Prasad} and {A. Bondavalli} and {F. Giandomenico} and {K. Ramamritham} and {J. Stankovic} and {L. Strigini}},
  208. title = {The Meaning and Role of Value in Scheduling Flexible Real-Time Systems},
  209. journal = {Journal of Systems Architecture},
  210. year = {1998},
  211. Postscript = {TheMeaningandRoleofValueinSchedulingFlexibleRealTimeSystems.pdf}
  212. }
  213. @misc{ strayer-analysis,
  214. author = {T. Strayer},
  215. title = {Analysis of Deadline-Driven Scheduling Algorithms Using Function-Driven
  216. Techniques},
  217. Postscript = {AnalysisofDeadlineDrivenSchedulingAlgorithmsUsingFunctionDrivenTechniques.pdf}
  218. }
  219. @misc{ hiltunen98real-time,
  220. author = {{M. Hiltunen} and {R. Schlichting} and {X. Han} and {M. Cardozo} and {R. Das}},
  221. title = {Real-Time Dependable Channels: Customizing {QoS} Attributes For Distributed
  222. Systems},
  223. text = {M. Hiltunen, R. Schlichting, X. Han, M. Cardozo, and R. Das. Real-time
  224. dependable channels: Customizing {QoS} attributes for distributed systems.
  225. Technical Report 98-06, Department of Computer Science, University of Arizona,
  226. Tucson, AZ, Jul 1998. Submitted for publication in IEEE Transactions on
  227. Parallel and Distributed Systems.},
  228. year = {1998},
  229. Postscript = {RealTimeDependableChannelsCustomingQoSAttributesforDistributedSystems.pdf}
  230. }
  231. @misc{ dinda98case,
  232. author = {P. DINDA and B. LOWEKAMP and L. KALLIVOKAS and D. O'HALLARON},
  233. title = {The Case For Prediction-Based Best-Effort Real-Time Systems},
  234. text = {DINDA, P. A., LOWEKAMP, B., KALLIVOKAS, L. F., AND O'HALLARON, D. R. The
  235. case for prediction-based best-effort real-time systems. Tech. Rep. CMU-CS-TR-98-174,
  236. School of Computer science, Carnegie Mellon University, 1998.},
  237. year = {1998},
  238. Postscript = {TheCaseforPredicationbasedBestEffortRealtimeSystems.pdf}
  239. }
  240. @misc{ aldarmi98,
  241. author = {{S. A. Aldarmi} and {A. Burns}},
  242. title = {Dynamic Value-Density For Scheduling Real-Time Systems},
  243. year = {1998},
  244. Postscript = {DynamicValueDensityforSchedulingRealTimeSystes.pdf},
  245. address = {Real-Time Systems Group,
  246. Department of Computer Science,
  247. The University of York,
  248. York, YO10 5DD, U.K.}
  249. }
  250. @InProceedings{LeSha89,
  251. author = {{J. P. Lehoczky} and {L. Sha} and {Y. Ding}},
  252. title = {The Rate Monotonic Algorithm: Exact Characterization And Average Case Behaviour},
  253. booktitle = RTSS,
  254. year = {1989},
  255. pages = {166--171},
  256. organization = {IEEE}
  257. }
  258. @Article{LiuLayland,
  259. author = {C. L. Liu and J. Layland},
  260. title = {Scheduling Algorithms for Multiprogramming in a Hard Real-time Environment},
  261. journal = {Journal of the ACM},
  262. year = {1973},
  263. volume = {20},
  264. number = {1},
  265. pages = {46--61}
  266. }
  267. @Misc{ORIS,
  268. author = {{Real-time Systems Laboratory(RTSL), Department of Computer Science, University of Illinois at Urbana-champaign}},
  269. title = {{{ORiS} Linux -- An Open Real-Time Scheduling Linux}},
  270. howpublished = {http://pertsserver.cs.uiuc.edu/\~{ }cshih/ORIS}
  271. }
  272. @InProceedings{ HanLin92,
  273. author = {{C.-C. Han} and {K.-J. Lin}},
  274. title = {Scheduling Distance-Constrained Real-Time Tasks},
  275. year = 1992,
  276. month = {2--4 December},
  277. pages = {300 -- 308},
  278. address = {Phoenix, AZ, USA},
  279. booktitle = RTSS
  280. }
  281. @Article{ SpSL89,
  282. author = {B. Sprunt and L. Sha and J. Lehoczky},
  283. title = {Aperiodic task scheduling for hard-real-time systems},
  284. journal = {Real-time Systems Journal},
  285. year = {1989},
  286. month = {July}
  287. }
  288. @Article{ImpreciseComputations,
  289. author = {{J. W.-S. Liu} and {W.-K. Shih} and {K.-J. Lin} and {R. Bettati} and {J.-Y. Chung}},
  290. title = {Imprecise computations},
  291. journal = {Proceedings of the IEEE},
  292. year = {1994},
  293. volume = {82},
  294. number = {1},
  295. pages = {83 - 94},
  296. month = {Jan.}
  297. }
  298. @InProceedings{ ElasticModel,
  299. author = {{G. Buttazzo} and {G. Lipari} and {L. Abeni}},
  300. title = {Elastic task model for adaptive rate control},
  301. booktitle = RTSS,
  302. pages = {286 - 295},
  303. month = {Dec.},
  304. year = {1998}
  305. }
  306. @InProceedings{ ProbabilisticModel ,
  307. author = {{T. S. Tai} and {Z. Deng} and {M. Shankarand} and {M. Storch} and {J. Sun} and {L. C. Wu} and {J. W.-S. Liu}},
  308. title = {Probabilistic Performance Guarantee for Real-Time Tasks with Varying Computation Times},
  309. booktitle = RTAS,
  310. year = {1995},
  311. pages = {164 - 173},
  312. OPTnote = { a probabilistic guarantee is performed on tasks whose execution times have known distribution.}
  313. }
  314. @Article{KuoMok97,
  315. author = {{T.-W. Kuo} and {A. K. Mok}},
  316. title = {Incremental Reconfiguration and Load Adjustment in Adaptive Real-Time Systems},
  317. journal = {IEEE Transactions on Computers},
  318. year = {1997},
  319. volume = {46},
  320. number = {12},
  321. pages = { 1313 - 1324 },
  322. month = {Dec}
  323. }
  324. @InProceedings{Montez99,
  325. title = {An Adaptive Scheduling Approach in Real-Time {CORBA}},
  326. author = {{C. Montez} and {J. Fraga} and {R. de Oliverira} and {J.-M. Farines}},
  327. year = {1999},
  328. booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2nd International Symposium on Object-Oriented Real-Time Distributed Computing(ISORC)},
  329. }
  330. @InProceedings{Stan99,
  331. author = {{J. A. Stankovic} and {C. Lu} and {S. H. Son} and {G. Tao}},
  332. title = {The Case for Feedback Control Real-Time Scheduling},
  333. booktitle = {Real-Time Systems, Proceedings of the 11th Euromicro Conference},
  334. OPTcrossref = {},
  335. OPTkey = {},
  336. pages = {11 - 20},
  337. year = {1999},
  338. }
  339. @Book{Baugh73,
  340. author = {R. A. Baugh},
  341. editor = {},
  342. title = {Computer Control of Modern Radars},
  343. publisher = {New York: RCA Corporation},
  344. year = {1973}
  345. }
  346. @InProceedings{Kuo00,
  347. author = {{T. -W.} Kuo and {C. -F.} Kuo and {C.} Chang},
  348. title = {Real-Time Digital Signal Processing Of Component-Oriented Phased Array Radars },
  349. booktitle = RTSS,
  350. pages = { 99 - 108},
  351. year = {2000}
  352. }
  353. @Book{OMNET,
  354. author = {A. Varga},
  355. title = {{OMNeT++} 2.0 : Discrete Event Simulation System},
  356. publisher = {Department of Telcommunications(BME-HIT), Technical University of Budapest, Italy},
  357. year = {2000},
  358. address = {http://www.hit.bme.hu/phd/vargaa/omnetpp.htm}
  359. }
  360. @InProceedings{OMNET01,
  361. author = {A. Varga},
  362. title = {The {OMNeT++} Discrete Event Simulation System},
  363. booktitle = {the proceedings of the European Simulation Multiconference(ESM'01)},
  364. year = {2001},
  365. month = {June},
  366. days = {6-9}
  367. }
  368. @InProceedings{CaBuSha00,
  369. author = {{M. Caccamo} and {G. Buttazzo} and {L. Sha}},
  370. title = {Elastic Feedback Control},
  371. booktitle = {12th Euromicro Conference on Real-time Systems},
  372. year = {2000},
  373. organization = {IEEE},
  374. pages = { 121 - 128}
  375. }
  376. @InProceedings{GeNettFi99,
  377. author = {{M. Gergeleit} and {E. Nett} and {J. Fitzner}},
  378. title = {On-Line Prediction Of Execution Times - A Basis For Adaptive Scheduling},
  379. booktitle = {Fourth International Workshop on Object-Oriented Real-Time
  380. Dependable Systems},
  381. pages = { 186 - 194},
  382. year = {1999}
  383. }
  384. @InProceedings{LeeKim99,
  385. author = {{K. -D. Lee} and {S. Kim}},
  386. title = {Traffic Model And Analysis For Handoff Performance In
  387. Microcellular Networks With Directed Retry },
  388. booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE TENCON '99},
  389. pages = { 39 - 42},
  390. volume = { 1 },
  391. year = {1999}
  392. }
  393. @InProceedings{Forsberg00,
  394. author = {{D. Forsberg} and {J.T. Malinen} and {J.K. Malinen} and {H.H. Kari}},
  395. title = {Increasing Communication Availability With Signal-Based Mobile Controlled Handoffs},
  396. booktitle = {IP based Cellular Networks (IPCN2000)},
  397. PTpages = {http://www.cs.hut.fi/Research/Dynamics/publications/dynamics_ipcn2000_paper.ps},
  398. year = {2000},
  399. address = {Paris, France},
  400. month = {May}
  401. }
  402. @InProceedings{Forsberg99,
  403. author = {{D. Forsberg} and {J. T. Malinen} and {J. K. Malinen} and {T. Weckstrom} and {M. Tiusanen}},
  404. title = {Distributing Mobility Agents Hierarchically under Frequent Location Updates},
  405. booktitle = {Sixth IEEE International Workshop on Mobile Multimedia Communications (MOMUC'99)},
  406. year = {1999}
  407. }
  408. @TechReport{Gustafsson01,
  409. author = {{E. Gustafsson} and {A. Jonsson} and {C. E. Perkins}},
  410. title = {Mobile IP Regional Registration(Work in Progress)},
  411. institution = {IETF},
  412. year = {2001},
  413. month = {Sep},
  414. annote = {http://www.ietf.org/internet-drafts/draft-ieth-mobileip-reg-tunnel-05.txt}
  415. }
  416. @Book{Perkins98,
  417. author = {C. E. Perkins},
  418. title = {Mobile IP Design Priciples and Practices},
  419. publisher = {Addison-Wesley Longman},
  420. year = {1998}
  421. }
  422. @Article{Bakre97,
  423. author = {{A.V. Bakre} and {B.R. Badrinath}},
  424. title = {Implementation and performance evaluation of Indirect TCP},
  425. journal = {IEEE Transactions on Computers},
  426. year = {1997},
  427. volume = {46},
  428. number = {3},
  429. pages = {260 -- 278},
  430. month = {March}
  431. }
  432. @Article{Balakrishnan95,
  433. author = {{H. Balakrishnan} and {S. Seshan} and {R. H. Katz}},
  434. title = {Improving Reliable Transport and Handoff Performance in Cellular Wireless Networks},
  435. journal = {ACM Wireless Networks},
  436. year = {95},
  437. volume = {4},
  438. number = {1},
  439. pages = {469--481},
  440. month = {December}
  441. }
  442. @Article{Pollini96,
  443. author = {G. P. Pollini},
  444. title = {Trends in handover design},
  445. journal = {IEEE Communication Magazine},
  446. year = {1996},
  447. volume = {34},
  448. pages = {82 -- 90},
  449. month = {March}
  450. }
  451. @Article{Campbell00,
  452. author = {{A. T. Campbell} and {J. Gomez} and {S. Kim} and {A. G. Valko} and {C-Y. Wan} and {Z. Turanyi}},
  453. title = {Design, Implementation, and Evaluation of Cellular {IP}},
  454. journal = {IEEE Personal Communications},
  455. year = {2000},
  456. OPTkey = {},
  457. OPTvolume = {7},
  458. OPTnumber = {4},
  459. OPTpages = {42 -- 49},
  460. OPTmonth = {},
  461. OPTnote = {},
  462. OPTannote = {}
  463. }
  464. @InProceedings{Perkins99,
  465. author = {{C. E. Perkins} and {K.-Y. Wang}},
  466. title = {Optimized Smooth Handoffs in {M}obile {IP}},
  467. booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Computers and Communications},
  468. pages = {340 -- 346},
  469. year = {1999},
  470. month = {July}
  471. }
  472. @InProceedings{Abeni99,
  473. author = {{L. Abeni} and {G. Butazzo}},
  474. title = {{QoS} guarantee using probabilistic deadlines},
  475. booktitle = {11th Euromicro Conference on Real-Time Systems (ECRTS99)},
  476. pages = {242 -- 251},
  477. address = {York, England},
  478. year = {1999}
  479. }
  480. @Article{Leung82,
  481. author = {{J. T. Lenug} and {J. Whitehead}},
  482. title = {On the complexity of fixed-priority scheduling of periodic real-time tasks},
  483. journal = {Performance Evaluation},
  484. year = {1982},
  485. volume = {2},
  486. pages = {37 -- 250}
  487. }
  488. @PhdThesis{Mok83,
  489. author = {A. K. Mok},
  490. Title = {Fundamental Design Problems Of Distributed Systems For Hard Real-Time Environment},
  491. school = {MIT},
  492. year = {1983}
  493. }
  494. @InProceedings{SunLiu96,
  495. author = {{J. Sun} and {J. W.-S. Liu}},
  496. title = {Bounding Completion Times of Jobs with Arbitrary Release Times and Variable Execution Times},
  497. booktitle = RTSS,
  498. year = {1996},
  499. month = {December},
  500. OPTnote = {the authors provide an upper bound of completion times of jobs chains with variable execution times and arbitrary release times.}
  501. }
  502. @InProceedings{MokChen96,
  503. author = {{A. K. Mok} and {D. Chen}},
  504. title = {A Multiframe Model for Real-time Tasks},
  505. booktitle = RTSS,
  506. year = {1996},
  507. month = {December},
  508. OPTnote = {a guarantee is computed for tasks whose jobs are characterized by variable computation times and interarrival times, occurring with a cyclical pattern.}
  509. }
  510. @InProceedings{CapacitySharing,
  511. author = {{M. Caccamo} and {G. Buttazzo} and {L. Sha}},
  512. title = {Capacity Sharing for Overrun Control},
  513. booktitle = RTSS,
  514. year = {2000},
  515. address = {Orlando, FL USA},
  516. pages = {295 -- 304}
  517. }
  518. @InProceedings{AbeniButtazzo98,
  519. author = {{L. Abeni} and {G. Buttazzo}},
  520. title = {Integrating Multimedia Applications in Hard Real-Time Systems},
  521. booktitle = RTSS,
  522. year = {1998},
  523. organization = {IEEE}
  524. }
  525. @InProceedings{LeeShih01,
  526. author = {{C.-G. Lee} and {C.-S. Shih} and {L. Sha}},
  527. title = {Service Class based Online {QoS} Management in Surveillance Radar Systems},
  528. booktitle = RTSS,
  529. year = {2001},
  530. organization = {IEEE}
  531. }
  532. @Inproceedings{LeeLehoczky98,
  533. author = {{C. Lee} and {J. Lehoczky} and {R. Rajkumar} and {D. Siewiorek}},
  534. title = {On Quality of Service Optimization with Discrete {QoS} Options},
  535. booktitle = RTAS,
  536. year = {1998},
  537. month = {June}
  538. }
  539. @Inproceedings{RajkumarLee97,
  540. author = {{R. Rajkumar} and {C. Lee} and {J. Lehoczky} and {D. Siewiorek}},
  541. title = {A Resource Allocation Model for {QoS} Management},
  542. booktitle = {Proceedings of the 18th Real-Time Systems Symposium},
  543. year = {1997},
  544. month = {December}
  545. }
  546. @Inproceedings{RajkumarLee98,
  547. author = {{R. Rajkumar} and {C. Lee} and {J. Lehoczky} and {D. Siewiorek}},
  548. title = {Practical Solutions for {QoS}-based Resource Allocation Problems},
  549. booktitle = {Proceedings of the 19th Real-Time Systems Symposium},
  550. year = {1998},
  551. month = {December}
  552. }
  553. @Inproceedings{KuoChao02,
  554. author = {{T.-W. Kuo} and {Y.-S. Chao} and {C.-F. Kuo} and {C. Chang} and {Y.-L. Su}},
  555. title = {Real-Time Dwell Scheduling of Component-Oriented Phased Array Radars},
  556. booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE 2002 Radar Conferences},
  557. year = {2002},
  558. pages = {92 -- 97a},
  559. month = {April}
  560. }
  561. @Article{Liberato00,
  562. author = {{F. Liberato} and {R. Melhem} and {D. Moss\`{e}}},
  563. title = {Tolerance to multiple transient faults for aperiodic tasks in hard real-time systems},
  564. journal = {IEEE Transactions on Computers},
  565. year = {2000},
  566. volume = {49},
  567. number = {9},
  568. pages = {906 -- 914},
  569. month = {Sept.}
  570. }
  571. @Inproceedings{LeeLehoczky99,
  572. author = {{C. Lee} and {J. Lehoczky} and {D. Siewiorek} and {R. Rajkumar} and {J. Hansen}},
  573. title = {A Scalable Solution to the Multi-Resource {QoS} Problem},
  574. booktitle = {Proceedings of the 20th Real-Time Systems Symposium},
  575. year = {1999},
  576. month = {December}
  577. }
  578. @PhdThesis{Sun97,
  579. author = {J. Sun},
  580. title = {Fixed-Priority End-to-End Scheduling in Distributed Real-time Systems},
  581. school = {Department of Computer Science, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign},
  582. year = {1997},
  583. OPTkey = {},
  584. OPTtype = {},
  585. OPTaddress = {},
  586. OPTmonth = {},
  587. OPTnote = {},
  588. OPTannote = {}
  589. }
  590. @PhdThesis{Bett94,
  591. author = {R. Bettati},
  592. title = {End-To-End Scheduling To Meet Deadlines In Distributed Systems},
  593. school = {Department of Computer Science, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign},
  594. year = {1994},
  595. OPTkey = {},
  596. OPTtype = {},
  597. OPTaddress = {},
  598. OPTmonth = {},
  599. OPTnote = {},
  600. OPTannote = {}
  601. }
  602. @InProceedings{Tindell94,
  603. author = {{K. Tindell} and {J. Clark}},
  604. title = {Holistic Schedulability Analysis For Distributed Hard Real-Time Systems},
  605. booktitle = {Micorprocessing and Microprogramming},
  606. pages = {117 -- 134},
  607. year = {1994},
  608. volume = {50},
  609. number = {2/3},
  610. month = {April}
  611. }
  612. @InProceedings{Barbato92,
  613. author = {{A. Barbato} and {P. Giustiniani}},
  614. title = {An Improved Scheduling Algorithm For A Naval Phased Array Radar},
  615. booktitle = {International Conference on Radar '92},
  616. year = {1992},
  617. pages = {42 -- 45}
  618. }
  619. @InProceedings{Chang97,
  620. author = {{C. Chang} and {C.-C. Chen} and {Y.-L. Chen} and {F.-S. Huang}},
  621. title = {Real-Time Scheduling In A Programmable Radar Signal Processor},
  622. booktitle = {Proceesings of Real-Time Computing Systems and Applications},
  623. pages = {206 -- 213},
  624. year = {1997}
  625. }
  626. @InProceedings{Huizing96,
  627. author = {{A. G. Huizing} and {A. A. F. Bloemen}},
  628. title = {An Efficient Scheduling for a Multifunction Radar},
  629. booktitle = {IEEE International Symposium on Phased Array Systems and Technology, 1996},
  630. pages = {359 -- 364}
  631. }
  632. @InProceedings{Stromberg96,
  633. author = {{D. Stromberg} and {P. Grahn}},
  634. title = {Scheduling Of Tasks In Phased Array Radar},
  635. booktitle = {IEEE International Symposium on Phased Array Systems and Technology},
  636. pages = {318 -- 321},
  637. year = {1996},
  638. address = {Boston, MA USA},
  639. month = {Oct.}
  640. }
  641. @Article{HanLinHou96,
  642. author = {{C.-C. Han} and {K.-J. Lin} and {C.-J. Hou}},
  643. title = {Distance-Constrained Scheduling And Its Applications To Real-Time Systems},
  644. journal = {IEEE Transaction on Computers},
  645. year = {1996},
  646. volume = {45},
  647. number = {7},
  648. pages = {814 -- 826},
  649. month = {July}
  650. }
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  652. author = {J. W.-S. Liu},
  653. title = {Real-Time Systems},
  654. publisher = {Prentice Hall Inc.},
  655. address = {Upper Saddle River, NJ, USA},
  656. year = {2000}
  657. }
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  659. author = {S. A. Hovanessian},
  660. title = {Radar System Design and Analysis},
  661. chapter = {Track-While-Scan Concepts and Electronic Scan},
  662. publisher = {Artech House Inc.},
  663. year = {1984}
  664. }
  665. @InProceedings{Atlas98,
  666. author = {{A. K. Atlas} and {A. Bestavros}},
  667. title = {Statistical Rate Monotonic Scheduling},
  668. booktitle = RTSS,
  669. pages = {123 - 132},
  670. year = {1998}
  671. }
  672. @InProceedings{Lehoczky96,
  673. author = {J. P. Lehoczky},
  674. title = {Real-Time Queuing Theory},
  675. booktitle = RTSS,
  676. pages = {186 - 195},
  677. year = {1996}
  678. }
  679. @Article{Gillies95,
  680. author = {{D. W. Gillies} and {J. W.-S. Liu}},
  681. title = {Scheduling Tasks With AND/OR Precedence Constraints},
  682. journal = {SIAM Journal on Computing},
  683. year = {1995},
  684. volume = {24},
  685. number = {4},
  686. pages = {797--810},
  687. month = {Aug}
  688. }
  689. @PhdThesis{Cheong92,
  690. author = {I. K. Cheong},
  691. title = {Scheduling Imprecise Hard Real-Time Jobs with Cumulative Error},
  692. school = {University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign},
  693. year = {1992}
  694. }
  695. @InProceedings{ShihLiu02,
  696. author = {{C.-S. Shih} and {J. W.-S. Liu}},
  697. title = {State-Dependent Deadline Scheduling},
  698. booktitle = RTSS,
  699. pages = {3--14},
  700. address = {Austin, TX USA},
  701. year = {2002}
  702. }
  703. @inproceedings{AydinMelhemMosse99,
  704. author = {H. Aydin and P. Mejia-Alvarez and R. G. Melhem and D. Moss\`{e}},
  705. title = {Optimal Reward-Based Scheduling of Periodic Real-Time Tasks},
  706. booktitle = RTSS,
  707. pages = {79--89},
  708. month = {1--3 December},
  709. address = {Phoenix, Arizona, USA},
  710. year = {1999}
  711. }
  712. @inproceedings{KorenShasha95,
  713. author = {G. Koren and D. Shasha},
  714. title = {Skip-over: Algorithms and complexity for overloaded systems that allow skips},
  715. booktitle = RTSS,
  716. pages = {110--117},
  717. address = {Pisa, ITALY},
  718. month = {5--7 December},
  719. year = {1995}
  720. }
  721. @Article{HamRam95,
  722. author = {M. Hamdaoui and P. Ramanathan},
  723. title = {A Dynamic Priority Assignment Technique For Streams With (M, K)-Firm Deadlines},
  724. journal = {IEEE Transaction on Computers},
  725. year = {1995},
  726. volume = {44},
  727. number = {12},
  728. pages = {1443 -- 1451},
  729. month = {December}
  730. }
  731. @Article{ChungLiuLin90,
  732. author = {J.-Y. Chung and J. W.-S. Liu and K.-J. Lin},
  733. title = {Scheduling Periodic Jobs That Allow Imprecise Results},
  734. journal = {IEEE Transaction on Computers},
  735. year = {1990},
  736. volume = {39},
  737. number = {9},
  738. pages = {1156 -- 1175},
  739. month = {September}
  740. }
  741. @Article{Kameda82,
  742. author = {H. Kameda},
  743. title = {A finite-source queue with different customers},
  744. journal = {Journal of ACM},
  745. year = {1982},
  746. OPTkey = {},
  747. volume = {29},
  748. OPTnumber = {},
  749. pages = {478--491},
  750. OPTmonth = {},
  751. OPTnote = {},
  752. OPTannote = {}
  753. }
  754. @Article{Righter96,
  755. author = {R. Righter},
  756. title = {Optimal policies for scheduling repairs and allocating heterogeneous servers},
  757. journal = {Journal of Applied Probability},
  758. year = {1996},
  759. OPTkey = {},
  760. volume = {33},
  761. OPTnumber = {},
  762. pages = {536--547},
  763. OPTmonth = {},
  764. OPTnote = {},
  765. OPTannote = {}
  766. }
  767. @Book{Tijms86,
  768. author = {H. C. Tijms},
  769. title = {Stochastic Modelling and Analysis: A Computational Approach},
  770. publisher = {Wiley},
  771. year = {1986}
  772. }
  773. @Article{Koole96,
  774. author = {{G. Koole} and {M. Vrijenhoek}},
  775. title = {Scheduling a repairman in a finite source system},
  776. journal = {Mathematical Methods of Operations Research },
  777. year = {1996},
  778. volume = {44},
  779. pages = {333-344}
  780. }
  781. @Article{KateLevine85,
  782. author = {{M. N. Katehakis} and {A. Levine}},
  783. title = {A dynamic routing algorithm -- numerical procedues for ligh traffic conditions},
  784. journal = {Applied Mathematics and Computation},
  785. year = {1985},
  786. OPTkey = {},
  787. OPTvolume = {9},
  788. OPTnumber = {},
  789. OPTpages = {51--56},
  790. OPTmonth = {},
  791. OPTnote = {},
  792. OPTannote = {}
  793. }
  794. @Article{Kumar94,
  795. author = {{S. Kumar} and {P.R. Kumar}},
  796. title = {Performance Bounds for Queueing Networks and Scheduling Policies},
  798. year = {1994},
  799. OPTkey = {},
  800. OPTvolume = {39},
  801. OPTnumber = {8},
  802. OPTpages = {1600--1611},
  803. OPTmonth = {Aug},
  804. OPTnote = {},
  805. OPTannote = {}
  806. }
  807. @Book{Klei75,
  808. author = {L. Kleinrock},
  809. title = {Queueing Systems },
  810. publisher = {Wiley},
  811. year = {1975},
  812. volume = {I: Theory},
  813. address = {New York USA}
  814. }
  815. @Book{Bolch98,
  816. author = {{G. Bolch} and {S. Greiner} and {H. de Meer} and {K. S. Trivedi}},
  817. title = {Queueing Networks and Markov Chains -- Modeling and Performance evaluation with Computer Science Applications},
  818. publisher = {John Wiley and Sons. Inc.},
  819. year = {1998}
  820. }
  821. @InProceedings{Werahera95,
  822. author = {{P.N. Werahera} and {A.P. Jayasumana} and {D.C. Boes}},
  823. title = {A delay model for priority classes of FDDI based on M/G/1 with vacations},
  824. booktitle = {Fourth International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks},
  825. pages = {568 -- 575 },
  826. year = {1995}
  827. }
  828. @inproceedings{HsuehLinFa95,
  829. author = {{C.-W. Hsueh} and {K.-J. Lin} and {N. Fa}},
  830. title = {Distributed Pinwheel Scheduling with End-to-End Timing Constraints},
  831. booktitle = RTSS,
  832. year = {1995}
  833. }
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  835. ALTeditor = {M. I. Skolnik},
  836. title = {Radar Handbook},
  837. publisher = {McGraw-Hill},
  838. year = {1990},
  839. edition = {2nd}
  840. }
  841. @Article{Ullman75,
  842. author = {J. D. Ullman},
  843. title = {NP-complete Scheduling Problems},
  844. journal = {Journal of Computer and System Sciences},
  845. year = {1975},
  846. volume = {10}
  847. }
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  849. author = {{T. M. Ghazalie} and {T. P. Baker}},
  850. title = {Aperiodic servers in a deadline scheduling environment},
  851. journal = {Real-Time Systems Journal},
  852. year = {1995},
  853. pages = {31--67}
  854. }
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  856. author = {Perkins, C. and Bhagwat, P.},
  857. title = {Highly Dynamic Destination Sequenced Distance Vector Routing (DSDV) for Mobile Computers},
  858. booktitle = {Proceedings of ACM SIGCOMM},
  859. year = 1994
  860. }
  861. @InProceedings{boppana:01,
  862. author = {{R. Boppana} and {S. Konduru}},
  863. title={An Adaptive Distance Vector Routing Algorithm for Mobile, Ad Hoc Networks},
  864. booktitle= {Proceedings of IEEE INFOCOM},
  865. month = {March},
  866. year = 2001}
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  868. author = {{S. Murthy} and {J. J. Garcia-Luna-Aceves}},
  869. title = {A Path-Finding Algorithm for Loop-Free Routing},
  870. journal = {IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking},
  871. volume = 5,
  872. number = 26,
  873. pages = { 148--160 },
  874. month = {February},
  875. year = 1997}
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  877. author = {{S. Murthy} and {J. J. Garcia-Luna-Aceves}},
  878. title = {An Efficient Routing Protocol for Wireless Networks},
  879. journal = {ACM Balzer Mobile Networks and Applications Journal},
  880. year = 1996
  881. }
  882. @Article{gafni:81,
  883. author = {{E. M. Gafni} and {D. P. Bertsekas}},
  884. title = {Distributed Algorithms for Generating Loop-Free Routes in Networks with Frequently Changing Topology},
  885. journal = {IEEE Transactions on Communications},
  886. volume = {COM-29},
  887. number = 1,
  888. pages = { 11--18 },
  889. month = {January},
  890. year = 1981
  891. }
  892. @InBook{johnson:96,
  893. author = {{D. B. Johnson} and {D. A. Maltz}},
  894. chapter = {Dynamic Source Routing in Ad-Hoc Wireless Networks},
  895. title = {Mobile Computing},
  896. publisher = {Kluwer Academic Publishers},
  897. pages = {153--181},
  898. year = 1996
  899. }
  900. @InProceedings{park:97,
  901. author = {{V. Park} and {S. Corson}},
  902. title = {A Highly Adaptive Distributed Routing Algorithm for Mobile Wireless Networks},
  903. booktitle = {Proceedings of IEEE INFOCOM},
  904. month = {April},
  905. year = 1997
  906. }
  907. @Article{toh:97,
  908. author = {C.-K. Toh},
  909. title = {Associativity-Based Routing for Ad-Hoc Networks},
  910. journal = {Wireless Personal Communication},
  911. volume = 4,
  912. number = 2,
  913. month = {March},
  914. year = 1997
  915. }
  916. @article{dube:97,
  917. author = {{R. Dube} and {C. D. Rais} and {K. Wang} and {S. K. Trpathi}},
  918. title = {Signal Stability Based Adaptive Routing (SSA) for Ad-Hoc Mobile Networks},
  919. journal = {IEEE personal Communication},
  920. volume = 4,
  921. number = 1,
  922. pages = { 36--45 },
  923. month = {February},
  924. year = 1997
  925. }
  926. @InProceedings{ko:97,
  927. author = {{Y. B. Ko} and {N. Vaidya}},
  928. title = {Location-Aided Routing ({LAR}) in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks},
  929. booktitle = {Proceedings of the ACM/IEEE 4th Int'l Conf. on Mobile Computing and Networking},
  930. year = 1998
  931. }
  932. @InProceedings{singh:97,
  933. author = {{S. Singh} and {M. Woo} and {C. S. Raghavendra}},
  934. title = {Power-Aware Routing in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks},
  935. booktitle = {Proceedings of the Fourth Annual IEEE/ACM International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking},
  936. year = 1997
  937. }
  938. @InProceedings{royer:99,
  939. author = {Royer, E. M. and Perkins, C. E.},
  940. title = {Multicast Ad hoc On-Demand Distance Vector (MAODV) Routing},
  941. booktitle = {Proceedings of the Second IEEE Workshop on Mobile Computing Systems and Applications},
  942. year = 1999
  943. }
  944. @InProceedings{vaidya:97,
  945. author = {{N. H. Vaidya et al}},
  946. title = {A Cluster-Based Approach for Routing in Dynamic Networks},
  947. booktitle = {ACM SIGCOMM Computer Communication Review},
  948. pages={ 49--65 },
  949. year = 1997
  950. }
  951. @InProceedings{haas:98,
  952. author = {{J. Deng} and {Z. Haas}},
  953. title = {Dual Busy Tone Multiple Access (DBTMA): A New Medium Access Control for Packet Radio Networks},
  954. booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE ICUPC},
  955. volume = 1,
  956. pages = {973--977},
  957. year = 1998
  958. }
  959. @Article{lin:97b,
  960. author = {{C. R. Lin} and {M. Gerla}},
  961. title = {Adaptive Clustering for Mobile Wireless Networks},
  962. journal = {IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications},
  963. year = {1997},
  964. volume = {15}
  965. }
  966. @InProceedings{das:98,
  967. author = {{B. Das} and {R. Sivakumar} and {V. Bharghavan}},
  968. title = {The Clade Vertebrate: Spines and Routing in Ad-Hoc Networks},
  969. booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communication},
  970. year = 1998
  971. }
  972. @InProceedings{haas:97,
  973. author = {Z. Haas},
  974. title = {A New Routing Protocol for The Reconfigurable Wireless Networks},
  975. booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Universal Personal Communications},
  976. year = 1997
  977. }
  978. @InProceedings{compow,
  979. author = {{S. Narayanaswamy} and {V. Kawadia} and {R. S. Sreenivas} and {P. R. Kumar}},
  980. title = {Power Control in Ad-Hoc Networks: Theory, Architecture, Algorithm and Implementation of the COMPOW Protocol},
  981. booktitle = { Proceedings of the European Wireless 2002 Next Generation Wireless Networks: Technologies, Protocols, Services and Applications},
  982. year = 2002
  983. }
  984. @InProceedings{span,
  985. author = {{B. Chen} and {K. Jamieson} and {H. Balakrishnan} and {R. Morris}},
  986. title = {SPAN: An Energy-Efficient Coordination Algorithm for Topology Maintenance in Ad Hoc Wireless Networks},
  987. booktitle = {Proceedings of the 7th ACM International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking},
  988. year = 2001
  989. }
  990. @InProceedings{xu:01,
  991. author = {{Y. Xu} and {J. Heidemann} and {D. Estrin}},
  992. title = {Geography-informed Energy Conservation for Ad Hoc Routing},
  993. booktitle = {Proceedings of the 7th ACM International Conference on Mobile Computing and Networking},
  994. year = 2001
  995. }
  996. @InProceedings{rohl:97,
  997. author = {{C. Rohl} and {H. Woesner} and {A. Wolisz}},
  998. title = {A Short look on Power Saving Mechanisms in the Wireless LAN Standard Draft {IEEE} 802.11},
  999. booktitle = {Proceedings of the 6th WINLAB Workshop on Third Generation Wireless System},
  1000. year = 1997
  1001. }
  1002. @InProceedings{Tseng02,
  1003. author = {{Y.-C. Tseng} and {C.-S. Hsu} and {T.-Y. Hsieh}},
  1004. title = {Power-Saving Protocols for {IEEE} 802.11-Based Multi-Hop Ad Hoc Networks},
  1005. booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE INFOCOM},
  1006. year = 2002
  1007. }
  1008. @InProceedings{ShihLiuCheong03,
  1009. author = {C.-S. Shih and J. W.-S. Liu and I. K. Cheong},
  1010. title = {Scheduling Jobs with Multiple Feasible Intervals},
  1011. booktitle = {Proceedings of the International Conference on Real-Time and Embedded
  1012. Computing Systems and Applications (RTCSA)},
  1013. pages = {213 -- 231},
  1014. address = {Tainan, Taiwan},
  1015. month = {18--20 February },
  1016. year = {2003}
  1017. }
  1018. @InProceedings{zheng:03a,
  1019. author = {{R. Zheng} and {R. Kravets}},
  1020. title = {On-demand power management in ad hoc networks},
  1021. booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE INFOCOM 2003},
  1022. year = 2003}
  1023. @InProceedings{zheng:03b,
  1024. author = {{R. Zheng} and {J. Hou} and {L. Sha}},
  1025. title = {Asynchronous wakeup in ad hoc networks},
  1026. booktitle = {The Fourth ACM International Symposium on Mobile Ad Hoc Networking and Computing (MobiHoc)},
  1027. year = 2003}
  1028. @InProceedings{Caccamo02,
  1029. author = {{M. Caccamo} and {L. Y. Zhang} and {L. Sha} and {G. Buttazzo}},
  1030. title = {An Implicit Prioritized Access Protocol for Wireless Sensor Networks},
  1031. booktitle = {RTSS},
  1032. year = 2002
  1033. }
  1034. @InProceedings{YangVaidya02,
  1035. author = {{X. Yang} and {N. H.Vaidya}},
  1036. title = {Priority Scheduling in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks},
  1037. booktitle = {Proceedings of the ACM MobiHoc},
  1038. year = 2002
  1039. }
  1040. @Manual{Shih03,
  1041. author = {{C.-S. Shih} and {S. Gopalakrishnan} and {P. Ganti} and {M. Caccamo} and {L. Sha}},
  1042. title = {Template-Based Real-Time Dwell Scheduling with Energy Constraint},
  1043. organization = {University of Illinois},
  1044. address = {http://www-rtsl.cs.uiuc.edu}
  1045. }
  1046. @InProceedings{ShihGoGaCaSh03,
  1047. title = {Template-Based Real-Time Dwell Scheduling with Energy Constraint},
  1048. author = {{C.-S. Shih} and {S. Gopalakrishnan} and {P. Ganti} and {M. Caccamo} and {L. Sha}},
  1049. booktitle = RTAS03,
  1050. year = {2003}
  1051. }
  1052. @InProceedings{dong98,
  1053. title = {Time Slot Allocation for Real-Time Messages with Negotiable Distance Constrains},
  1054. author = {{L. Dong} and {R. G. Melhem} and {D. Moss\`{e}}},
  1055. year = {1998},
  1056. booktitle = RTAS,
  1057. pages = {131 -- 136}
  1058. }
  1059. @InProceedings{Spring,
  1060. author = {{D. Niehaus} and {K. Ramamritham} and {J. A. Stankovic} and {G. Wallace} and Charles Weems},
  1061. title = {The Spring Scheduling Co-Processor: Design, Use And Performance},
  1062. booktitle = RTSS,
  1063. pages = {106 -- 111},
  1064. year = {1993}
  1065. }
  1066. @InProceedings{ShihLiu03,
  1067. author = {{C.-S. Shih} and {J. W.-S. Liu}},
  1068. title = {Acquiring and Incorporating State-Dependent Timing Requirements},
  1069. booktitle = {Proceedings of the 11th IEEE International Requirements Engineering Conference (RE'03)},
  1070. pages = {87 -- 94},
  1071. address = {Monterey Bay, CA USA},
  1072. year = {2003}
  1073. }
  1074. @InProceedings{LeePSL03,
  1075. author = {{C.-G. Lee} and {C.-S. Shih} and {L. Sha}},
  1076. title = {Radar dwell scheduling considering physical characteristics of phased array antenna},
  1077. booktitle = RTSS,
  1078. year = {2003}
  1079. }
  1080. @InProceedings{ShRL88,
  1081. author = {{L. Sha} and {R. Rajkumar} and {J. P. Lehoczky}},
  1082. title = {Real-time synchronization protocols for multiprocessors},
  1083. pages = {259 -- 269},
  1084. booktitle = RTSS,
  1085. year = {1988}
  1086. }
  1087. @article{CoGJ84,
  1088. author = {{E. G. Coffman} and {M. R. Garey}},
  1089. title = {Proof of the 4/3 conjecture for preemptive vs nonpreemptive two processor scheduling},
  1090. journal = {Journal of ACM},
  1091. volume = {40},
  1092. number = {5},
  1093. year = {1993}
  1094. }
  1095. @TechReport{OhBa96,
  1096. author = {{D. I. Oh} and {T. P. Baker}},
  1097. title = {Utilization bounds for n-processor rate-monotone scheduling with static processor assignment},
  1098. institution = {Department of Computer Science, Florida State University},
  1099. year = {1996},
  1100. }
  1101. @Article{DeLi78,
  1102. author = {{S. K. Dhall} and {C. L. Liu}},
  1103. title = {On a Real-Time Scheduling Problem},
  1104. journal = {Operations Research},
  1105. year = {1978},
  1106. volume = {26},
  1107. number = {1},
  1108. pages = {127 -- 140},
  1109. month = {February}
  1110. }
  1111. @Article{BLOS96,
  1112. author = {{A. Burchard} and {J. Liebeherr} and {Y. Oh} and {S. H. Son}},
  1113. title = {New strategies for assigning real-time tasks to multiprocessor systems},
  1114. journal = {IEEE Transactions on Computers},
  1115. year = {1996},
  1116. volume = {44},
  1117. number = {12},
  1118. pages = {1429--1442},
  1119. month = {December}
  1120. }
  1121. @InProceedings{ShihLiuSha01,
  1122. author = {{C.-S. Shih} and {L. Sha} and {J. W.-S. Liu}},
  1123. title = {Task scheduling with variable deadlines},
  1124. year = {2001},
  1125. booktitle = RTAS,
  1126. address = {Taipei, Taiwan},
  1127. month = {May},
  1128. pages = {120 -- 122}
  1129. }
  1130. @InProceedings{YuanNahrstedt03,
  1131. author = {{W. Yuan} and {K. Nahrstedt}},
  1132. title = {Energy-efficient soft real-time {CPU} scheduling for mobile multimedia systems},
  1133. OPTcrossref = {},
  1134. OPTkey = {},
  1135. booktitle = {the 19th ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles},
  1136. OPTpages = {},
  1137. year = {2003},
  1138. OPTeditor = {},
  1139. OPTvolume = {},
  1140. OPTnumber = {},
  1141. OPTseries = {},
  1142. address = {Bolton Landing (Lake George), New York USA},
  1143. month = {October},
  1144. OPTorganization = {},
  1145. OPTpublisher = {},
  1146. OPTnote = {},
  1147. OPTannote = {}
  1148. }
  1149. @InProceedings{AMMA01,
  1150. author = {{H. Aydin} and {R. Melhem} and {D.Moss\`{�़}} and {P. M. Alvarez}},
  1151. title = {Determining optimal processor speeds for periodic real-time tasks with
  1152. different power characteristics},
  1153. OPTcrossref = {},
  1154. OPTkey = {},
  1155. booktitle = {Euromicro Conference on Real-Time Systems},
  1156. OPTpages = {},
  1157. year = {2001},
  1158. OPTeditor = {},
  1159. OPTvolume = {},
  1160. OPTnumber = {},
  1161. OPTseries = {},
  1162. address = {Delft, Holland},
  1163. OPTmonth = {},
  1164. OPTorganization = {},
  1165. OPTpublisher = {},
  1166. OPTnote = {},
  1167. OPTannote = {}
  1168. }
  1169. @InProceedings{PillaiShin01,
  1170. author = {{P. Pillai} and {K. G. Shin}},
  1171. title = {Real-time dynamic voltage scaling for low-power embedded operating systems},
  1172. OPTcrossref = {},
  1173. OPTkey = {},
  1174. booktitle = {the 18th ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles},
  1175. pages = {89--102},
  1176. year = {2001},
  1177. OPTeditor = {},
  1178. OPTvolume = {},
  1179. OPTnumber = {},
  1180. OPTseries = {},
  1181. OPTaddress = {},
  1182. month = {October },
  1183. OPTorganization = {},
  1184. OPTpublisher = {},
  1185. OPTnote = {},
  1186. OPTannote = {}
  1187. }
  1188. @InProceedings{Aydin01,
  1189. author = {{H. Aydin} and {R. Melhem} and {D. Moss\`{�़}} and {P. Mejia Alvarez}},
  1190. title = {Dynamic and aggressive scheduling techniques for power-aware real-time systems},
  1191. OPTcrossref = {},
  1192. OPTkey = {},
  1193. booktitle = RTSS,
  1194. OPTpages = {},
  1195. year = {2001},
  1196. OPTeditor = {},
  1197. OPTvolume = {},
  1198. OPTnumber = {},
  1199. OPTseries = {},
  1200. address = {London, England},
  1201. OPTmonth = {},
  1202. OPTorganization = {},
  1203. OPTpublisher = {},
  1204. OPTnote = {},
  1205. OPTannote = {}
  1206. }
  1207. @InProceedings{SaewongRaj03,
  1208. author = {{S. Saewong} and {R. Rajkumar}},
  1209. title = {Practical voltage-scaling for fixed-priority rt-systems},
  1210. OPTcrossref = {},
  1211. OPTkey = {},
  1212. OPTbooktitle = {Proceedings of IEEE Real-Time and Embedded Technology and Applications
  1213. Symposium},
  1214. OPTpages = {},
  1215. OPTyear = {2003},
  1216. OPTeditor = {},
  1217. OPTvolume = {},
  1218. OPTnumber = {},
  1219. OPTseries = {},
  1220. OPTaddress = {Washington, D.C. USA},
  1221. OPTmonth = {May},
  1222. OPTorganization = {},
  1223. OPTpublisher = {},
  1224. OPTnote = {},
  1225. OPTannote = {}
  1226. }
  1227. @InProceedings{LutzMikulski03,
  1228. author = {{R. R. Lutz} and {I. C. Mikulski}},
  1229. title = {Resolving requirements discovery in testing and operaitons},
  1230. booktitle = {Proceedings of the 11th IEEE International Requirements Engineering Conference (RE'03)},
  1231. pages = {33 -- 41},
  1232. address = {Monterey Bay, CA USA},
  1233. year = {2003}
  1234. }
  1235. @Article{DuboisPohl03,
  1236. author = {{E. Dubois} and {K. Pohl}},
  1237. title = {RE 02: A major step toward a mature requirements engineering community},
  1238. journal = {IEEE Software},
  1239. year = {2003},
  1240. volume = {20},
  1241. number = {1},
  1242. pages = {14-15},
  1243. month = {Jan/Feb}
  1244. }
  1245. @Book{Martin02,
  1246. author = {R. C. Martin},
  1247. title = {Agile Software Development, Principles, Patterns, and Practices},
  1248. publisher = {Prentice Hall Inc.},
  1249. address = {Upper Saddle River, NJ, USA},
  1250. year = {2002}
  1251. }
  1252. @InProceedings{ShihGoGaCaSh0302,
  1253. title = {Scheduling Real-Time Dwells Using Tasks with
  1254. Synthetic Periods},
  1255. author = {{C.-S. Shih} and {S. Gopalakrishnan} and {P. Ganti} and {M. Caccamo} and {L. Sha}},
  1256. booktitle = RTSS,
  1257. year = {2003}
  1258. }
  1259. @InBook{bill87,
  1260. ALTauthor = {},
  1261. ALTeditor = {},
  1262. title = {Modern Radar Techniques},
  1263. chapter = {Computers and Data Processing in Radar},
  1264. publisher = {Collins Technique Books},
  1265. year = {1987}
  1266. }
  1267. @InBook{ModernRadar87,
  1268. ALTauthor = {M. J. B. Scanlan},
  1269. ALTeditor = {},
  1270. title = {Modern Radar Techniqures},
  1271. chapter = {Computers and Data Processing in Radar},
  1272. publisher = {Blackwell Science Ltd},
  1273. year = {1987},
  1274. OPTkey = {},
  1275. OPTvolume = {},
  1276. OPTnumber = {},
  1277. OPTseries = {},
  1278. OPTtype = {},
  1279. OPTaddress = {},
  1280. OPTedition = {},
  1281. OPTmonth = {},
  1282. OPTpages = {},
  1283. OPTnote = {},
  1284. OPTannote = {}
  1285. }
  1286. @TechReport{ShihTR04,
  1287. author = {{C.-S. Shih} and {P. Ganti} and {L. Sha}},
  1288. title = {Schedulability and Fairness for Computation
  1289. Tasks in Surveillance Radar Systems},
  1290. institution = {National Taiwan University},
  1291. year = 2004,
  1292. note = {http://www.csie.ntu.edu.tw/\~{ }cshih}
  1293. }
  1294. % tech report about performance
  1295. @TECHREPORT{acsa,
  1296. AUTHOR = {{D. Carman} and {J. Adcock} and {W. Griffin},
  1297. {M. Heyman} and {R. Knobbe} and {C. Scace} and {R. Thomas}},
  1298. TITLE = {Adaptive Cryptographically Synchronized Authentication},
  1299. INSTITUTION = {NAI Labs, The Security Research Division of Network Associates, Inc.},
  1300. YEAR = 2000
  1301. }
  1302. % miscelaneous
  1303. @TECHREPORT{statics,
  1304. TITLE = {International Internet Statistics},
  1305. INSTITUTION = {Taylor Nelson Sofres Interactive Report},
  1306. YEAR = {2002}
  1307. }
  1308. % doc about implementation
  1309. @TECHREPORT{selinux1,
  1310. TITLE = {Meeting Critical Security Objectives with Security-Enhanced
  1311. Linux},
  1312. author = {{P. A. Loscocco} and {S. D. Smalley}}
  1313. }
  1314. @TECHREPORT{selinux2,
  1315. TITLE = {Integrating Flexible Support for Security Policies into the Linux Operating System},
  1316. author = {{P. A. Loscocco} and {S. D. Smalley}}
  1317. }
  1318. % Security Target and Protection Profile
  1319. @TECHREPORT{ccpart,
  1320. TITLE = {Common Criteria for Information Technology
  1321. Security Evaluation, version 2.1},
  1322. YEAR = 1999,
  1323. month = {August}
  1324. }
  1326. TITLE = {Canadian Trusted Computer Product Evaluation Criteria},
  1327. INSTITUTION = {Canadian System Security Centre, Communications Security Establishment,
  1328. Government of Canada},
  1329. YEAR = {1993},
  1330. month = {January}
  1331. }
  1333. TITLE = {Federal Criteria for Information Technology Security,
  1334. Draft Version 1.0},
  1335. INSTITUTION = {National Institute of Standards and
  1336. Technology, National Security Agency},
  1337. YEAR = {1993},
  1338. month = {January}
  1339. }
  1341. TITLE = {Information Technology Security Evaluation Criteria, Version 1.2},
  1342. INSTITUTION = {Office for Official Publications of the European Communities},
  1343. YEAR = {1991},
  1344. month = {June}
  1345. }
  1347. TITLE = {Trusted Computer Systems Evaluation Criteria},
  1348. INSTITUTION = {US DoD 5200.28-STD},
  1349. YEAR = {1985},
  1350. month = {December}
  1351. }
  1353. TITLE = {U.S. Department of Defense Application-Level Firewall Protection Profile for Basic Robustness Environments},
  1354. author = {{W. Jansen} and {J. Walsh} and {K. V. Dolan} and {P. A. Wright}},
  1355. month = {June},
  1356. year = {2000}
  1357. }
  1359. TITLE = {U.S. Department of Defense Application-Level Firewall Protection Profile for
  1360. Medium Robustness Environments},
  1361. author = {{K. V. Dolan} and {P. A. Wright} and {R. R. Montequin}},
  1362. month = {June},
  1363. year = {2000}
  1364. }
  1366. TITLE = {Protection Profile for Multilevel Operating Systems in
  1367. Environments Requiring Medium Robustness},
  1368. author = {{K. V. Dolan} and {P. A. Wright} and {R. R. Montequin}},
  1369. INSTITUTION = {National Security Agency},
  1370. month = {May},
  1371. year = {2001}
  1372. }
  1374. TITLE = {Protection Profile for Single-level Operating Systems in
  1375. Environments Requiring Medium Robustness},
  1376. INSTITUTION = {National Security Agency},
  1377. month = {May},
  1378. year = {2001}
  1379. }
  1381. TITLE = {Solaris 8 Security Target},
  1382. author = {D. Kucukreisoglu},
  1383. month = {March},
  1384. year = {2003}
  1385. }
  1387. TITLE = {U.S. Government Traffic-Filter Firewall Protection Profile for Low-Risk Environments},
  1388. author = {{W. Jansen} and {J. Walsh} and {K. V. Dolan} and {P. A. Wright}},
  1389. month = {April},
  1390. year = {1999}
  1391. }
  1393. TITLE = {U.S. Department of Defense Traffic-Filter Firewall Protection Profile for Medium
  1394. Robustness Environments},
  1395. author = {{K. V. Dolan} and {P. A. Wright} and {R. R. Montequin} and {B. Mayer} and {L. Gilmore} and {C. Hall}},
  1396. month = {May},
  1397. year = {2000}
  1398. }
  1399. @TECHREPORT{VID4016-ST,
  1400. TITLE = {NetScreen Appliances Security Target: EAL4 Augmented. Science Applications International Corporation
  1401. Common Criteria Testing Laboratory},
  1402. month = {October},
  1403. year = {2003}
  1404. }
  1406. TITLE = {WatchGuard LiveSecurity System with Firebox II 4.1 Security Target},
  1407. INSTITUTION = {Computer Sciences Corporation},
  1408. month = {August},
  1409. year = {2000}
  1410. }
  1411. @TECHREPORT{ST_VID1004-ST,
  1412. TITLE = {SecureNet Pro. Intrusion Detection System Version 4.1 SP1 Security Target},
  1413. INSTITUTION = {COACT, Inc.},
  1414. month = {December},
  1415. year = {2002}
  1416. }
  1417. @TECHREPORT{ST_VID2013-ST,
  1418. TITLE = {A Network Infrastructure Security Product For Attack
  1419. Detection, Analysis AND Response},
  1420. INSTITUTION = {Computer Sciences Corporation},
  1421. month = {July},
  1422. year = {2003}
  1423. }
  1424. % Firewall performance
  1425. @misc{ and-firewall,
  1426. author = {{M. Lyu} and {L. Lau}},
  1427. title = {Firewall Security: Policies, Testing and Performance Evaluation}
  1428. }
  1429. @article{ydlin,
  1430. author = {{Y.-D. Lin} and {H.-Y. Wei} and {S.-T. Yu}},
  1431. title = {Building an Integrated Security Gateway: Mechanisms, Performance Evaluations, Implementations, and Research Issues},
  1432. journal = {IEEE Communications Surveys \& Tutorials.},
  1433. volume = {4},
  1434. number = {1},
  1435. pages = {2--15},
  1436. year = {2002}
  1437. }
  1438. @article{ aesreport,
  1439. author = {{J. Nechvatal} and {E. Barker} and {L. Bassham} and {W. Burr} and {M. Dworkin} and {J. Foti} and {E. Roback}},
  1440. institution = {Information Technology Laboratory National Institute of Standards and Technology},
  1441. title = {Report on the Development of the Advanced Encryption Standard ({AES})},
  1442. year = {2000}
  1443. }
  1444. @masterthesis{ melara,
  1445. author = {A. J. Melara},
  1446. title = {Performance Analysis of the Linux firewall in a host},
  1447. year = {2002},
  1448. chapter = {6},
  1449. school = {California Polytechnic State University}
  1450. }
  1451. % Firewall analysis
  1452. @misc{kamara-analysis,
  1453. author = {{S. Kamara} and {S. Fahmy} and {E. Schultz} and {F. Kerschbaum} and {M. Frantzen}},
  1454. title = {Analysis of Vulnerabilities in Internet Firewalls},
  1455. url = {http://citeseer.nj.nec.com/562741.html}
  1456. }
  1457. @techreport{ haeni-firewall,
  1458. author = {R. E. Haeni},
  1459. title = {Firewall Penetration Testing},
  1460. institution = {The George Washington University Cyberspace Policy Institute},
  1461. address = {2033 K St, Suite 340N, Washington, DC, 20006, US},
  1462. year = 1997,
  1463. month = Jan,
  1464. url = {http://citeseer.nj.nec.com/haeni97firewall.html}
  1465. }
  1466. @TECHREPORT{fips,
  1467. author = {National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST)},
  1468. title = {Advanced Encryption Standard (AES)},
  1469. year = 2001,
  1470. month = Nov}
  1471. % Request For Comments
  1472. @manual{ rfc1009,
  1473. author = {{R. Braden} and {J. Postel}},
  1474. title = {RFC 1009, Requirements for Internet gateways},
  1475. institution = {RFC1009},
  1476. year = 1987,
  1477. month = June
  1478. }
  1479. @manual{ rfc791,
  1480. title = {INTERNET PROTOCOL},
  1481. institution = {RFC 791, Information Sciences Institute,
  1482. University of Southern California},
  1483. year = 1981,
  1484. month = Sep
  1485. }
  1486. @manual{ rfc826,
  1487. title = {RFC 826, An Ethernet Address Resolution Protocol},
  1488. author = {D. C. Plummer},
  1489. year = 1982,
  1490. month = Nov
  1491. }
  1492. @manual{ rfc904,
  1493. title = {RFC 904, Exterior Gateway Protocol Formal Specification},
  1494. author = {D. L. Mills},
  1495. year = 1984,
  1496. month = April
  1497. }
  1498. @manual{ rfc2402,
  1499. title = {RFC 2402, IP Authentication Header},
  1500. author = {{S. Kent} and {R. Atkinson}},
  1501. year = 1998,
  1502. month = November
  1503. }
  1504. @manual{ rfc2406,
  1505. title = {RFC 2406, IP Encapsulating Security Payload},
  1506. author = {{S. Kent} and {R. Atkinson}},
  1507. year = 1998,
  1508. month = November
  1509. }
  1510. @manual{ rfc2409,
  1511. title = {RFC 2409, The Internet Key Exchange},
  1512. author = {{D. Harkins} and {D. Carrel}},
  1513. year = 1998,
  1514. month = November
  1515. }
  1516. @BOOK{ hle,
  1517. AUTHOR = {{B. Hatch} and {J. Lee}},
  1518. TITLE = {Hacking Linux Exposed},
  1519. PUBLISHER = {McGraw Hill},
  1520. YEAR = {2003}
  1521. }
  1522. @BOOK{ nse,
  1523. AUTHOR = {W. Stallings},
  1524. TITLE = {Network Security Essentials},
  1525. PUBLISHER = {Prentice Hall Inc.},
  1526. address = {Upper Saddle River, NJ, USA},
  1527. YEAR = {2002}
  1528. }
  1529. @BOOK{ crackdes,
  1530. AUTHOR = {Electronic Frontier Foundation},
  1531. TITLE = {Cracking DES},
  1532. PUBLISHER = {O'Reilly},
  1533. YEAR = {1998}
  1534. }
  1535. % web infomation
  1536. @inproceedings{cc,
  1537. author = {Common Criteria for
  1538. Information Technology Security Evaluation (CCITSE)},
  1539. title = {http://csrc.nist.gov/cc/}
  1540. }
  1541. @inproceedings{cbq,
  1542. author = {Class-Based Queueing (CBQ)},
  1543. title = {http://www.icir.org/floyd/cbq.html}
  1544. }
  1545. @inproceedings{cert,
  1546. author = {CERT Coordination Center Statistics},
  1547. title = {http://www.cert.org/stats/}
  1548. }
  1549. @inproceedings{hping,
  1550. author = {hping},
  1551. title = {http://www.hping.com/}
  1552. }
  1553. @inproceedings{freeswan,
  1554. author = {FreeS/WAN},
  1555. title = {http://www.freeswan.org}
  1556. }
  1557. @inproceedings{fwtk,
  1558. author = {The FireWall ToolKit (FWTK)},
  1559. title = {http://www.fwtk.org}
  1560. }
  1561. @inproceedings{iperf,
  1562. author = {Iperf},
  1563. title = {http://dast.nlanr.net/Projects/Iperf/}
  1564. }
  1565. @inproceedings{iptables,
  1566. author = {iptables},
  1567. title = {http://www.netfilter.org}
  1568. }
  1569. @inproceedings{nessus,
  1570. author = {The Nessus Project},
  1571. title = {http://www.nessus.org}
  1572. }
  1573. @inproceedings{netperf,
  1574. author = {Netperf},
  1575. title = {http://www.netperf.org/netperf/NetperfPage.html}
  1576. }
  1577. @inproceedings{freebsd,
  1578. author = {FreeBSD},
  1579. title = {http://www.openbsd.org/}
  1580. }
  1581. @inproceedings{pam,
  1582. author = {Pluggable Authentication Modules (PAM)},
  1583. title = {http://www.kernel.org/pub/linux/libs/pam}
  1584. }
  1585. @inproceedings{selinux,
  1586. author = {Security-Enhanced Linux (SELinux)},
  1587. title = {http://www.nsa.gov/selinux}
  1588. }
  1589. @inproceedings{snort,
  1590. author = {Snort},
  1591. title = {http://www.snort.org}
  1592. }
  1593. @inproceedings{ssl,
  1594. author = {Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)},
  1595. title = {http://www.openssl.org/}
  1596. }
  1597. @inproceedings{vtune,
  1598. author = {Intel\texttrademark VTune},
  1599. title = {http://www.intel.com/software/products/vtune/}
  1600. }
  1601. @InProceedings{Seto96,
  1602. title = {On Task Schedulability in Real-Time Control System},
  1603. author = {{D. Seto} and {J.P. Lehoczky} and {L. Sha} and {K.G. Shin}},
  1604. booktitle = RTSS,
  1605. year = {1996}
  1606. }
  1607. @Article{Butazzo02,
  1608. author = {{G. Buttazzo} and {G. Lipari} and {M. Caccamo} and {L. Abeni}},
  1609. title = {Elastic Scheduling for Flexible Workload Management},
  1610. journal = {IEEE Transactions on computers},
  1611. year = {2002},
  1612. volume = {51},
  1613. number = {3},
  1614. month = {March}
  1615. }
  1616. @InProceedings{Caccamo03,
  1617. title = {The Capacity of Implicit EDF in Wireless Sensor Networks},
  1618. author = {{M. Caccamo} and {L. Y. Zhang}},
  1619. booktitle = {Proceedings of the Euromicro Conference on Real-Time Systems},
  1620. year = {2003}
  1621. }
  1622. @InProceedings{Caccamo04,
  1623. title = {Collaborative Resource Allocation in Wireless Sensor Networks},
  1624. author = {{S. Giannecchini} and {M. Caccamo} and {C.-S. Shih}},
  1625. booktitle = {Proceedings of the Euromicro Conference on Real-Time Systems},
  1626. year = {2004}
  1627. }
  1628. @InProceedings{TsaiChen04,
  1629. title = {Collaborative Resource Allocation in Wireless Sensor Networks},
  1630. author = {{Y.-H. Tsai} and {J.-J. Chen} and {T.-W. Kuo} and {C.-S. Shih}},
  1631. booktitle = {Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Information Integration and Web Based Applications and Services (iiWAS2004)},
  1632. year = {2004}
  1633. }
  1634. @InProceedings{ShihGanti04,
  1635. title = {Schedulability and Fairness for Computation Tasks in Surveillance Radar Systems},
  1636. author = {{C.-S. Shih} and {P. Ganti} and {L. Sha}},
  1637. booktitle = { Proceedings of the 10th RTCSA conference (Real-time and Embedded Computing Systems and Applications Conference},
  1638. year = {2004}
  1639. }
  1640. @InProceedings{Gopalakrishnan04,
  1641. title = {Finite-Horizon Scheduling of Radar Dwells with Online Template Construction},
  1642. author = {{S. Gopalakrishnan} and {M. Caccamo} and {C.-S. Shih} and {C.-G. Lee} and {L. Sha}},
  1643. booktitle = RTSS,
  1644. year = {2004}
  1645. }
  1646. @InProceedings{LeeKang04,
  1647. title = {Schedulability Envelope for Real-Time Radar Dwell Scheduling and Its Application to Multi-Ship Multi-Radar Systems},
  1648. author = {{C.-G. Lee} and {P.-S. Kang} and {C.-S. Shih} and {M. Caccamo} and {L. Sha}},
  1649. booktitle = {Proceedings of Radar 2004 International Conference},
  1650. month = {October},
  1651. year = {2004}
  1652. }
  1653. @Article{ShihLiu04,
  1654. author = {{C.-S. Shih} and {J. Liu}},
  1655. title = {Acquiring and Incorporating State-Dependent Real-Time Performance Requirements},
  1656. journal = {Requirements Engineering Journal},
  1657. year = {2004},
  1658. volume = {9},
  1659. number = {2},
  1660. page = {121 -- 131},
  1661. month = {May}
  1662. }
  1663. @Article{LeeShih04,
  1664. author = {{C.-G. Lee} and {C.-S. Shih} and {L. Sha}},
  1665. title = {Online QoS Optimization Using Service Class in Surveillance Radar Systems},
  1666. journal = {Real-Time Systems Journal},
  1667. year = {2004},
  1668. volume = {28},
  1669. number = {1},
  1670. page = {5 -- 37},
  1671. month = {October}
  1672. }
  1673. @InProceedings{ShihGoGan04,
  1674. author = {{C.-S. Shih} and {S. Gopalakrishnan} and {P. Ganti} and {M. Caccamo} and {L. Sha}},
  1675. title = {Synthesizing Task Periods for Dwells in Multi-Function Phased Array Radars},
  1676. booktitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE Radar Conference},
  1677. year = {2004}
  1678. }
  1679. @BOOK{BE:98,
  1680. AUTHOR = "A. Borodin and R. El-Yaniv",
  1681. editor = "",
  1682. TITLE = "Online computation and competitive analysis",
  1683. PUBLISHER = "Cambridge University Press",
  1684. YEAR = "1998",
  1685. }
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  1687. author = "J. K. Lenstra and D. Shmoys and E. Tardos",
  1688. title = "Approximation Algorithms for Scheduling Unrelated Parallel Machines",
  1689. journal = "Mathematical Programming",
  1690. volume= "46",
  1691. pages = "259-271",
  1692. year = "1990",
  1693. }
  1694. @inproceedings{AB:92,
  1695. author = "Y. Azar and A. Broder and A. Karlin",
  1696. title = "On-line load balancing",
  1697. booktitle = "Proceedings of the 33rd Annual IEEE Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science",
  1698. pages = "218-225",
  1699. year = "1992",
  1700. }
  1701. @inproceedings{AE:97,
  1702. author = "Y. Azar and L. Epstein",
  1703. title = "On-line load balancing with of temporary tasks on identical machines",
  1704. booktitle = "Proceeding of the 5th Israeli Symposium on Theory of Computing and Systems",
  1705. pages = "119-125",
  1706. year = "1997",
  1707. }
  1708. @inproceedings{AK:93,
  1709. author = "Y. Azar and B. Kalyanasundaram and S. A. Plotkin and K. Pruhs and O. Waarts",
  1710. title = "Online load balancing of temporary tasks",
  1711. booktitle = "WADS '93: Proceedings of the Third Workshop on Algorithms and Data Structures",
  1712. year = {1993},
  1713. pages = {119--130},
  1714. publisher = "Springer-Verlag",
  1715. }
  1716. @article{EL:86,
  1717. author = "D. L. Eager and E. D. Lazowska and J. Zahorjan",
  1718. title = "Adaptive load sharing in homogeneous distributed systems",
  1719. journal = "IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering",
  1720. volume = "12",
  1721. number = "5",
  1722. pages = "622-675",
  1723. year = "1986",
  1724. }
  1725. @article{Z:88,
  1726. author = "S. Zhou",
  1727. title = "A trace-driven simulation study of dynamic load balancing",
  1728. journal = "IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering",
  1729. volume = "14",
  1730. number = "9",
  1731. pages = "1327-1341",
  1732. year = "1988",
  1733. }
  1734. @article{KK:93,
  1735. author = {{O. Kremien} and {J. J. Kramer} and {J. Magee}},
  1736. title = {Scalable, adaptive load sharing for distributed systems},
  1737. journal = {IEEE Parallel and Distributed Technology},
  1738. volume = "1",
  1739. number = "3",
  1740. pages = "67--72",
  1741. year = "1993",
  1742. }
  1743. @article{MT:90,
  1744. author = "R. Mirchandaney and D. Towsley and J. A. Stankovic",
  1745. title = "Adaptive load sharing in heterogeneous distributed systems",
  1746. journal = "Journal of Parallel and Distributed Computing",
  1747. volume = "9",
  1748. number = "4",
  1749. pages = "331-346",
  1750. year = "1990",
  1751. }
  1752. @article{CK:79,
  1753. author = "Y. Chow and W. Kohler",
  1754. title = "Models for Dynamic Load Balancing in a Heterogeneous Multiple Processor System",
  1755. journal = "IEEE Transactions on Computers",
  1756. volume = "28",
  1757. number = "5",
  1758. pages = "334-361",
  1759. year = "1979",
  1760. }
  1761. @article{LR:92,
  1762. author = "H.-C. Lin and C. S. Raghavendra",
  1763. title = "A Dynamic load-balancing policy with a central job dispatcher (LBC)",
  1764. journal = "IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering",
  1765. volume = "18",
  1766. number = "2",
  1767. pages = "148-158",
  1768. year = "1992",
  1769. }
  1770. @article{LK:87,
  1771. author = "F. C. H. Lin and R. M. Keller",
  1772. title = "The gradient model load balancing method",
  1773. journal = "IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering",
  1774. volume = "13",
  1775. number = "1",
  1776. pages = "32-38",
  1777. year = "1987",
  1778. }
  1779. @Article{Wren97,
  1780. author = {{C. Wren} and {A. Azarbayejani} and {T. Darrell} and {A. Pentland}},
  1781. title = {Pfinder: Real-Time Tracking of the Human Body},
  1782. journal = {IEEE Transactions on PAMI},
  1783. year = {1997}
  1784. }
  1785. @InProceedings{Collins00,
  1786. author = {{R.T. Collins} and {A.J. Lipton} and {T. Kanade}},
  1787. title = {A System for Video Surveillance and Monitoring},
  1788. booktitle = {Conference on Automated Deduction},
  1789. pages = {497 -- 501},
  1790. year = {2000}
  1791. }
  1792. @InProceedings{Huwer00,
  1793. author = {{S. Huwer} and {H. Niemann}},
  1794. title = {Adaptive Change Detection for Real-Time Surveillance Applications},
  1795. booktitle = {Third IEEE International Workshop on Visual Surveillance},
  1796. year = {2000},
  1797. }
  1798. @InProceedings{ZhouCollins03,
  1799. author = {{X. Zhou} and {R. Collins}},
  1800. title = {A Master-Slave System to Acquire Biometric Imagery of Humans at Distance},
  1801. booktitle = {the First ACM International Workshop on Video Surveillance},
  1802. year = {2003},
  1803. }
  1804. @InProceedings{IntilleDavis97,
  1805. author = {{S. Intille} and {J. Davis} and {A. Bobick}},
  1806. title = {Real-time closed-world tracking},
  1807. booktitle = {IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition},
  1808. year = {1997},
  1809. }
  1810. @InProceedings{Piater02,
  1811. author = {{J. H. Piater} and {S. Richetto} and {J. L. Crowley}},
  1812. title = {Event-based Activity Analysis in Live Video Using a Generic Object Tracker},
  1813. booktitle = {Third IEEE International Workshop on Performance Evaluation of Tracking and Surveillance},
  1814. year = {2002},
  1815. }
  1816. @InProceedings{PiaterCrowley01,
  1817. author = {{J. H. Piater} and {J. L. Crowley}},
  1818. title = {Multi-Modal Tracking of Interacting Targets Using Gaussian Approximations},
  1819. booktitle = {Second IEEE International Workshop on Performance Evaluation of Tracking and Surveillance},
  1820. year = {2001},
  1821. }
  1822. @Article{Bobick01,
  1823. author = {{F. Bobick} and {J. W. Davis}},
  1824. title = {The Recognition of Human Movement Using Temporal Templates},
  1825. journal = {IEEE Transaction on PAMI},
  1826. year = {2001},
  1827. volume = {23},
  1828. number = {3},
  1829. }
  1830. @Article{Barron94,
  1831. author = {{J. Barron} and {D. Fleet} and {S. Beauchemin}},
  1832. title = {Performance of optical flow techniques},
  1833. journal = {International Journal of Computer Vision},
  1834. year = {1994},
  1835. volume = {12},
  1836. number = {1},
  1837. pages = {42 -- 77},
  1838. }
  1839. @InProceedings{ChiuLam03,
  1840. author = {{Calvin K. H. Chiu} and {K.-Y. Lam}},
  1841. title = {Supporting Real-Time Active Visual Surveillance in Wireless Network},
  1842. booktitle = {Joint IEEE International Workshop on Visual Surveillance \& Performance Evaluation of Tracking and Surveillance},
  1843. year = {2003},
  1844. }
  1845. @InProceedings{RajGag95,
  1846. author = {{R. Rajkumar} and {M. Gagliardi} and {L. Sha}},
  1847. title = {The Real-Time Publisher/Subscriber Inter-Process Communication Model for Distributed Real-Time Systems: Design and Implementation},
  1848. booktitle = RTAS,
  1849. year = {1995},
  1850. }
  1851. @Article{Buchsbaum:04,
  1852. author = {Adam L. Buchsbaum and Howard Karloff and Claire Kenyon and Nick Reingold and Mikkel Thorup},
  1853. title = {OPT Versus LOAD in Dynamic Storage Allocation},
  1854. journal = {SIAM Journal on Computing},
  1855. year = {2004},
  1856. volume = {33},
  1857. number = {3},
  1858. pages = {632-646},
  1859. }
  1860. @InProceedings{Dick:98,
  1861. author = {Robert P. Dick and David L. Rhodes and Wayne Wolf},
  1862. title = {{TGFF}: Task Graphs for Free},
  1863. booktitle = {Proc. Int. Workshop Hardware/Software Codesign},
  1864. year = {1998},
  1865. }
  1866. @Book{Garey:79,
  1867. author = {Michael R. Garey and David S. Johnson},
  1868. title = {Computers and Intractability},
  1869. publisher = {W. H. Freeman and Company},
  1870. year = {1979},
  1871. }
  1872. @Article{Gergov:96,
  1873. author = {Jordan Gergov},
  1874. title = {Approximation Algorithms for Dynamic Storage Allocation},
  1875. journal = {Proc. 4th European Symposium on Algorithms, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1136},
  1876. year = {1996},
  1877. pages = {52-61},
  1878. }
  1879. @Article{Gergov:99,
  1880. author = {Jordan Gergov},
  1881. title = {Algorithms for Compile-Time Memory Optimization},
  1882. journal = {Proc. 10th ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms},
  1883. year = {1999},
  1884. pages = {907-908},
  1885. }
  1886. @Article{Gavril:72,
  1887. author = {Fanica Gavril},
  1888. title = {Algorithms for minimum coloring, maximum clique, minimum covering by cliques, and maximum independent set of a chordal graph},
  1889. journal = {SIAM},
  1890. year = {1972},
  1891. volume = {1},
  1892. number = {2},
  1893. pages = {180-187},
  1894. month = {June},
  1895. }
  1896. @Article{Kierstead:88,
  1897. author = {H. A. Kierstead},
  1898. title = {The Linearity of First-Fit Coloring of Interval Graphs},
  1899. journal = {SIAM J. Discrete Math 1},
  1900. year = {1988},
  1901. pages = {526-530},
  1902. }
  1903. @Article{Kierstead:91,
  1904. author = {H. A. Kierstead},
  1905. title = {A Polynomial Time Approximation Algorithm for Dynamic Storage Allocation},
  1906. journal = {Discrete Mathematics},
  1907. year = {1991},
  1908. volume = {87},
  1909. pages = {231-237},
  1910. month = {January},
  1911. }
  1912. @InProceedings{Kim:04a,
  1913. author = {Sungchan Kim and Chaeseok Im and Soonhoi Ha},
  1914. title = {Efficient Exploration of On-Chip Bus Architectures and Memory Allocation},
  1915. booktitle = {Proc. International Conference on Hardware/Software Codesign and System Synthesis},
  1916. pages = {248-253},
  1917. year = {2004},
  1918. month = {September},
  1919. }
  1920. @Article{Kim:04b,
  1921. author = {Sungchan Kim and Chaeseok Im and Soonhoi Ha},
  1922. title = {Schedule-Aware Performance Estimation of Communication Architecture for Efficient Design Space Exploration},
  1923. journal = {IEEE Transactions on Very Large Scale Integration systems},
  1924. year = {2005},
  1925. volume = {13},
  1926. pages = {539-552},
  1927. month = {May},
  1928. }
  1929. @InProceedings{Lahiri:99,
  1930. author = {Kanishka Lahiri and Anand Raghunathan and Sujit Dey},
  1931. title = {Fast Performance Analysis for Bus-Based System-on-Chip Communication},
  1932. booktitle = {Proceddings of the IEEE/ACM International Conference on Computer-Aided Design (ICCAD)},
  1933. year = {1999},
  1934. }
  1935. @Article{Mooney:02,
  1936. author = {Vincent J. Mooney III and Douglas M. Blough},
  1937. title = {A hardware-software real-time operating system framework for SoCs},
  1938. journal = {IEEE Design and Test of Computers},
  1939. year = {2002},
  1940. volume = {19},
  1941. number = {6},
  1942. pages = {44-51},
  1943. month = {Nov-Dec},
  1944. }
  1945. @Article{Oh:03,
  1946. author = {Hyunok Oh and Soonhoi Ha},
  1947. title = {Memory-optimized Software Synthesis from Dataflow Program Graphs with Large Size Data Samples},
  1948. journal = {EURASIP Journal on Applied Signal Processing},
  1949. year = {2003},
  1950. pages = {514-529},
  1951. }
  1952. @InProceedings{b:Chicknook,
  1953. author = {Pai H Chou and Ross B. Ortega and Gaetano Borriello},
  1954. title = {The Chinook Hardware/Software Co-Synthesis System},
  1955. booktitle = {Eighth International Symposium on System Synthesis},
  1956. year = {1995},
  1957. organization = {IEEE},
  1958. pages = {}
  1959. }
  1960. @InProceedings{b:COSYN,
  1961. author = {Bharat P. Dave and Ganesh Lakshminarayana and Niraj K. Jha},
  1962. title = {{COSYN}: Hardware-Software Co-Synthesis of Embedded Systems},
  1963. booktitle = {Conference on Design Automation},
  1964. year = {1997},
  1965. organization = {IEEE},
  1966. pages = {703--708}
  1967. }
  1968. @InProceedings{b:TGFF,
  1969. author = {R.P. Dick and D.L. Rhondes and W.Wolf},
  1970. title = {{TGFF}: Task graphs for free},
  1971. booktitle = {Workshop Hardware/Software Codesign},
  1972. year = {1998},
  1973. organization = {},
  1974. pages = {}
  1975. }
  1976. @InProceedings{b:digital,
  1977. author = {Rajesh K. Gupta and Giovanni DE Micheu},
  1978. title = {Hardware-Software Cosynthesis for Digital Systems},
  1979. booktitle = {IEEE Design and Test of Computers},
  1980. year = {1993},
  1981. organization = {IEEE},
  1982. pages = {}
  1983. }
  1984. @InProceedings{b:microcontroller,
  1985. author = {Rolf Ernst and JorgO Henkel and Thomas Benner},
  1986. title = {Hardware-Software Cosynthesis for Microcontrollers},
  1987. booktitle = {IEEE Design and Test of Computers},
  1988. year = {1993},
  1989. organization = {IEEE},
  1990. pages = {}
  1991. }
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  1993. author = {Hyunok Oh and Soonhoi Ha},
  1994. title = {A Hardware-Software Cosynthesis Technique Based Heterogeneous Multiprocessor Scheduling},
  1995. booktitle = {International Workshop on Hardware/Software Co-Design},
  1996. year = {1999},
  1997. organization = {},
  1998. pages = {}
  1999. }
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  2001. author = {Y. Xie and W. Wolf},
  2002. title = {Allocation and Scheduling of Conditional Task Graph in Hardware Software Co-Synthesis},
  2003. booktitle = {Design, Automation, and Test in Europe},
  2004. year = {2001},
  2005. organization = {},
  2006. pages = {620--625}
  2007. }
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  2009. author = {Richard J. Cloutier and Donald E. Thomas},
  2010. title = {The combination of scheduling, allocation, and mapping in a single algorithm},
  2011. booktitle = {27th ACM/IEEE conference on Design automation },
  2012. year = {1991},
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  2014. pages = {71--76}
  2015. }
  2016. @ARTICLE{b:force,
  2017. AUTHOR = {P. Paulin and J. Knight},
  2018. TITLE = {Force-Directed Scheduling for the Behavioral Synthesis of {ASIC}'s},
  2019. JOURNAL = {IEEE Transactions on CAD/ICAS},
  2020. YEAR = {1989},
  2021. volume = {8},
  2022. number = {6},
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  2025. }
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  2027. AUTHOR = {Wayne Wolf},
  2028. TITLE = {An Architectural Co-Synthesis Algorithm for Distributed, Embedded Computing Systems},
  2029. JOURNAL = {IEEE Transactions on VLSI Systems},
  2030. YEAR = {1995},
  2031. volume = {5},
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  2034. month = {June},
  2035. }
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  2037. author = {Pradeep Prabhakaran and Prithviraj Banerjee},
  2038. title = {Parallel Algorithms for Force Directed Scheduling of Flattened and Hierarchical Signal Flow Graphs},
  2039. booktitle = {International Conference on Computer Design},
  2040. year = {1996},
  2041. organization = {},
  2042. pages = {66--71}
  2043. }
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  2045. author = {{J. Lehoczky} and {L. Sha} and {J.K. Strosnider}},
  2046. title = {Enhanced aperiodic responsiveness in hard-real-time environments},
  2047. booktitle = RTSS,
  2048. year = {1987},
  2049. pages = {261 -- 270},
  2050. }
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  2052. author = {{T.-W. Kuo} and {C.H. Li}},
  2053. title = {A fixed-priority-driven open environment for real-time applications},
  2054. pages = {256 -- 267},
  2055. year = {1999},
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  2057. }
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  2059. author = {{G. Lipari} and {S. Baruah}},
  2060. title = {A hierarchical extension to the constant bandwidth server framework},
  2061. booktitle = RTAS,
  2062. pages = {26--35},
  2063. year = {2001},
  2064. month = {May},
  2065. }
  2066. @InProceedings{RegehrStankovic01,
  2067. author = {J. Regehr and J. Stankovic},
  2068. title = {HLS: A framework for composing soft real-time schedulers},
  2069. booktitle = RTSS,
  2070. pages = {3--41},
  2071. year = {2001},
  2072. }
  2073. @InProceedings{FengMok02,
  2074. author = {{M. Feng} and {A. Mok}},
  2075. title = {A model of hierarchical realtime virtual resources},
  2076. booktitle = RTSS,
  2077. pages = {26 -- 35},
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  2079. }
  2080. @InProceedings{ShinLee03,
  2081. author = {{I. Shin} and {I. Lee}},
  2082. title = {Periodic Resource Model for Compositional Real-Time Guarantees},
  2083. booktitle = RTSS,
  2084. year = {2003},
  2085. }
  2086. @InProceedings{Banchs02,
  2087. author = {{Albert Banchs} and {Xavier P\`{e}rez}},
  2088. title = {Distributed Weighted Fair Queueing in 802.11 Wireless LAN},
  2089. year = {2002},
  2090. booktitle = {IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC2002)},
  2091. month = {April},
  2092. address = {New York, NY, USA}
  2093. }
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  2095. author = {{S. Panwar} and {D. Towsley} and {J. Wolf}},
  2096. title = {Optimal scheduling
  2097. polocies for a class of queue with customer dealines to the
  2098. beginning of services''},
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  2102. OPTvolume = {},
  2103. OPTnumber = {},
  2104. OPTpages = {},
  2105. OPTmonth = {},
  2106. OPTnote = {},
  2107. OPTannote = {}
  2108. }
  2109. @Article{Tassiulas93,
  2110. author = {{L. Tassiulas} and {A. Ephremides}},
  2111. title = {Dynamic sercer allocation to parallel queue with randomly varyinh connectivity},
  2112. journal = {IEEE Transactions on Information Theory},
  2113. year = {1993},
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  2115. OPTvolume = {},
  2116. OPTnumber = {},
  2117. OPTpages = {},
  2118. OPTmonth = {},
  2119. OPTnote = {},
  2120. OPTannote = {}
  2121. }
  2122. @Article{Shakkottai02,
  2123. author = {{Sanjay Shakkottai} and {R. Srikant}},
  2124. title = {Scheduling Real-Time Traffic With Dedalines over a Wireless Channel},
  2125. journal = {Wireless Networks},
  2126. year = {2002},
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  2130. bibsource = {DBLP, http://dblp.uni-trier.de}
  2131. }
  2132. @InProceedings{ChouLi91,
  2133. author = {{A.M. Chou} and {V.O.K. Li}},
  2134. title = {Fair spatial TDMA channel access protocols for multihop radio networks},
  2135. booktitle = {Proc. IEEE INFOCOM},
  2136. pages = {1064 --1073},
  2137. year = {1991},
  2138. }
  2139. @InProceedings{GusellaZatti86,
  2140. author = {{R. Gusella} and {S. Zatti}},
  2141. title = {An election algorithm for a distributed clock synchronization program},
  2142. booktitle = {Proc. IEEE 6th Int. Conf. Distributed
  2143. Computing Systems},
  2144. pages = {364 -- 371},
  2145. year = {1986},
  2146. address = {Boston, MA U.S.A.}
  2147. }
  2148. @Article{Garcia-Molina82,
  2149. author = {H. Garcia-Molina},
  2150. title = {Elections in a Distributed Computing System},
  2151. journal = {IEEE Transaction on Computers},
  2152. year = {1982},
  2153. volume = {C-13},
  2154. number = {1},
  2155. pages = {48 -- 59}
  2156. }
  2157. @Article{Koppel05,
  2158. author = {{R. Koppel} and {J. P. Metlay} and {A. Cohen} and {B. Abaluck} and {A. Russell Localio} and {S. E. Kimmel} and {B. L. Strom}},
  2159. title = {Role of Computerized Physician Order Entry Systems in Facilitating Medication Errors},
  2160. journal = {The Journal of the American Medical Association},
  2161. year = {2005},
  2162. OPTkey = {},
  2163. volume = {293},
  2164. number = {10},
  2165. pages = {1197 -- 1203},
  2166. month = {March},
  2167. OPTnote = {},
  2168. OPTannote = {}
  2169. }
  2170. @Article{Wears05,
  2171. author = {{R. L. Wears} and {M. Berg}},
  2172. title = {Computer Technology and Clinical Work: Still Waiting for Godot},
  2173. journal = {The Journal of the American Medical Association},
  2174. year = {2005},
  2175. OPTkey = {},
  2176. volume = {293},
  2177. number = {10},
  2178. pages = {1261 -- 1263},
  2179. month = {March},
  2180. OPTnote = {},
  2181. OPTannote = {}
  2182. }
  2183. @InProceedings{LiuWang05,
  2184. author = {{J. W.S. Liu} and {B.Y. Wang} and {H.Y. Liao} and {C.Y. Huang} and {C. Shih} and {T.W. Kuo} and {A.C. Pang}},
  2185. title = {Reference Architecture of Intelligent Appliances for the Elderly},
  2186. booktitle = {18th International Conference on Systems Engineering},
  2187. year = {2005},
  2188. address = {Los Vegas, Nevada U.S.A.},
  2189. month = {August}
  2190. }
  2191. @TechReport{LiuWang05_2,
  2192. author = {{J. W. S. Liu} and {B. Y. Wang} and {C. W. Hsueh} and {Y. H. Liao} and {C. Shih} and {T. W. Kuo} and {A. C. Pang} and {W. H. Chen} and {Y. T. Liu} and {H. C. Yeh} and {T. S. Chou} and {C. Y. Huang} and {J. K. Zao}},
  2193. title = {Reference Architecture of Intelligent Appliances for the Elderly},
  2194. year = {2005},
  2195. institution = {Institute of Information Science, Academia Sinica},
  2196. number = {TR-IIS-5-007},
  2197. month = {July},
  2198. address = {Taipei, Taiwan}
  2199. }
  2200. @string{emrURL = {\htmladdnormallink
  2201. {Frist aide says {EMR} bill could pass}{http://www.ihealthbeat.org/index.cfm?Action=dspItem\&itemID=100537}}}
  2202. @misc{EMR04,
  2203. author = {iHealthBeat},
  2204. title = {Frist aide says {EMR} bill could pass},
  2205. url = {http://www.ihealthbeat.org/index.cfm?Action=dspItem\&itemID=100537},
  2206. howpublished = {http://www.ihealthbeat.org},
  2207. month = {January 30,},
  2208. year = {2004},
  2209. note = {Accessed August 30, 2005}
  2210. }
  2211. @Misc{ITstance04,
  2212. author = {iHealthBeat},
  2213. title = {Clinton reiterates {IT} stance, details legislation},
  2214. howpublished = {http://www.ihealthbeat.org},
  2215. url = {http://www.ihealthbeat.org/index.cfm?Action=dspItem\&itemID=100529},
  2216. month = {January 29,},
  2217. year = {2004},
  2218. note = {Accessed August 31, 2005}
  2219. }
  2220. @Misc{Marshalek03,
  2221. author = {{G. Marshalek} and {S. Casey}},
  2222. title = {Pain-Free {CPOE}: Following the right protocol is a critical step for encouraging physician adoption},
  2223. howpublished = {http://www.healthmgttech.com},
  2224. url = {http://www.healthmgttech.com/archives/h0203cpoe.htm},
  2225. month = {February},
  2226. year = {2003},
  2227. note = {Accessed August 31, 2005}
  2228. }
  2229. @InProceedings{Jersak03,
  2230. author = {{M. Jersak} and {K. Richter} and {R. Ernst}},
  2231. title = {Performance Analysis for Complex Embedded Applications},
  2232. booktitle = RTSS,
  2233. OPTpages = {},
  2234. year = {2003},
  2235. OPTaddress = {},
  2236. OPTmonth = {}
  2237. }
  2238. @Article{Bentley86,
  2239. author = {J. Bentley},
  2240. title = {Programming Pearls: Little Languages},
  2241. journal = {Communications of the ACM},
  2242. year = {1986},
  2243. volume = {29},
  2244. number = {8},
  2245. OPTpages = {},
  2246. OPTmonth = {},
  2247. OPTnote = {},
  2248. OPTannote = {}
  2249. }
  2250. @Book{Kernighan82,
  2251. ALTauthor = {B. W. Kernighan},
  2252. ALTeditor = {},
  2253. title = {PIC-A Language for Typesetting Graphics},
  2254. publisher = {Software - Practice and Experience},
  2255. year = {1982},
  2256. OPTkey = {},
  2257. OPTvolume = {},
  2258. OPTnumber = {},
  2259. OPTseries = {},
  2260. OPTaddress = {},
  2261. OPTedition = {},
  2262. OPTmonth = {},
  2263. OPTnote = {},
  2264. OPTannote = {}
  2265. }
  2266. @Article{Deursen00,
  2267. author = {{A. van Deursen} and {P. Klint} and {J. Visser}},
  2268. title = {Domain-Specific Languages: An Annotated Bibliography},
  2269. journal = {ACM SIGPLAN Notices},
  2270. year = {2000},
  2271. OPTkey = {},
  2272. OPTvolume = {},
  2273. OPTnumber = {},
  2274. OPTpages = {},
  2275. OPTmonth = {},
  2276. OPTnote = {},
  2277. OPTannote = {}
  2278. }
  2279. @Article{Spinellis01,
  2280. author = {D. Spinellis},
  2281. title = {Notable Design Patterns for Domain-Specific Languages},
  2282. journal = {The Journal of Systems and Software},
  2283. year = {2001},
  2284. OPTkey = {},
  2285. OPTvolume = {},
  2286. OPTnumber = {},
  2287. OPTpages = {},
  2288. OPTmonth = {},
  2289. OPTnote = {},
  2290. OPTannote = {}
  2291. }
  2292. @TechReport{Mernik03,
  2293. author = {{M. Mernik} and {J. Heering} and {A. M. Sloane}},
  2294. title = {When and how to develop domain-specific languages},
  2295. institution = {CWI Technical Report, },
  2296. year = {2003},
  2297. number = {SEN-E0309},
  2298. OPTkey = {},
  2299. OPTmonth = {},
  2300. OPTyear = {},
  2301. OPTannote = {}
  2302. }
  2303. @TechReport{GMS05,
  2304. author = {{P. C. Hsiu} and {H. C. Yeh} and {P. H. Tsai} and {C.-S. Shih} and {D. H. Burkhardt} and {T. W. Kuo} and {J. W. S. Liu} and {T. Y. Huang}},
  2305. title = {A General Model for Medication Scheduling},
  2306. institution = {Institute of Information Sciences, Academia Sinica},
  2307. year = {2005},
  2308. number = {Technical Report No. TR-IIS-05-008},
  2309. address = {Taipei, Taiwan},
  2310. month = {October},
  2311. OPTnote = {},
  2312. OPTannote = {}
  2313. }
  2314. @InProceedings{BennerErnst95,
  2315. author = {{Th. Benner} and {R. Ernst} and {A. Osterling}},
  2316. title = {Scalable performance scheduling for hardware-software cosynthesis},
  2317. booktitle = {Proceedings of Design Automation Conference with EURO-VHDL (EURO-DAC) '95},
  2318. pages = {164--169},
  2319. year = {1995},
  2320. month = {September 18--22},
  2321. OPTnote = {This paper only considers the single task graph and there is no shared hardware in the task graph. A static scheduling algorithm is developed.}
  2322. }
  2323. @Article{Dursco01,
  2324. author = {S. C. Dursco},
  2325. title = {Technological Advances in Improving Medication Adherence in the Elderly},
  2326. journal = {Annals of Long-Term Care: Clinical Care and Aging},
  2327. year = {2001},
  2328. volume = {9},
  2329. number = {4},
  2330. OPTpages = {},
  2331. OPTmonth = {},
  2332. OPTnote = {},
  2333. OPTannote = {}
  2334. }
  2335. @Misc{Pill_and_Scheduling,
  2336. title = {Pill boxes and medication scheduling},
  2337. howpublished = {at \url{http://www.epill.com/} and \url{http://www.dynamic-living.com}},
  2338. url = {at \url{http://www.epill.com/} and \url{http://www.dynamic-living.com/automated_medication_dispenser.htm}},
  2339. OPTmonth = {},
  2340. OPTyear = {},
  2341. OPTnote = {},
  2342. OPTannote = {}
  2343. }
  2344. @Misc{MyPillBox,
  2345. OPTkey = {},
  2346. OPTauthor = {},
  2347. title = {My Pill Box},
  2348. howpublished = {http://www.mypillbox.org},
  2349. url = {http://www.mypillbox.org/mypillbox.php},
  2350. OPTmonth = {},
  2351. OPTyear = {},
  2352. OPTnote = {},
  2353. OPTannote = {}
  2354. }
  2355. @misc{aspirin06,
  2356. author = {{Merck and Co., Inc.}},
  2357. title = {Aspirin, {PDR OTC Drug}},
  2358. days = {2nd},
  2359. month = {March},
  2360. year = {2006},
  2361. howpublished = {http://www.mercksource.com},
  2362. url = {http://www.mercksource.com/ppdocs/us/cns/content/pdrotc/otc_full/drugs/fgotc036.htm}
  2363. }
  2364. @misc{PDRHealth,
  2365. author = {{Drug Information}},
  2366. days = {2nd},
  2367. month = {March},
  2368. year = {2006},
  2369. howpublished = {http://www.pdrhealth.com},
  2370. url = {http://www.pdrhealth.com/drug_info/}
  2371. }
  2372. @Article{Law03,
  2373. author = {{A. V. Law} and {M. D. Ray} and {K. K. Knapp} and {J. K. Balesh}},
  2374. title = {Unmet Needs in the Medication Use Process: Perceptions of Physicians, Pharmacists, and Patients},
  2375. journal = {Journal of the American Pharmaceutical Association},
  2376. year = {2003},
  2377. volume = {43},
  2378. number = {3},
  2379. pages = {394--402}
  2380. }
  2381. @TechReport{NPC92,
  2382. author = {{National Pharmaceutical Council}},
  2383. title = {Noncompliance with Medication Regimens: An Economic Tragedy},
  2384. institution = {National Pharmaceutical Council},
  2385. year = {1992},
  2386. OPTkey = {},
  2387. OPTtype = {},
  2388. OPTnumber = {},
  2389. address = {Reston, Va},
  2390. OPTmonth = {},
  2391. OPTnote = {},
  2392. OPTannote = {}
  2393. }
  2394. @misc{medprompt06,
  2395. title = {Did you know? MedPrompt Web site},
  2396. days = {2nd},
  2397. month = {March},
  2398. year = {2006},
  2399. howpublished = {at \url{http://www.medprompt.com}},
  2400. url = {at \url{http://www.medprompt.com/diduknow.htm}}
  2401. }
  2402. @TechReport{RTLink05,
  2403. author = {{A. Rowe} and {R. Mangharam} and {R. Rajkumar}},
  2404. title = {{RT-Link}: A {T}ime-{S}ynchronized {L}ink {P}rotocol for {E}nergy {C}onstrained {M}ulti-hop {W}ireless {N}etworks},
  2405. institution = {Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Carnegie Mellon University},
  2406. year = {2005},
  2407. OPTkey = {},
  2408. OPTtype = {},
  2409. OPTnumber = {},
  2410. OPTaddress = {},
  2411. month = {August},
  2412. OPTnote = {},
  2413. OPTannote = {}
  2414. }
  2415. @InProceedings{Mori96,
  2416. author = {{H. Mori} and {Y. Mano} and {H. Takada} and {K. Sakamura}},
  2417. title = {$\mu${ITRON} bus: a real-time control LAN for open network environment},
  2418. booktitle = {Third International Workshop on Real-Time Computing Systems Application},
  2419. year = {1996},
  2420. pages = {227--234}
  2421. }
  2422. @InProceedings{Richardson01,
  2423. author = {{P. Richardson} and {L. Seih} and {P. Haniak}},
  2424. title = {A real-time control network protocol for embedded systems using controller area network({CAN})},
  2425. booktitle = {IEEE Elestronics and Information Technology Conference},
  2426. pages = {},
  2427. year = {2001},
  2428. month = {June},
  2429. OPTnote = {}
  2430. }
  2431. @CONFERENCE{Mills94,
  2432. author = {{D. L. Mills}},
  2433. title = {Internet time synchronization: the network time protocol},
  2434. booktitle = {Global states and time in distributed systems},
  2435. year = {1994},
  2436. }
  2437. @Article{Mills98,
  2438. author = {{D. L. Mills}},
  2439. title = {Precision Synchronization of Computer Network Clocks},
  2440. journal = {ACM/IEEE Transactions on Networking},
  2441. year = {1998},
  2442. volume = {6},
  2443. number = {5},
  2444. pages = {505 -- 514}
  2445. }
  2446. @InProceedings{Liao99,
  2447. author = {{C. Liao} and {M. Martonosi} and {D. W. Clark}},
  2448. title = {Experience with an Adaptive Globally-Synchronizing Clock Algorithm},
  2449. booktitle = {ACM SPAA},
  2450. pages = {106-114},
  2451. year = {1999},
  2452. month = {June},
  2453. OPTnote = {}
  2454. }
  2455. @Article{Cristian89,
  2456. author = {{F. Cristian}},
  2457. title = {Probabilistic clock synchronization},
  2458. journal = {Distributed Computing},
  2459. volume = {3},
  2460. number = {146 -- 158},
  2461. year = {1989}
  2462. }
  2463. @Article{RamanathanShin90,
  2464. author = {{A. Ramanathan} and {K. G. Shin} and {R. W. Butler}},
  2465. title = {Fault-tolerant clock synchronization in distributed systems},
  2466. journal = {IEEE Computer},
  2467. year = {1990},
  2468. volume = {},
  2469. number = {},
  2470. pages = {33 -- 42},
  2471. month = {October},
  2472. OPTnote = {},
  2473. OPTannote = {}
  2474. }
  2475. @Article{Lamport78,
  2476. author = {{L. Lamport}},
  2477. title = {Time, clocks, and the ordering of events in a distributed system},
  2478. journal = {Communications of the ACM},
  2479. year = {1978},
  2480. volume = {21},
  2481. number = {7},
  2482. pages = {558 -- 565},
  2483. OPTmonth = {},
  2484. OPTnote = {},
  2485. OPTannote = {}
  2486. }
  2487. @InProceedings{ElsonRomer02,
  2488. author = {{J. Elson} and {K. Romer}},
  2489. title = {Wireless sensor networks: A new regime for time synchronization},
  2490. booktitle = {In Proceedings of First Workshop on Hot Topics In Networks (HotNets-I)},
  2491. year = {2002},
  2492. volume = {},
  2493. number = {},
  2494. address = {Princeton, New Jersey},
  2495. OPTpages = {},
  2496. OPTmonth = {},
  2497. OPTnote = {},
  2498. OPTannote = {}
  2499. }
  2500. @InProceedings{ElsonGirod02,
  2501. author = {{J. Elson} and {L. Girod} and {D. Estrin}},
  2502. title = {Fine-grained network time synchronization using reference broadcasts},
  2503. booktitle = {ACM OSDI},
  2504. pages = {},
  2505. year = {2002},
  2506. month = {December},
  2507. address = {Boston, MA},
  2508. OPTnote = {}
  2509. }
  2510. @InProceedings{Girod02,
  2511. author = {{L. Girod} and {V. Bychkovskiy} and {J. Elson} and {D. Estrin}},
  2512. title = {Locating tiny sensors in time and space: A case study},
  2513. booktitle = {ICCD},
  2514. pages = {},
  2515. year = {2002},
  2516. month = {September},
  2517. OPTnote = {}
  2518. }
  2519. @InProceedings{Romber01,
  2520. author = {{K. Romer}},
  2521. title = {Time synchronization in ad hoc networks},
  2522. booktitle = {ACM MobiHoc},
  2523. pages = {},
  2524. year = {2001},
  2525. month = {October},
  2526. OPTnote = {}
  2527. }
  2528. @InCollection{Mote99,
  2529. author = {{K. S. J. Pister} and {J. M. Kahn} and {B. E. Boser}},
  2530. title = {Smart Dust: Wireless Networks of Millimeter-Scale
  2531. Sensor Nodes},
  2532. booktitle = {Highlight Article in 1999 Electronics Research Laboratory Research Summary},
  2533. year = {1999},
  2534. }
  2535. @InProceedings{Spencer03,
  2536. author = {B. F. Spencer, Jr.},
  2537. title = {Opportunities and Challenges for Smart Sensing Technology},
  2538. booktitle = {Proc. of the First International Conference on Structural Health Monitoring and Intelligent Infrastructure},
  2539. year = {2003},
  2540. address = {Tokyo},
  2541. OPTmonth = {},
  2542. OPTorganization = {},
  2543. OPTpublisher = {},
  2544. OPTnote = {},
  2545. OPTannote = {}
  2546. }
  2547. @InProceedings{Spencer04,
  2548. author = {{B. F. Spencer, Jr.} and {M. Ruiz-Sandoval} and {N. Kurata}},
  2549. title = {Smart Sensing Technology for Structural Health Monitoring},
  2550. booktitle = {Proc. of the 13th World Conference
  2551. on Earthquake Engineering},
  2552. year = {2004},
  2553. number = {Paper No. 1791},
  2554. address = {Vancouver, B.C.,Canada},
  2555. }
  2556. @InProceedings{UkitaMatsuyama02,
  2557. author = {{N. Ukita} and {T. Matsuyama}},
  2558. title = {Real-time multi-target tracking by cooperative distributed active vision agents},
  2559. booktitle = {AAMAS},
  2560. pages = {829 -- 838},
  2561. month = {July},
  2562. days = {15 -- 19},
  2563. address = {Bologan, Italy},
  2564. year = {2002}
  2565. }
  2566. @InProceedings{Orr00,
  2567. author = {{R. Orr} and {G. Abowd}},
  2568. title = {The smart floor: A mechanism for natural user identification and tracking},
  2569. booktitle = {Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, The Hague},
  2570. year = {2000},
  2571. address = {The Hague, Netherlands},
  2572. month = {April}
  2573. }
  2574. @InProceedings{Cerpa01,
  2575. author = {{A. Cerpa} and {J. Elson} and {D. Estrin} and {L. Girod} and {M. Hamilton} and {J. Zhao}},
  2576. title = {Habitat monitoring: Application driver for wireless communications technology},
  2577. booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2001 ACM SIGCOMM Workshop on Data Communications in Latin America and the Caribbean},
  2578. year = {2001},
  2579. month = {April}
  2580. }
  2581. @InProceedings{Wang04,
  2582. author = {{Q. Wang} and {R. Zheng} and {A. Tirumala} and {X. Liu} and {L. Sha}},
  2583. title = {Lightning: A Fast and Lightweight Acoustic Localization Protocol Using Low-End Wireless Micro-Sensors},
  2584. booktitle = {The 25th IEEE International Real-Time Systems Symposium (RTSS'04)},
  2585. pages = {371 -- 381},
  2586. year = {2004}
  2587. }
  2589. author = {D. L. Mills.},
  2590. title = {Internet Time Synchronization: The Network
  2591. Time Protocol.},
  2592. booktitle = {Global States and Time in Distributed Systems.},
  2593. year = {1994}
  2594. }
  2595. @CONFERENCE{Power_of_Broadcsting,
  2596. author = {{J. Y. Halpern} and {I. Suzuki} },
  2597. title = {Clock Synchronization and the Power of Broadcasting},
  2598. booktitle = {Distributed Computing},
  2599. year = {1991}
  2600. }
  2601. @CONFERENCE{Global_States,
  2602. author = {F. Mattern},
  2603. title = {Virtual Time and Global States of Distributed Systems},
  2604. booktitle = {Porceedings of the International Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Algorithms},
  2605. year = {1988}
  2606. }
  2607. @INPROCEEDINGS{Synchronization_for_Wireless_Sensor_Network,
  2608. AUTHOR = {{J. Elson} and {E. Estrin}},
  2609. TITLE = {Time Synchronization for Wireless Sensor Network},
  2610. BOOKTITLE = {International Parallel and Distributed Processing Symposium, Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Computing Issues in Wireless Networks and Mobile Computing},
  2611. YEAR = {2001}
  2612. }
  2613. @CONFERENCE{Global_Clock_Synchronization_in_Sensor_Network,
  2614. author = {{Q. Li} and {D. Rus}},
  2615. title = {Global Clock Synchronization in Sensor Network},
  2616. booktitle = {INFOCOM},
  2617. year = {2004}
  2618. }
  2619. @MISC{Building_Risk,
  2620. author = {{N. Kurata} and {B. F. Spencer} and {Jr.} and {M. Ruiz-Sandoval}},
  2621. title = {Application of Wireless Sensor Network Mote for Building Risk Monitoring}
  2622. }
  2623. @CONFERENCE{Lightweight,
  2624. author = {{J. V. Greunen} and {J. Rabaey}},
  2625. title = {Lightweight Time Synchronization for Sensor Network},
  2626. booktitle = {International Workshop on Wireless Sensor Networks and Applications},
  2627. year = {2003}
  2628. }
  2629. @CONFERENCE{Tsync,
  2630. author = {{H. Dai} and {R. Han}},
  2631. title = {TSync: A Lightweight Bidirectional Time Synchronization Service for Wireless Sensor
  2632. Networks},
  2633. booktitle = {ACM SIGMOBILE Mobile Computing and Communications Review},
  2634. year = {2004},
  2635. }
  2636. @InProceedings{Maroti04,
  2637. author = {{M. Maroti} and {B. Kusy} and {G. Simon} and {A. Ledeczi}},
  2638. title = {The Flooding Time Synchronization Protocol},
  2639. year = {2004},
  2640. booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2nd international conference on Embedded networked sensor systems},
  2641. address = {Baltimore, MD, USA},
  2642. optnote = {FTSP},
  2643. page = {39 -- 49}
  2644. }
  2645. @InProceedings{Lucarelli04,
  2646. author = {{D. Lucarelli} and {IJ Wang}},
  2647. title = {Decentralized synchronization protocols with nearest neighbor communication},
  2648. year = {2004},
  2649. booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2nd international conference on Embedded networked sensor systems},
  2650. address = {Baltimore, MD, USA},
  2651. page = {62 -- 68}
  2652. }
  2653. @InProceedings{Elson02,
  2654. author = {{J. Elson} and {L. Girod} and {D. Estrin}},
  2655. title = {Fine-Grained Time Synchronization Using Reference Broadcasts,},
  2656. booktitle = {Proceedings of the 5th Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementation},
  2657. pages = {147 -- 163},
  2658. year = {2002},
  2659. note = {RBS},
  2660. month = {December},
  2661. }
  2662. @InProceedings{Ganeriwal03,
  2663. author = {{S. Ganeriwal} and {R. Kumar} and {M. Srivastava}},
  2664. title = {Timing-Sync Protocol for Sensor Networks},
  2665. crossref = {},
  2666. key = {},
  2667. booktitle = {Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Embedded Networked Sensor Systems},
  2668. pages = {138 -- 139},
  2669. year = {2003},
  2670. month = {November},
  2671. }
  2672. @TechReport{LeeShih07,
  2673. author = {{Guo-Liang Lee} and {Chi-Sheng Shih}},
  2674. title = {Clock Free Data Streams Alignment for Sensor Networks},
  2675. institution = {NEWS Lab., National Taiwan University},
  2676. year = {2007},
  2677. address = {Taipei, Taiwan},
  2678. month = {June},
  2679. number = {Technical Report No. TR-IIS-05-008},
  2680. OPTnote = {},
  2681. OPTannote = {}
  2682. }
  2683. @Article{RTP,
  2684. author = {{H. Schulzrinne} and {S. Casner}},
  2685. title = {{RTP}: A Transport Protocol for Real-Time Applications},
  2686. journal = {Internet Engineering Task Force, Internet Draft},
  2687. year = 1993,
  2688. month = {October}
  2689. }
  2690. @Misc{RTSP,
  2691. author = {{Internet Engineering Task Force}},
  2692. title = {{Real Time Streaming Protocol}},
  2693. year = 1998,
  2694. howpublished = {http://www.rtsp.org/}
  2695. }
  2696. @Article{orda99,
  2697. author = {A. Orda},
  2698. title = {Routing with end-to-end QoS guarantees in broadband networks},
  2699. journal = {IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking},
  2700. year = 1999,
  2701. volume = 7,
  2702. month = {June},
  2703. pages = {365-374}
  2704. }
  2705. @InProceedings{wanida03,
  2706. author = {{W. Putthividhya} and {W. Tavanapong} and {M. Tran}, and {Johnny Wong}},
  2707. title = {Core Selection with End-to-End QoS Support},
  2708. year = 2003,
  2709. booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2004 ACM symposium on Applied computing},
  2710. pages = {328-333}
  2711. }
  2712. @InProceedings{Qiang03,
  2713. author = {{Qiang Liu} and {Jeng-Neng Hwang}},
  2714. title = {End-to-end available bandwidth estimation and time measurement adjustment for multimedia QoS},
  2715. year = 2003,
  2716. booktitle = {Proceedings of International Conference on Multimedia and Expo},
  2717. pages = {373-376}
  2718. }
  2719. @Article{RSVP,
  2720. author = {{L. Zhang} and {S. Deering} and {D. Estrin} and {S. Shenker} and {D. Zappala}},
  2721. title = {{RSVP}: a new resource ReSerVation Protocol},
  2722. journal = {IEEE Network},
  2723. year = 1993,
  2724. volume = 7,
  2725. month = {September},
  2726. pages = {8-18}
  2727. }
  2728. @Article{diffserv,
  2729. author = {{S. Blake} and {D. Black} and {M. Carlson} and {E. Davies} and {Z. Wang} and { W. Weiss}},
  2730. title = {An Architecture for Differentiated Services},
  2731. journal = {IETF RFC 2475}
  2732. }
  2733. @Article{foster04,
  2734. author = {{I. Foster} and {M. Fidler} and {A. Roy} and {V. Sander}, and {L. Winkler}},
  2735. title = {End-to-end quality of service for high-end applications},
  2736. journal = {Computer Communications},
  2737. year = 2004,
  2738. volume = 27,
  2739. month = {September},
  2740. pages = {1375-1388}
  2741. }
  2742. @InProceedings{yang04,
  2743. author = {{M. Yang} and {Y. Huang} and {J. Kim} and {M. Lee} and {T. Suda}, and {M. Daisuke}},
  2744. title = {An end-to-end QoS framework with on-demand bandwidth reconfiguration},
  2745. year = 2004,
  2746. volume = 3,
  2747. booktitle = {Conference of the IEEE Computer and Communications Societies},
  2748. pages = {2072-2083}
  2749. }
  2750. @Article{bakiras04,
  2751. author = {{S. Bakiras} and {Victor O. K. Li}},
  2752. title = {A scalable architecture for end-to-end QoS provisioning},
  2753. journal = {Computer Communications},
  2754. year = 2004,
  2755. volume = 27,
  2756. month = {August},
  2757. pages = {1330-1340}
  2758. }
  2759. @InProceedings{QRAM,
  2760. author = {{R. Rajkumar} and {C. Lee} and {J. Lehoczky}, and {D. Siewiorek}},
  2761. title = {A resource allocation model for QoS management},
  2762. year = 1997,
  2763. booktitle = RTSS,
  2764. pages = {298-307}
  2765. }
  2766. @InProceedings{pracQram,
  2767. author = {{R. Rajkumar} and {C. Lee} and {J. Lehoczky}, and {D. Siewiorek}},
  2768. title = {Practical Solutions for QoS-Based Resource Allocation},
  2769. year = 1998,
  2770. booktitle = RTSS,
  2771. pages = {296-306}
  2772. }
  2773. @InProceedings{scalableQram,
  2774. author = {{S. Ghosh} and {R. Rajkumar} and {J. Hansen}, and {J. Lehoczky}},
  2775. title = {Scalable QoS-based resource allocation in hierarchical networked},
  2776. year = 2005,
  2777. booktitle = RTAS,
  2778. pages = {256-267}
  2779. }
  2780. @Misc{p2pwiki,
  2781. author = {wikipedia},
  2782. title = {Peer-to-peer network},
  2783. howpublished = {http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peer-to-peer}
  2784. }
  2785. @InProceedings{RaFe01,
  2786. author = {{S. Ratsanamy} and {P. Francis} and {M. Handley} and {R. Karp} and {S. Shenker}},
  2787. title = {A Scalable Content-Addressable Network},
  2788. year = 2001,
  2789. booktitle = {Proceedings of ACM SIGCOMM'01}
  2790. }
  2791. @InProceedings{StMo01,
  2792. author = {{I. Stoica} and {R. Morris} and {D. Karger} and {M.F. Kaashoek} and {H. Balakrishnan}},
  2793. title = {Chord: A scalable peer-to-peer lookup service for internet applications},
  2794. year = 2001,
  2795. booktitle = {Proceedings of ACM SIGCOMM'01}
  2796. }
  2797. @InProceedings{RoDr01,
  2798. author = {{A. Rowstron} and {P. Druschel}},
  2799. title = {Pastry: Scalable, distributed object location and routing for large-scale peer-to-peer systems},
  2800. year = 2001,
  2801. booktitle = {Proceedings of 18th IFIP/ACM International Conference on Distributed Systems Platforms},
  2802. }
  2803. @Article{bittorrent,
  2804. author = {Bram Cohen},
  2805. title = {Incentives Build Robustness in BitTorrent},
  2806. year = 2003,
  2807. journal = {Workshop on Economics of Peer-to-Peer Systems},
  2808. month = May
  2809. }
  2810. @Misc{gnutella,
  2811. title = {Gnutella Protocol Development Wiki},
  2812. howpublished = {http://www.the-gdf.org/}
  2813. }
  2814. @InProceedings{NgZa02,
  2815. author = {{Thinh PQ Nguyen} and {Avideh Zakhor}},
  2816. title = {Distributed Video Streaming Over Internet},
  2817. year = 2002,
  2818. booktitle = {Proceedings of Multimedia Computing and Networking},
  2819. }
  2820. @InProceedings{HeHa03,
  2821. author = {{M. Hefeeda} and {A. Habib} and {B. Botev} and {Dongyan Xu}, and {B. Bhargava}},
  2822. title = {PROMISE: peer-to-peer media streaming using CollectCast},
  2823. year = 2003,
  2824. booktitle = {ACM international conference on Multimedia},
  2825. pages = {45-54}
  2826. }
  2827. @InProceedings{ReOr03,
  2828. author = {{R. Rejaie} and {A. Ortega}},
  2829. title = {PALS: peer-to-peer adaptive layered streaming},
  2830. year = 2003,
  2831. booktitle = {international workshop on Network and operating systems support for digital audio and video},
  2832. pages = {153-161}
  2833. }
  2834. @Misc{aviformat,
  2835. author = {Microsoft Corporation},
  2836. title = {AVI File Format},
  2837. howpublished = {Mircosoft MSDN}
  2838. }
  2839. @Misc{movformat,
  2840. author = {Apple},
  2841. title = {QuickTime File Format Specification},
  2842. howpublished = {Apple Developer Connection}
  2843. }
  2844. @Misc{mplayer,
  2845. title = {MPlayer},
  2846. howpublished = {http://www.mplayerhq.hu/design7/news.html}
  2847. }
  2848. @Mastersthesis{dynrtbwe,
  2849. author = {Jung Chang Chen},
  2850. title = {{Dynamic Real-Time Bandwidth Management over Wireless Network}},
  2851. school = {Departiment of Computer Science and information engineering,
  2852. National Taiwan University},
  2853. year = 2007
  2854. }
  2855. @InProceedings{Chen08,
  2856. author = {{Tsung-Yen Chen} and {Pei-Hsuan Tsai} and {Ting-Shuo Chou} and {Chi-Sheng Shih} and {Tei-Wei Kuo} and {Jane W.S. Liu} and {Anitha Thamizhmani}},
  2857. title = {Component Model and Architecture of Smart Devices for Elderly},
  2858. booktitle = {Proceedings of Working IEEE/IFIP Conference on Software Architecture (WICSA) 2008},
  2859. OPTpages = {},
  2860. year = {2008},
  2861. address = {Vancouver, BC, Canada},
  2862. month = {February}
  2863. }
  2864. @InProceedings{CORBA_1,
  2865. author = {{Bharat Gokhale} and {Aniruddha dn Kumar} and {Arnaud Sahuguet}},
  2866. title = {Reinventing the {Wheel}? {CORBA} vs.{Web Services}},
  2867. booktitle = {The Eleventh International World Wide Web Conference},
  2868. year = 2002,
  2869. month = {May},
  2870. }
  2871. @Misc{CORBA_2,
  2872. author = {Gisolfi, Dan},
  2873. title = {{Web Services Architect}, {Part} 3: {Is Web Services} the {Reincarnation} of {CORBA}},
  2874. year = {2001},
  2875. month = {April},
  2876. doi = {at \url{http://www-106.ibm.com/developerworks/webservices/library/ws-arc2.html}},
  2877. publisher = {IBM Developer Works},
  2878. }
  2879. @InProceedings{AT,
  2880. author = {{Han-Chun Yeh} and {Pi-Cheng Hsiu} and {Pei-Hsuan Tsai} and {Chi-Sheng Shih} and {Jane Liu}},
  2881. title = {{APAMAT: A} prescription algebra for medication authoringtool},
  2882. booktitle = {2006 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics},
  2883. year = 2006,
  2884. month = {October},
  2885. address = {Taipei, Taiwan},
  2886. publisher = {IEEE}
  2887. }
  2888. @Misc{Axis2,
  2889. author = {{The Apache Software Foundation}},
  2890. title = {{Apache Axis2/Java - Next Generation Web Services}},
  2891. howpublished = {at \url{http://ws.apache.org/axis2/}},
  2892. note = {Last accessed at April 2007},
  2893. }
  2894. @Misc{WSDL,
  2895. author = {W3C},
  2896. title = {{Web Services Description Language (WSDL)} 1.1},
  2897. howpublished = {at \url{http://www.w3.org/TR/wsdl}},
  2898. note = {Last accessed at March 2007},
  2899. }
  2900. @Misc{WF_Forum,
  2901. author = {Microsoft},
  2902. title = {{Windows Workflow Foundation Forum}},
  2903. howpublished = {at \url{http://forums.microsoft.com/MSDN}},
  2904. note = {Last accessed at May 2007},
  2905. }
  2906. @Book{Pro:WF,
  2907. author = {{Bruce Bukovics}},
  2908. title = {{Pro WF: Windows Workflow} in .{NET} 3.0},
  2909. publisher = {Apress},
  2910. year = {2007},
  2911. }
  2912. @Misc{SOA_1,
  2913. author = {Tom Pisello},
  2914. title = {{Is There Real Business Value Behind the Hype of SOA}},
  2915. howpublished = {at \url{http://www.computerworld.com/action/article.do?command=viewArticleBasic&articleId=9001155}},
  2916. note = {Last accessed at Feb 2007},
  2917. }
  2918. @InProceedings{Scheduler_06,
  2919. author = {{P. H. Tsai} and {H. C. Yeh} and {C. Y. Yu} and {P. C. Hsiu} and {C. S. Shih} and {J. W. S. Liu}},
  2920. title = {{Compliance Enforcement} of {Temporal} and {Dosage Constraints}},
  2921. booktitle = {{Proceedings of IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium}},
  2922. year = 2006,
  2923. publisher = {IEEE}
  2924. }
  2925. @Misc{8Core,
  2926. author = {{Nick Knupffer}},
  2927. title = {{The Skulltrail leads to gaming bliss}},
  2928. howpublished = {at \url{http://blogs.intel.com/technology/2008/02/the_skulltrail_leads_to_gaming.php}},
  2929. note = {Last accessed at May 2008},
  2930. }
  2931. @Misc{WINDOWS_SMP,
  2932. author = {Microsoft},
  2933. title = {{Multiprocessor Considerations for Kernel-Mode Drivers}},
  2934. year = {2004},
  2935. month = {October},
  2936. }
  2937. @Misc{LINUX_SMP,
  2938. author = {{M. Tim Jones}},
  2939. title = {{Linux and Symmetric Multiprocessing}},
  2940. howpublished = {at \url{http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/library/l-linux-smp/}},
  2941. note = {Last accessed at May 2008},
  2942. }
  2943. @Misc{SUNOS_AMP,
  2944. author = {{Peter Koch}},
  2945. title = {{History of the Sun4 Series}},
  2946. howpublished = {at \url{http://www.sun4zoo.de/en/history.html}},
  2947. note = {Last accessed at May 2008},
  2948. }
  2949. @Misc{OMAP,
  2950. author = {{Texas Instruments}},
  2951. title = {{{OMAP} Applications Processors Devices from Texas Instruments}},
  2952. howpublished = {at \url{http://focus.ti.com/paramsearch/docs/parametricsearch.tsp?family=dsp&sectionId=2&tabId=2218&familyId=1525&paramCriteria=no}},
  2953. note = {Last accessed at May 2008},
  2954. }
  2955. @Misc{DAVINCI,
  2956. author = {{Texas Instruments}},
  2957. title = {{DaVinci Digital Media Processors Devices from Texas Instruments}},
  2958. howpublished = {at \url{http://focus.ti.com/paramsearch/docs/parametricsearch.tsp?family=dsp&sectionId=2&tabId=1852&familyId=1300}},
  2959. note = {Last accessed at May 2008},
  2960. }
  2961. @Misc{TI,
  2962. author = {{Texas Instruments}},
  2963. title = {{Analog Technologies, Semiconductors, Digital Signal Processing - Texas Instruments}},
  2964. howpublished = {at \url{http://www.ti.com/}},
  2965. note = {Last accessed at May 2008},
  2966. }
  2967. @Misc{DSP_APP,
  2968. author = {{Texas Instruments}},
  2969. title = {{Universal Multimedia Player Based on DaVinci Technology}},
  2970. note = {Literature Number SPRT383},
  2971. year = {2006},
  2972. month = {November},
  2973. }
  2974. @Book{Modern_OS,
  2975. author = {{Andrew S. Tanenbaum}},
  2976. title = {{Modern Operating Systems}},
  2977. publisher = {Prentice Hall},
  2978. pages = {513-515},
  2979. year = {2001},
  2980. edition = {2nd},
  2981. note = {ISBN 0-13-031358-0},
  2982. }
  2983. @Misc{MPI,
  2984. author = {{Mathematics and Computer Science Division (MCS) of Argonne National Laboratory}},
  2985. title = {{The Message Passing Interface (MPI) Standard}},
  2986. howpublished = {at \url{http://www-unix.mcs.anl.gov/mpi/}},
  2987. note = {Last accessed at May 2008},
  2988. }
  2989. @Misc{PVM,
  2990. author = {{Computer Science and Mathematics Division (CSM) of Oak Ridge National Laboratory}},
  2991. title = {{PVM: Parallel Virtual Machine Webpage}},
  2992. howpublished = {at \url{http://www.csm.ornl.gov/pvm/}},
  2993. note = {Last accessed at May 2008},
  2994. }
  2995. @Misc{ONC_RPC,
  2996. author = {{Sun Microsystems}},
  2997. title = {{RPC: Remote Procedure Call Protocol Specification Version 2}},
  2998. howpublished = {at \url{http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc1831}},
  2999. note = {Last accessed at May 2008},
  3000. }
  3001. @Book{DCE_RPC,
  3002. author = {{X/Open Company Limited}},
  3003. title = {{DCE: Remote Procedure Call}},
  3004. publisher = {{X/Open Company Ltd., U.K.}},
  3005. year = {1994},
  3006. note = {ISBN 1-85912-041-5},
  3007. }
  3008. @Book{MicroCOS2,
  3009. author = {{J J. Labrosse}},
  3010. title = {{MicroC/OS-II: The Real Time Kernel}},
  3011. publisher = {CMP Books},
  3012. pages = {60-61},
  3013. year = {2002},
  3014. edition = {2nd},
  3015. note = {ISBN 1-57820-103-9},
  3016. }
  3017. @Misc{SHR_MEM,
  3018. author = {{A. D. Marshall}},
  3019. title = {{UNIX System Calls and Subroutines using C - IPC: Shared Memory}},
  3020. howpublished = {at \url{http://www.cs.cf.ac.uk/Dave/C/node27.html}},
  3021. note = {Last accessed at May 2008},
  3022. }
  3023. @Article{Liu73,
  3024. author = {{C. L. Liu} and {J. Layland}},
  3025. title = {Scheduling algorithms for multiprogramming in a hard real-time environment},
  3026. journal = {Journal of the ACM},
  3027. year = {1973},
  3028. OPTkey = {},
  3029. volume = {20},
  3030. number = {1},
  3031. pages = {46--61},
  3032. month = {},
  3033. OPTnote = {},
  3034. OPTannote = {}
  3035. }
  3036. @Misc{DM6446,
  3037. author = {{Texas Instruments}},
  3038. title = {{TMS320DM6446 Digital Media System-on-Chip}},
  3039. note = {Literature Number SPRS238E},
  3040. year = {2007},
  3041. month = {March},
  3042. }
  3043. @Misc{DVEVM_GS,
  3044. author = {{Texas Instruments}},
  3045. title = {{DVEVM Getting Started Guide}},
  3046. note = {Literature Number SPRUE66C},
  3047. year = {2007},
  3048. month = {March},
  3049. }
  3050. @Misc{C6X_DSP,
  3051. author = {{Texas Instruments}},
  3052. title = {{TMS320C64x DSP CPU and Instruction Set and Reference Guide}},
  3053. note = {Literature Number SPRU732D},
  3054. year = {2007},
  3055. month = {July},
  3056. }
  3057. @Misc{ARM_TRM,
  3058. author = {{ARM}},
  3059. title = {{ARM926EJ-S Technical Reference Manual}},
  3060. note = {},
  3061. year = {2004},
  3062. month = {January},
  3063. }
  3064. @Misc{DM6446_ARM,
  3065. author = {{Texas Instruments}},
  3066. title = {{TMS320DM644x DMSoC ARM Subsystem Reference Guide}},
  3067. note = {Literature Number SPRUE14A},
  3068. year = {2007},
  3069. month = {March},
  3070. }
  3071. @Misc{DM6446_DSP,
  3072. author = {{Texas Instruments}},
  3073. title = {{TMS320DM644x DMSoC DSP Subsystem Reference Guide}},
  3074. note = {Literature Number SPRUE15},
  3075. year = {2007},
  3076. month = {March}
  3077. }
  3078. @Misc{DSP_BIOS,
  3079. author = {Texas Instruments},
  3080. title = {{DSP/BIOS} Kernel Technical Overview},
  3081. note = {Literature Number SPRA780},
  3082. year = {2001},
  3083. month = {August}
  3084. }
  3085. @Misc{DSP_BIOS2,
  3086. author = {{Texas Instruments}},
  3087. title = {{DSP BIOS}: A Complete DSP OS Solution},
  3088. howpublished = {at \url{http://focus.ti.com/dsp/docs/dspsupportatn.tsp?sectionId=3&tabId=477&familyId=44&toolTypeId=5#biosovw}},
  3089. note = {Last accessed at April 2009}
  3090. }
  3091. @Misc{OKL4,
  3092. author = {{Open Kernel Labs}},
  3093. title = {{Introduce to OKL4 of Open Kernel Labs}},
  3094. howpublished = {at \url{http://www.ok-labs.com/products/okl4}},
  3095. note = {Last accessed at May 2008},
  3096. }
  3097. @Misc{L4,
  3098. author = {{Dresden, University of Technology}},
  3099. title = {{The L4 $\mu$-Kernel Family}},
  3100. howpublished = {at \url{http://os.inf.tu-dresden.de/L4/}},
  3101. note = {Last accessed at May 2008},
  3102. }
  3103. @Article{H264,
  3104. author = {{Thomas Wiegand} and {Gary J. Sullivan} and {Gisle Bjontegaard} and {Ajay Luthra}},
  3105. title = {{Overview of the H.264/AVC video coding standard}},
  3106. journal = {IEEE Tansactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology},
  3107. year = {2003},
  3108. OPTkey = {},
  3109. volume = {13},
  3110. number = {7},
  3111. pages = {},
  3112. month = {July},
  3113. OPTnote = {},
  3114. OPTannote = {}
  3115. }
  3116. @Article{MP3,
  3117. author = {{Davis Pan}},
  3118. title = {{A tutorial on MPEG/Audio compression}},
  3119. journal = {IEEE Multimedia Journal},
  3120. year = {1995},
  3121. OPTkey = {},
  3122. volume = {},
  3123. number = {},
  3124. pages = {60-74},
  3125. month = {Summer},
  3126. OPTnote = {},
  3127. OPTannote = {}
  3128. }
  3129. @Article{H264_EXE_RATIO,
  3130. author = {{Xiaoli Zhao} and {Pin Tao} and {Shiqiang Yang} and {Fei Kong}},
  3131. title = {Computation Offloading for H.264 Video Encoder on Mobile Devices},
  3132. journal = {IMACS Multiconference on ``Computational Engineering in Systems Applications''(CESA)},
  3133. year = {2006},
  3134. OPTkey = {},
  3135. volume = {},
  3136. number = {},
  3137. pages = {},
  3138. month = {October 4-6},
  3139. OPTnote = {},
  3140. OPTannote = {}
  3141. }
  3142. @Misc{DM6446_TIMER,
  3143. author = {{Texas Instruments}},
  3144. title = {{TMS320DM644x DMSoC 64-bit Timer User's Guide}},
  3145. note = {Literature Number SPRUE26},
  3146. year = {2007},
  3147. month = {March},
  3148. }
  3149. @Misc{JM_Code,
  3150. author = {{Karsten Shring}},
  3151. title = {{H.264/AVC reference software}},
  3152. howpublished = {at \url{http://iphome.hhi.de/suehring/tml/}},
  3153. note = {Last accessed at April 2009},
  3154. }
  3155. @InProceedings{MedicationErrors,
  3156. author = {{Philips Aspden} and {Julie Wolcott} and {J. Lyle Bootman} and {Linda R. Cronenwett}},
  3157. title = {{Preventing Medication Errors: Quality Chasm Series}},
  3158. booktitle = {{Committee on Identifying and Preventing Medication Errors}},
  3159. year = 2007,
  3160. address = {U.S.A, Washington, DC 2001},
  3161. publisher = {The National Academies Press}
  3162. }
  3163. @TechReport{MedicationAdvisor,
  3164. author = {{G. Gerguson} and {J. Allen} and {N. Blaylock} and {D. Byron} and {N. Chambers} and {M. Dzikovska} and {L. Galescu} and {X. Shen} and {R. Swier} and {M. Shift}},
  3165. title = {{The Medication Advisor Project: Preliminary Report }},
  3166. institution = {Computer Science Department, University of Rochester},
  3167. year = {2002},
  3168. number = {No. 776},
  3169. month = {May},
  3170. OPTnote = {},
  3171. OPTannote = {}
  3172. }
  3173. @misc{Murray,
  3174. author = {Michael D. Murray},
  3175. title = {{Automated Meidcation Dispensing Devices}},
  3176. url = {http://www.ahcpr.gov/clinic/ptsafety/chap11.htm},
  3177. year = {2001},
  3178. note = {Accessed May, 2007}
  3179. }
  3180. @InProceedings{Crnkovic04,
  3181. author = {I. Crnkovic},
  3182. title = {Component-based approach to embedded systems},
  3183. booktitle = {Proceedings of 9th International Workshop on Component-Oriented Programming},
  3184. year = {2004},
  3185. month = {June},
  3186. }
  3187. @InProceedings{Crnkovic05,
  3188. author = {I. Crnkovic},
  3189. title = {COTS component-based embedded systems - A Dream or Reality?},
  3190. booktitle = {Proceedings of the 4th International Conference of ICCBSS},
  3191. year = {2005},
  3192. month = {February},
  3193. }
  3194. @misc{Review,
  3195. author = {{Adam Luce} and {Alex Leung}},
  3196. title = {{Review of 2005-2006 RERC-AMI National Student Design Competition}},
  3197. url = {http://www.rerc-ami.org/ami/tech/tr-ami-004-sr-des-med-dispensing/index.aspx},
  3198. year = {2006},
  3199. month = {October},
  3200. note = {Accessed May, 2007}
  3201. }
  3202. @InProceedings{Wiss05,
  3203. author = {{T. Wisspeintner et al}},
  3204. title = {A flexible component-based mobile robot system},
  3205. booktitle = {RoboCup 2005},
  3206. year = {2005},
  3207. }
  3208. @InProceedings{Passama06,
  3209. author = {R. Passama},
  3210. title = {Overview of a new robot controller development methodology},
  3211. booktitle = {Proceedings of CAR'06: Control Architectures of Robots: Software Approaches and Issues},
  3212. year = {2006}
  3213. }
  3214. @InProceedings{Makarenko06,
  3215. author = {{A. Makarenko et al}},
  3216. title = {Orca: components for robots},
  3217. booktitle = {Proceedings of IEEE/RSJ Inter. Conference on Intel. Robots and
  3218. Systems},
  3219. year = {2006}
  3220. }
  3221. @Book{WPF07,
  3222. author = {Chris Anderson},
  3223. title = {Essential Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF)},
  3224. publisher = {Addison-Wesley Professional},
  3225. year = {2007},
  3226. month = {April}
  3227. }
  3228. @Book{WPF08,
  3229. author = {Mathew Mac{D}onald},
  3230. title = {Pro WPF in C\# 2008: Windows Presentation Foundation with .NET 3.5, Second Edition},
  3231. publisher = {Apress},
  3232. year = {2008},
  3233. month = {February}
  3234. }
  3235. @Book{WxWidget05,
  3236. author = {{Julian Smart} and {Kevin Hock} and {Stefan Csomor}},
  3237. title = {Cross-Platform GUI Programming with wxWidgets},
  3238. publisher = {Prentice Hall PTR},
  3239. year = {2005},
  3240. month = {August}
  3241. }
  3242. @Misc{WxWidget10,
  3243. author = {{Julian Smart} and {Robert Roebling} and {Vadim Zeitlin} and {Robin Dunn}},
  3244. title = {{W}x{W}idgets 2.8.10: {A} portable {C}++ and {P}ython {GUI} toolkit},
  3245. year = {2009},
  3246. month = {February},
  3247. howpublished = {at \url{http://docs.wxwidgets.org/stable/}},
  3248. note = {Last accessed at January 2010}
  3249. }
  3250. @Unpublished{iNuC10,
  3251. author = {{Jane W.-S. Liu} and {Chi-Sheng Shih} and {Y.T. Chuang} and {Pei-hsuen Tsai} and {ddio}},
  3252. title = {i{N}u{C} 2.0: Workflow-base Embedded Software for Intelligent Nurse Carts},
  3253. note = {Submitted to an unknown conference 2010}
  3254. }
  3255. @Misc{OperaMini,
  3256. author = {{Opera Software ASA}},
  3257. title = {{O}pera {M}ini: The World's Most popular mobile browser},
  3258. year = 2009,
  3259. month = {February},
  3260. howpublished = {at \url{http://www.opera.com/mini/features/}},
  3261. note = {Last accessed at January 2010}
  3262. }
  3263. @Article{WAP98,
  3264. author = {{Christer Erlandson} and {Per Ocklind}},
  3265. title = {{WAP} -- The wireless application protocol},
  3266. journal = {Ericsson Review},
  3267. year = {1998},
  3268. volume = {4},
  3269. pages = {150 -- 153}
  3270. }
  3271. @InProceedings{TCPW01,
  3272. author = {{C. Casetti} and {M. Gerla} and {S. Mascolo} and {M. Y. Sanadidi} and {R. Wang}},
  3273. title = {TCP Westwood: Bandwidth estimation for enhanced transport over wireless links},
  3274. booktitle = {Proceedings of ACM Mobicom, Rome, Italy},
  3275. year = 2001,
  3276. month = {July},
  3277. pages = {28--37}
  3278. }
  3279. @InProceedings{ITCPPWN95,
  3280. author = {{Balakrishnan, H.} and {S. Seshan} and {E. Amir} and {R. H. katz}},
  3281. title = {Improving TCP/IP Performance Over Wireless Networks},
  3282. booktitle = {MOBICOM'95, Berkeley, CA, USA},
  3283. year = 1995,
  3284. month = {November}
  3285. }
  3286. @InProceedings{OP2PMS02,
  3287. author = {{Dongyan Xu} and {Mohamed Hefeeda} and {Susanne Hambrusch} and {Bharat Bhargava}},
  3288. title = {On Peer-to-Peer Media Streaming},
  3289. booktitle = {Proceedings of the 22 nd International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCSो02)},
  3290. year = 2002
  3291. }
  3293. AUTHOR = {{H. Deshpande} and {M. Bawa} and {H. Garcia-Molina}},
  3294. TITLE = {Streaming Live Media over a Peer-to-Peer Network},
  3295. INSTITUTION = {Stanford University},
  3296. PUBLISHER = {Stanford University},
  3297. YEAR = 2001,
  3298. month = {August}
  3299. }
  3300. @InProceedings{CHP2PS01,
  3301. author = {{Beverly Yang} and {Hector Garcia-Molina}},
  3302. title = {Comparing Hybrid Peer-to-Peer Systems},
  3303. booktitle = {Proceedings of the 27th Intl. Conf. on Very Large Databases},
  3304. year = 2001,
  3305. month = {September}
  3306. }
  3307. @Misc{CodingStyle09,
  3308. author = {{Jane W.-S. Liu}},
  3309. title = {Flex{MMS} and i{N}u{C} Coding Style V1.2},
  3310. month = {November},
  3311. Year = {2009},
  3312. howpublished = {at \url{http://www.sisarl.org/index.php?option=com_docman&task=doc_download&gid=240&Itemid=33}},
  3313. note = {Last accessed at January 2010}
  3314. }
  3315. @InProceedings{LiShih07,
  3316. title = {Clock Free Data Streams Alignment for Sensor Networks},
  3317. author = {{Guo-Liang Li} and {Chi-Sheng Shih}},
  3318. booktitle = { Proceedings of the 13th RTCSA conference (Real-time and Embedded Computing Systems and Applications Conference},
  3319. month = {August},
  3320. year = {2007}
  3321. }
  3322. @inproceedings{
  3323. dps,
  3324. Author = {{Robert Davis} and {Andy Wellings}},
  3325. Title = {Dual Priority Scheduling},
  3326. BookTitle = {Proceedings of the 16th IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium},
  3327. Year = {1995} }
  3328. @inproceedings{
  3329. davis93,
  3330. Author = {{R. I. Davis} and {K. W. Tindell} and {A. Burns}},
  3331. Title = {Scheduling slack time in fixed priority pre-emptive systems},
  3332. BookTitle = {Proceedings Real-Time Systems Symposium},
  3333. Pages = {222-231},
  3334. Year = {1993} }
  3335. @article{
  3336. gao04,
  3337. Author = {{Kui Gao} and {Wen Gao} and {Simin He} and {Yuan Zhang}},
  3338. Title = {Real-time scheduling based on imprecise computation for scalable streaming media system over the Internet},
  3339. Journal = {Real-Time Imaging},
  3340. Year = {2004} }
  3341. @article{
  3342. gomes06,
  3343. Author = {{Lee Gomes}},
  3344. Title = {Will All of Us Get Our 15 Minutes On a {YouTube} Video?},
  3345. Journal = {Wall Street Journal},
  3346. Year = {Aug. 30, 2006} }
  3347. @inproceedings{
  3348. huang07,
  3349. Author = {{C. Huang} and {J. Li} and {K. W. Ross}},
  3350. Title = {Can {Internet} {Video-on-Demand} be Profitable? },
  3351. BookTitle = {SIGCOMM'07},
  3352. Year = {2007} }
  3353. @misc{
  3354. comscore07,
  3355. Author = {{comScore Inc.}},
  3356. Title = {{U.S.} Viewers Watched an Average of 3 Hours of Online Video in {July}},
  3357. Howpublished = {http://www.comscore.com/press/release.asp?press=1678},
  3358. Year = {Sep. 12, 2007} }
  3359. @inproceedings{
  3360. legout06,
  3361. Author = {{A. Legout} and {G. Urvoy-Keller} and {P. Michiardi}},
  3362. Title = {Rarest first and choke algorithms are enough},
  3363. BookTitle = {Proceedings of the 6th ACM SIGCOMM on Internet measurement},
  3364. Year = {2006} }
  3365. @inproceedings{
  3366. imprecise,
  3367. Author = {{J.W.S. Liu} and {W.-K. Shih} and {K.-J. Lin} and {R. Bettati} and {J.-Y. Chung}},
  3368. Title = {Imprecise computations},
  3369. BookTitle = {Proceedings of the IEEE},
  3370. Volume = {82},
  3371. Year = {1994} }
  3372. @article{
  3373. pals,
  3374. Author = {{Nazanin Magharei} and {Reza Rejaie}},
  3375. Title = {Adaptive Receiver-Driven Streaming from Multiple Senders},
  3376. Journal = {Multimedia Systems},
  3377. Volume = {11},
  3378. Pages = {18},
  3379. Keywords = {Peer-to-peer streaming - Quality adaptive - Congestion control - Layered encoding},
  3380. Year = {2006} }
  3381. @inproceedings{
  3382. miao00,
  3383. Author = {{Zhourong Miao} and {Antonio Ortega}},
  3384. Title = {Optimal Scheduling for Streaming of Scalable Media},
  3385. BookTitle = {Proc. Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers},
  3386. Address= {Pacific Grove, CA},
  3387. Year = {2000} }
  3388. @inproceedings{
  3389. q-ram,
  3390. Author = {{Ragunathan Rajkumar} and {Chen Lee} and {John Lehoczky} and {Dan Siewiorek}},
  3391. Title = {A Resource Allocation Model for {QoS} Management},
  3392. BookTitle = {18th IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium (RTSS '97)},
  3393. Pages = {298},
  3394. Year = {1997} }
  3395. @inproceedings{
  3396. raj98,
  3397. Author = {{R. Rajkumar} and {C. Lee} and {J. Lehoczky} and {D. Siewiorek}},
  3398. Title = {Practical Solutions for {QoS-based} Resource Allocation Problems},
  3399. BookTitle = {IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium},
  3400. Year = {1998} }
  3401. @article{
  3402. svc_overview,
  3403. Author = {{H. Schwarz} and {D. Marpe} and {T. Wiegand}},
  3404. Title = {Overview of the Scalable Video Coding Extension of the {H.264/AVC} Standard},
  3405. Journal = {IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology},
  3406. Volume = {17},
  3407. Number = {9},
  3408. Year = {2007} }
  3409. @article{
  3410. seo08,
  3411. Author = {{K.-D. Seo} and {S.-H. Jung} and {J.-S. Kim}},
  3412. Title = {Efficient Media Synchronization Mechanism for {SVC} Video Transport over {IP} Networks},
  3413. Journal = {ETRI Journal},
  3414. Volume = {30},
  3415. Pages = {10},
  3416. Keywords = {Media synchronization, RTP/RTCP, scalable video coding, SVC video transport},
  3417. Year = {2008} }
  3418. @inproceedings{
  3419. sprunt88,
  3420. Author = {{B. Sprunt} and {J. Lehoczky} and {L. Sha}},
  3421. Title = {Exploiting unused periodic time for aperiodic service using the extended priority exchange algorithm},
  3422. BookTitle = {Real-Time Systems Symposium},
  3423. Year = {1988} }
  3424. @misc{
  3425. jsvm,
  3426. Author = {{JVT of the ISO/IEC MPEG and the ITU-T VCEG}},
  3427. Title = {{JSVM} reference software 9.8},
  3428. Year = {Oct. 15, 2007} }
  3429. @inproceedings{
  3430. wagner06,
  3431. Author = {{Jean-Paul Wagner} and {Jacob Chakareski} and {Pascal Frossard}},
  3432. Title = {Streaming of Scalable Video from Multiple Servers Using Rateless Codes},
  3433. BookTitle = {International Conference on Multimedia and Expo},
  3434. Year = {2006} }
  3435. @inproceedings{
  3436. rstream,
  3437. Author = {{C. Wu} and {B. Li}},
  3438. Title = {{rStream}: resilient peer-to-peer streaming with rateless codes},
  3439. BookTitle = {Proceedings of the 13th annual ACM international conference on Multimedia},
  3440. Year = {2005} }
  3441. @misc{
  3442. yen08,
  3443. Author = {{Yi-Wyn Yen}},
  3444. Title = {{YouTube} looks for the money clip},
  3445. Howpublished = {http://techland.blogs.fortune.cnn.com/2008/03/25/youtube-looks-for-the-money-clip/},
  3446. Year = {Mar. 25, 2008} }
  3447. @Book{BT,
  3448. publisher = "BitTorrent Home Page. http://www.bittorrent.com"
  3449. }
  3450. @Book{EMULE,
  3451. publisher = "eMule Home Page. http://www.emule-project.net"
  3452. }
  3453. @InProceedings{PROMISE03,
  3454. author = {{Mohamed Hefeeda} and {Ahsan Habib} and {Boyan Botev} and {Dongyan Xu} and {Bharat Bhargava}},
  3455. title = {PROMISE: Peer-to-Peer Media Streaming Using CollectCast},
  3456. booktitle = {Proceedings of the eleventh ACM international conference on Multimedia, Berkeley, CA},
  3457. month = {November},
  3458. year = 2003
  3459. }
  3461. author = {{Mohamed Hefeeda} and {Ahsan Habib} and {Dongyan Xu} and {Bharat Bhargava} and {Boyan Botev}},
  3462. title = {Collectcast: A Peer-to-Peer Service for Media Streaming},
  3463. JOURNAL = {ACM/Springer Multimedia Systems Journal},
  3464. month = {October},
  3465. year = 2003
  3466. }
  3467. @Book{LIBPCAP,
  3468. publisher = "Libpcap Home Page. http://www.tcpdump.org"
  3469. }
  3470. @book{
  3471. algo,
  3472. Author = {{Thomas H. Cormen} and {Charles E. Leiserson} and {Ronald L. Rivest} and {Clifford Stein}},
  3473. Title = {Introduction to Algorithms},
  3474. Publisher = {the MIT Press},
  3475. Edition = {2},
  3476. Year = {2002} }
  3477. @misc{css10,
  3478. Author = {{World Wide Web Consortium}},
  3479. Title = {Cascading Scripts Sheets ({CSS})},
  3480. Howpublished = {http://www.w3c.org/Style/css},
  3481. note = {Last accessed at January 2010}
  3482. }
  3483. @Book{MicrosoftNET,
  3484. author = {{A. Wigley} and {M. Sutton} and {S. Wheelwright} and {R. Burbidge} and {R. Mcloud}},
  3485. title = {Microsoft .Net Compact Framework: Core Reference},
  3486. ublisher = {Microsoft Press},
  3487. year = {2002},
  3488. address = {Redmond, WA, USA}
  3489. }
  3490. @Book{MicrosoftForm,
  3491. ALTauthor = {Matthew MacDonald},
  3492. title = {Pro WPF with VB 2008: Windows Presentation Foundation with .NET 3.5},
  3493. publisher = {Apress},
  3494. year = {2008},
  3495. edition = {1st},
  3496. month = {March}
  3497. }
  3498. @TechReport{inucinner10,
  3499. author = {{Wei-Ching Feng} and {Ting-Lun Hsu} and
  3500. {Chih-Wei Chiou} and {Kuan-Chun Chuang} and
  3501. {Chi-Sheng Shih}},
  3502. title = {Inner State Diagram for {iNuC} 1.0 {GUI}},
  3503. institution = {NTU/NEWS Lab Technical Report},
  3504. year = {2010},
  3505. number = {NEWS-10-0005},
  3506. OPTkey = {},
  3507. month = {April},
  3508. year = {2010},
  3509. OPTannote = {}
  3510. }
  3511. @article{dam_post-wimp_1997,
  3512. title = {{Post-WIMP} user interfaces},
  3513. volume = {40},
  3514. url = {http://portal.acm.org/citation.cfm?doid=253671.253708},
  3515. doi = {10.1145/253671.253708},
  3516. abstract = {Note: {OCR} errors may be found in this Reference List extracted from the full text article. {ACM} has opted to expose the complete List rather than only correct and linked references.},
  3517. number = {2},
  3518. journal = {Commun. {ACM}},
  3519. author = {Andries van Dam},
  3520. year = {1997},
  3521. pages = {63--67}
  3522. }
  3523. @article{myers_past_2000,
  3524. title = {Past, Present and Future of User Interface Software Tools},
  3525. volume = {7},
  3526. url =
  3527. {http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/summary?doi=},
  3528. journal = {{ACM} {TRANSACTIONS} {ON} {COMPUTER-HUMAN}
  3529. {INTERACTION}},
  3530. author = {Brad Myers and Scott E Hudson and Randy Pausch
  3531. and Y. Pausch},
  3532. year = {2000},
  3533. pages = {3---28}
  3534. }
  3535. @misc{MFC,
  3536. title = {MFC},
  3537. howpublished = {http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/d06h2x6e%28VS.90%29.aspx}
  3538. }
  3539. @misc{Qt,
  3540. title = {Qt},
  3541. howpublished = {http://qt.nokia.com/}
  3542. }
  3543. @misc{apple,
  3544. title = {Apple},
  3545. howpublished = {http://www.apple.com/}
  3546. }
  3547. @misc{parc,
  3548. title = {Xerox PARC},
  3549. howpublished = {http://www.parc.com/},
  3550. }
  3551. @misc{inuc_2008,
  3552. title = {{iNuC (Intelligent Nursing Cart)}},
  3553. howpublished = {http://of.openfoundry.org/projects/1140},
  3554. }
  3555. @misc{autoit,
  3556. title = {AutoIt v3},
  3557. howpublished={http://www.autoitscript.com/autoit3}
  3558. }
  3559. @misc{perl,
  3560. title = {Perl Programming},
  3561. howpublished={http://www.perl.org/}
  3562. }
  3563. @misc{ncover,
  3564. title = {NCover},
  3565. howpublished={http://www.ncover.com/}
  3566. }
  3567. @misc{jahmm,
  3568. title = {jahmm},
  3569. howpublished={http://code.google.com/p/jahmm/}
  3570. }
  3571. @misc{java,
  3572. title = {JAVA},
  3573. howpublished={http://www.java.com}
  3574. }
  3575. @misc{net,
  3576. title = {Micorsoft .NET},
  3577. howpublished = {http://www.microsoft.com/net/}
  3578. }
  3579. @book{utting_model_based_2006,
  3580. edition = {1},
  3581. title = {Practical {Model-Based} Testing: A Tools Approach},
  3582. isbn = {0123725011},
  3583. shorttitle = {Practical {Model-Based} Testing},
  3584. publisher = {Morgan Kaufmann},
  3585. author = {Mark Utting and Bruno Legeard},
  3586. month = dec,
  3587. year = {2006}
  3588. }
  3589. @misc{pan_software_1999,
  3590. title = {Software Testing},
  3591. url = {http://www.ece.cmu.edu/~koopman/des_s99/sw_testing/},
  3592. abstract = {Software testing is any activity aimed at evaluating
  3593. an attribute or capability of a program or system and
  3594. determining that it meets its required results.
  3595. {[Hetzel88]} Although crucial to software quality and
  3596. widely deployed by programmers and testers, software testing
  3597. still remains an art, due to limited understanding of
  3598. the principles of software. The difficulty in software
  3599. testing stems from the complexity of software: we can
  3600. not completely test a program with moderate complexity.
  3601. Testing is more than just debugging. The purpose of
  3602. testing can be quality assurance, verification and
  3603. validation, or reliability estimation. Testing can be
  3604. used as a generic metric as well. Correctness testing
  3605. and reliability testing are two major areas of testing.
  3606. Software testing is a trade-off between budget, time and
  3607. quality.},
  3608. author = {Jiantao Pan},
  3609. year = {1999},
  3610. howpublished =
  3611. {http://www.ece.cmu.edu/{\textasciitilde}koopman/des\_s99/sw\_testing/}
  3612. }
  3613. % Test automation
  3614. @article{memon_hierarchical_2001,
  3615. title = {Hierarchical {GUI} Test Case Generation Using Automated
  3616. Planning},
  3617. volume = {27},
  3618. url =
  3619. {http://portal.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=373399&dl=GUIDE&coll=GUIDE&CFID=70942285&CFTOKEN=73530866},
  3620. number = {2},
  3621. journal = {{IEEE} Trans. Softw. Eng.},
  3622. author = {Atif M. Memon and Martha E. Pollack
  3623. and Mary Lou Soffa},
  3624. year = {2001},
  3625. keywords = {application of ai planning,
  3626. automated test case generation,
  3627. generating alternative plans., gui
  3628. regression testing, gui testing,
  3629. software testing},
  3630. pages = {144--155}
  3631. }
  3632. @inproceedings{memon_coverage_2001,
  3633. address = {Vienna, Austria},
  3634. title = {Coverage criteria for {GUI} testing},
  3635. isbn = {1-58113-390-1},
  3636. url = {http://portal.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=503244},
  3637. doi = {10.1145/503209.503244},
  3638. booktitle = {Proceedings of the 8th European
  3639. software engineering conference held jointly
  3640. with 9th {ACM} {SIGSOFT} international
  3641. symposium on Foundations of software
  3642. engineering},
  3643. publisher = {{ACM}},
  3644. author = {Atif M. Memon and Mary Lou
  3645. Soffa and Martha E. Pollack},
  3646. year = {2001},
  3647. keywords = {component testing,
  3648. event-based coverage,
  3649. event-flow graph, gui test
  3650. coverage, gui testing,
  3651. integration tree},
  3652. pages = {256--267}
  3653. }
  3654. @inproceedings{kasik_novice_1996,
  3655. address = {Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada},
  3656. title = {Toward automatic generation of novice user test scripts},
  3657. isbn = {0-89791-777-4},
  3658. url = {http://portal.acm.org/ft_gateway.cfm?id=238519&type=html&coll=GUIDE&dl=&CFID=58170981&CFTOKEN=57973066},
  3659. doi = {10.1145/238386.238519},
  3660. abstract = {Note: {OCR} errors may be found in this Reference List extracted from the full text article. {ACM} has opted to expose the complete List rather than only correct and linked references.},
  3661. booktitle = {Proceedings of the {SIGCHI} conference on Human factors in computing systems: common ground},
  3662. publisher = {{ACM}},
  3663. author = {David J. Kasik and Harry G. George},
  3664. year = {1996},
  3665. keywords = {automated test generation, dialog model specification, genetic algorithms, software engineering test process},
  3666. pages = {244--251}
  3667. }
  3668. @article{xie_usingpilot_2008,
  3669. title = {Using a pilot study to derive a {GUI} model for automated testing},
  3670. volume = {18},
  3671. url = {http://portal.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=1416563.1416567},
  3672. doi = {10.1145/1416563.1416567},
  3673. number = {2},
  3674. journal = {{ACM} Trans. Softw. Eng. Methodol.},
  3675. author = {Qing Xie and Atif M Memon},
  3676. year = {2008},
  3677. keywords = {graphical user interfaces, model-based testing, test minimization, test suite management},
  3678. pages = {1--35}
  3679. }
  3680. @article{nagarajan_refactoring_2003,
  3681. title = {Refactoring Using Event-based Profiling},
  3682. url =
  3683. {http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/summary?doi=},
  3684. journal = {{IN} {PROCEEDINGS} {OF} {THE} {FIRST} {INTERNATIONAL}
  3686. {EFFECTS}},
  3687. author = {Adithya Nagarajan and Atif Memon},
  3688. year = {2003}
  3689. }
  3690. @inproceedings{hackner_test_2008,
  3691. address = {Leipzig, Germany},
  3692. title = {Test case generator for {GUITAR}},
  3693. isbn = {978-1-60558-079-1},
  3694. url = {http://portal.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=1370175.1370207},
  3695. doi = {10.1145/1370175.1370207},
  3696. booktitle = {Companion of the 30th international conference on Software engineering},
  3697. publisher = {{ACM}},
  3698. author = {Daniel R. Hackner and Atif M. Memon},
  3699. year = {2008},
  3700. keywords = {code coverage, event-flow, graphical user interfaces, gui ripping, integration tree, jfcunit, junit, test case generation},
  3701. pages = {959--960}
  3702. },
  3703. @article{memon_employing_2006,
  3704. title = {Employing user profiles to test a new version of a {GUI} component in its context of use},
  3705. volume = {14},
  3706. issn = {0963-9314},
  3707. url = {http://www.springerlink.com/index/10.1007/s11219-006-0040-7},
  3708. doi = {10.1007/s11219-006-0040-7},
  3709. number = {4},
  3710. journal = {Software Quality Journal},
  3711. author = {Atif M. Memon},
  3712. year = {2006},
  3713. pages = {359--377}
  3714. },
  3715. @article{memon_event-flow_2007,
  3716. title = {An event-flow model of {GUI-based} applications for testing: Research Articles},
  3717. volume = {17},
  3718. shorttitle = {An event-flow model of {GUI-based} applications for testing},
  3719. url = {http://portal.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=1286487},
  3720. number = {3},
  3721. journal = {Softw. Test. Verif. Reliab.},
  3722. author = {Atif M. Memon},
  3723. year = {2007},
  3724. keywords = {event-driven software, event-flow graph, event-flow model, graphical user interfaces, integration tree, model checking, test oracles, test-case generation},
  3725. pages = {137--157}
  3726. },
  3727. @inproceedings{memon_usinggoal-driven_1999,
  3728. address = {Los Angeles, California, United States},
  3729. title = {Using a goal-driven approach to generate test cases for {GUIs}},
  3730. isbn = {1-58113-074-0},
  3731. url = {http://portal.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=302632},
  3732. doi = {10.1145/302405.302632},
  3733. abstract = {Note: {OCR} errors may be found in this Reference List extracted from the full text article. {ACM} has opted to expose the complete List rather than only correct and linked references.},
  3734. booktitle = {Proceedings of the 21st international conference on Software engineering},
  3735. publisher = {{ACM}},
  3736. author = {Atif M. Memon and Martha E. Pollack and Mary Lou Soffa},
  3737. year = {1999},
  3738. keywords = {application of planning, automated test case generation, generating alternate plans, gui regression testing, gui testing},
  3739. pages = {257--266}
  3740. },
  3741. @inproceedings{ruiz_gui_2008,
  3742. title = {{GUI} Testing Made Easy},
  3743. isbn = {978-0-7695-3383-4},
  3744. url = {http://portal.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=1475701.1476380&coll=GUIDE&dl=GUIDE&CFID=94403256&CFTOKEN=99873115},
  3745. booktitle = {Proceedings of the Testing: Academic {\textbackslash}\& Industrial Conference - Practice and Research Techniques},
  3746. publisher = {{IEEE} Computer Society},
  3747. author = {Alex Ruiz and Yvonne Wang Price},
  3748. year = {2008},
  3749. keywords = {gui testing, tool design},
  3750. pages = {99--103}
  3751. },
  3752. @inproceedings{white_user-based_2001,
  3753. title = {User-based testing of {GUI} sequences and their interactions},
  3754. booktitle = {Software Reliability Engineering, 2001. {ISSRE} 2001. Proceedings. 12th International Symposium on},
  3755. author = {L. White and H. Almezen and N. Alzeidi},
  3756. year = {2001},
  3757. keywords = {complete interaction sequences, graphical user interfaces, {GUI} sequences, memory tools, object-oriented programming, object-oriented testing, program testing, user sequences, user-based testing},
  3758. pages = {54--63},
  3759. }
  3760. @article{yuan_generating_2010,
  3761. title = {Generating Event {Sequence-Based} Test Cases Using {GUI} Runtime State Feedback},
  3762. volume = {36},
  3763. url = {http://portal.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=1729475.1729595},
  3764. number = {1},
  3765. journal = {{IEEE} Trans. Softw. Eng.},
  3766. author = {Xun Yuan and Atif M. Memon},
  3767. year = {2010},
  3768. keywords = {automated testing, gui testing, guitar testing system., model-based testing},
  3769. pages = {81--95}
  3770. }
  3771. @article{clarke_automated_1998,
  3772. title = {Automated test generation from a behavioral model},
  3773. url =
  3774. {http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/summary?doi=},
  3775. journal = {{IN} {PROCEEDINGS} {OF} {PACIFIC} {NORTHWEST}
  3777. author = {James M Clarke},
  3778. year = {1998}
  3779. }
  3780. %inuc
  3781. @mastersthesis{sasa:1,
  3782. author = "Yen-Ting Chuang",
  3783. title = {iNuC User Interface Design and Implementation},
  3784. school = "National Tsing Hua University",
  3785. address = "Hish-Chu City, Taiwan",
  3786. year = "2009"
  3787. }
  3788. @mastersthesis{wang_2010,
  3789. author = "Huang Kuo-Chiao",
  3790. title = {Model-Based GUI Testing Using Sikuli},
  3791. school = "National Taiwan University",
  3792. address = "Department of Electrical Engineering College of Electrical
  3793. Engineering and Computer Science, National Taiwan University, Taipei City, Taiwan",
  3794. year = "2010"
  3795. }
  3796. %user model
  3797. @incollection{pantic_human_2007,
  3798. title = {Human Computing and Machine Understanding of Human Behavior: A Survey},
  3799. shorttitle = {Human Computing and Machine Understanding of Human Behavior},
  3800. url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-540-72348-6_3},
  3801. abstract = {A widely accepted prediction is that computing will move to the background, weaving itself into the fabric of our everyday
  3802. living spaces and projecting the human user into the foreground. If this prediction is to come true, then next generation
  3803. computing should be about anticipatory user interfaces that should be human-centered, built for humans based on human models.
  3804. They should transcend the traditional keyboard and mouse to include natural, human-like interactive functions including understanding
  3805. and emulating certain human behaviors such as affecti0ve and social signaling. This article discusses how far are we from enabling computers to understand human behavior.},
  3806. booktitle = {Artifical Intelligence for Human Computing},
  3807. author = {Maja Pantic and Alex Pentland and Anton Nijholt and Thomas Huang},
  3808. year = {2007},
  3809. keywords = {{HCI}},
  3810. pages = {47--71}
  3811. }
  3812. @article{john_goms_1996,
  3813. title = {The {GOMS} family of user interface analysis techniques: comparison and contrast},
  3814. volume = {3},
  3815. doi = {10.1145/235833.236054},
  3816. number = {4},
  3817. journal = {{ACM} Trans. {Comput.-Hum.} Interact.},
  3818. author = {Bonnie E. John and David E. Kieras},
  3819. year = {1996},
  3820. keywords = {cognitive modeling, goms, usability engineering},
  3821. pages = {320--351},
  3822. }
  3823. @inproceedings{drury_adapting_2007,
  3824. address = {Arlington, Virginia, {USA}},
  3825. title = {Adapting {GOMS} to model human-robot interaction},
  3826. isbn = {978-1-59593-617-2},
  3827. url = {http://portal.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=1228723},
  3828. doi = {10.1145/1228716.1228723},
  3829. abstract = {A formal interaction modeling technique known as Goals, Operators, Methods, and Selection rules {(GOMS)} is well-established in human-computer interaction as a cost-effective way of evaluating designs without the participation of end users. This paper explores the use of {GOMS} for evaluating human-robot interaction. We provide a case study in the urban search-and-rescue domain and raise issues for developing {GOMS} models that have not been previously addressed. Further, we provide rationale for selecting different types of {GOMS} modeling techniques to help the analyst model human-robot interfaces.},
  3830. booktitle = {Proceedings of the {ACM/IEEE} international conference on Human-robot interaction},
  3831. publisher = {{ACM}},
  3832. author = {Jill L. Drury and Jean Scholtz and David Kieras},
  3833. year = {2007},
  3834. keywords = {evaluation, goms, human-robot interaction, interface design},
  3835. pages = {41--48},
  3836. }
  3837. @article{novielli_hmm_2009,
  3838. title = {{HMM} modeling of user engagement in advice-giving dialogues},
  3839. issn = {1783-7677},
  3840. url = {http://www.springerlink.com/index/10.1007/s12193-009-0026-4},
  3841. doi = {10.1007/s12193-009-0026-4},
  3842. journal = {Journal on Multimodal User Interfaces},
  3843. author = {Nicole Novielli},
  3844. year = {2009},
  3845. }
  3846. @book{hand_principles_2001,
  3847. title = {Principles of data mining},
  3848. isbn = {9780262082907},
  3849. publisher = {{MIT} Press},
  3850. author = {D. J. Hand and Heikki Mannila and Padhraic Smyth},
  3851. month = aug,
  3852. year = {2001},
  3853. pages = {594}
  3854. }
  3855. @inproceedings{fok_hidden_2005,
  3856. title = {Hidden Markov model based characterization of content access patterns in an {E-Learning} environment},
  3857. booktitle = {{IEEE} International Conference on Multimedia and Expo, 2005. {ICME} 2005},
  3858. author = {A. W. P. Fok and H. S. Wong and Y. S. Chen},
  3859. year = {2005},
  3860. pages = {201ै��204},
  3861. }
  3862. @inproceedings{freitag_information_2000,
  3863. title = {Information Extraction with {HMM} Structures Learned by Stochastic Optimization},
  3864. isbn = {0-262-51112-6},
  3865. url = {http://portal.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=723414},
  3866. booktitle = {Proceedings of the Seventeenth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Twelfth Conference on Innovative Applications of Artificial Intelligence},
  3867. publisher = {{AAAI} Press / The {MIT} Press},
  3868. author = {Dayne Freitag and Andrew {McCallum}},
  3869. year = {2000},
  3870. pages = {584--589}
  3871. }
  3872. @article{ji_student_2001,
  3873. title = {Student Behavioral Model Based Prefetching in Online Tutoring
  3874. System},
  3875. url =
  3876. {http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/summary?doi=},
  3877. author = {Ping Ji and Jim Kurose and Beverly Woolf},
  3878. year = {2001}
  3879. }
  3880. @article{rabiner_hmm_1989,
  3881. title = {A tutorial on hidden Markov models and selected applications in
  3882. speech recognition},
  3883. volume = {77},
  3884. issn = {0018-9219},
  3885. url = {10.1109/5.18626},
  3886. doi = {10.1109/5.18626},
  3887. number = {2},
  3888. journal = {Proceedings of the {IEEE}},
  3889. author = {{L.R.} Rabiner},
  3890. year = {1989},
  3891. keywords = {balls-in-urns
  3892. system, coin-tossing,
  3893. discrete Markov chains,
  3894. ergodic models, hidden
  3895. markov models, hidden
  3896. states, left-right
  3897. models, Markov
  3898. processes, probabilistic
  3899. function, speech
  3900. recognition},
  3901. pages = {257--286}
  3902. }
  3903. @misc{wiki_hmm_example,
  3904. title = {Example of HMM},
  3905. howpublished ={http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/4/43/ HMMGraph.svg}
  3906. }
  3907. @MISC{starner_gesture_hmm_1995,
  3908. author = {Thad E. Starner and Alex Pentland},
  3909. title = {Visual Recognition of American Sign Language Using Hidden
  3910. Markov Models},
  3911. year = {1995}
  3912. }
  3913. %dummy
  3914. @article{weyuker_experience_2000,
  3915. title = {Experience with Performance Testing of Software Systems:
  3916. Issues, an Approach, and Case Study},
  3917. volume = {26},
  3918. issn = {0098-5589},
  3919. shorttitle = {Experience with Performance Testing of
  3920. Software Systems},
  3921. doi =
  3922. {http://doi.ieeecomputersociety.org/10.1109/32.888628},
  3923. number = {12},
  3924. journal = {{IEEE} Transactions on Software
  3925. Engineering},
  3926. author = {Elaine J. Weyuker and Filippos
  3927. I. Vokolos},
  3928. year = {2000},
  3929. keywords = {performance
  3930. testing., program testing,
  3931. software performance
  3932. testing, software
  3933. testing},
  3934. pages = {1147--1156},
  3935. }
  3936. @article{usability_2005,
  3937. author = {Holzinger, Andreas},
  3938. title = {Usability engineering methods for software developers},
  3939. journal = {Commun. ACM},
  3940. volume = {48},
  3941. number = {1},
  3942. year = {2005},
  3943. issn = {0001-0782},
  3944. pages = {71--74},
  3945. doi = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1039539.1039541},
  3946. publisher = {ACM},
  3947. address = {New York, NY, USA},
  3948. }
  3949. %% OIGY
  3950. @article{YJMS10,
  3951. abstract = {A channel allocation algorithm includes a channel acquisition algorithm and a channel selection algorithm. Most of the previous work concentrates on the channel selection algorithm since early channel acquisition algorithms are centralized and rely on a mobile switching center (MSC) to accomplish channel acquisition. Recently, distributed channel acquisition algorithms have received considerable attention due to their high reliability and scalability. However, in these algorithms, a borrower needs to consult with its interference neighbors in order to borrow a channel. Thus, the borrower fails to borrow channels when it cannot communicate with any interference neighbor. In real-life networks, under heavy traffic load, a cell has a large probability to experience an intermittent network congestion or even a communication link failure. In existing distributed algorithms, since a cell has to consult with a large number of interference neighbors to borrow a channel, the failure rate will be much higher under heavy traffic load. Therefore, previous distributed channel allocation algorithms are not suitable for real-life networks. In this paper, we first propose a fault-tolerant channel acquisition algorithm which tolerates communication link failures and node (MH or MSS)failures. Then, we present a channel selection algorithm and integrate it into the distributed acquisition algorithm. Detailed simulation experiments are carried out in order to evaluate our proposed methodology. Simulation results show that our algorithm significantly reduces the failure rate under network congestion, communication link failures, and node failures compared to nonfault-tolerant channel allocation algorithms. Moreover, our algorithm has low message overhead compared to known distributed channel allocation algorithms, and outperforms them in terms of failure rate under uniform as well as nonuniform traffic distribution.},
  3952. author = {Yang, Jianchang and Jiang, Qiangfeng and Manivannan, D and Singhal, Mukesh},
  3953. issn = {07338716},
  3954. journal = {2010 International Symposium on Performance Evaluation of Computer and Telecommunications Systems},
  3955. number = {7},
  3956. pages = {616--629},
  3957. publisher = {IEEE},
  3958. title = {{A Fault-Tolerant Distributed Channel Allocation Scheme for Cellular Networks}},
  3959. volume = {18},
  3960. year = {2010}
  3961. }
  3962. @article{WJ2007,
  3963. author = {Wun, Alex and Jacobsen, Hans-arno},
  3964. isbn = {3540767770},
  3965. journal = {Middleware 2007},
  3966. keywords = {configurability,policy,publish,security,subscribe},
  3967. pages = {368--388},
  3968. publisher = {Springer},
  3969. title = {{A policy management framework for content-based publish/subscribe middleware}},
  3970. url = {http://www.springerlink.com/index/G6GKM6313G822U67.pdf},
  3971. volume = {2007},
  3972. year = {2007}
  3973. }
  3974. @inproceedings{Wu09,
  3975. author = {Wu, Zhengping},
  3976. booktitle = {Proc International Conference on Advanced Information Networking and Applications Workshops WAINA 09},
  3977. doi = {10.1109/WAINA.2009.39},
  3978. keywords = {dataprivacy,federationsystem,federationsystems,informationsharing,intermediary basedmechanisms,onlinecollaboration,privacyprotection,query basedmechanisms,securityofdata,securityprotection,securitytokens,semanticapproach,trustexchange,trustinformationexchange,trustmanagement},
  3979. pages = {25--30},
  3980. title = {{A Semantic Approach for Trust Information Exchange in Federation Systems}},
  3981. year = {2009}
  3982. }
  3983. @article{KV05,
  3984. author = {Kim, S and Varshney, P K},
  3985. doi = {10.1049/ip-com:20045131},
  3986. issn = {1350-2425},
  3987. journal = {Communications, IEE Proceedings-},
  3988. keywords = {QoS; adaptive fault tolerant scheme; bandwidth man},
  3989. number = {6},
  3990. pages = {932--938},
  3991. title = {{Adaptive fault tolerant bandwidth management framework for multimedia cellular networks}},
  3992. volume = {152},
  3993. year = {2005}
  3994. }
  3995. @article{YM05,
  3996. author = {Yang, J and Manivannan, D},
  3997. journal = {IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing},
  3998. number = {6},
  3999. pages = {578--587},
  4000. title = {{An efficient fault-tolerant distributed channel allocation algorithm for cellular networks}},
  4001. url = {http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpls/abs\_all.jsp?arnumber=1516107},
  4002. volume = {4},
  4003. year = {2005}
  4004. }
  4005. @article{RC05,
  4006. abstract = {Even though multiple non-overlapped channels exist in the 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz spectrum, most IEEE 802.11-based multi-hop ad hoc networks today use only a single channel. As a result, these networks rarely can fully exploit the aggregate bandwidth available in the radio spectrum provisioned by the standards. This prevents them from being used as an ISP's wireless last-mile access network or as a wireless enterprise backbone network. In this paper, we propose a multi-channel wireless mesh network (WMN) architecture (called Hyacinth) that equips each mesh network node with multiple 802.11 network interface cards (NICs). The central design issues of this multi-channel WMN architecture are channel assignment and routing. We show that intelligent channel assignment is critical to Hyacinth's performance, present distributed algorithms that utilize only local traffic load information to dynamically assign channels and to route packets, and compare their performance against a centralized algorithm that performs the same functions. Through an extensive simulation study, we show that even with just 2 NICs on each node, it is possible to improve the network throughput by a factor of 6 to 7 when compared with the conventional single-channel ad hoc network architecture. We also describe and evaluate a 9-node Hyacinth prototype that Is built using commodity PCs each equipped with two 802.11a NICs.},
  4007. author = {Raniwala, A and Chiueh, Tzi-cker},
  4008. issn = {0743166X},
  4009. journal = {Proceedings IEEE 24th Annual Joint Conference of the IEEE Computer and Communications Societies},
  4010. keywords = {ashish raniwala tzi cker chiueh,distributed algorithms,protocols,prototype implementation,sim,system design,ulations},
  4011. pages = {2223--2234},
  4012. publisher = {IEEE},
  4013. title = {{Architecture and algorithms for an IEEE 802.1 1 -based multi-channel wireless mesh network}},
  4014. url = {http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/lpdocs/epic03/wrapper.htm?arnumber=1498497},
  4015. volume = {3},
  4016. year = {2005}
  4017. }
  4018. @article{CBB03,
  4019. author = {Cilia, M and Bornhoevd, C and Buchmann, AP},
  4020. journal = {On The Move to Meaningful Internet Systems 2003 CoopIS DOA and ODBASE},
  4021. keywords = {business rules,concept based addressing,data integration,event based applications,event handling,publish,scribe,sub},
  4022. pages = {482--502},
  4023. publisher = {Springer},
  4024. title = {{CREAM: An infrastructure for distributed, heterogeneous event-based applications}},
  4025. url = {http://www.springerlink.com/index/6RE7XQFHLVC0RD5A.pdf},
  4026. year = {2003}
  4027. }
  4028. @article{WHT09,
  4029. author = {Wu, Fang-Jing and Huang, Chi-Fu and Tseng, Yu-Chee},
  4030. doi = {10.1109/MDM.2009.43},
  4031. institution = {2009 Tenth International Conference on Mobile Data Management: Systems, Services and Middleware},
  4032. isbn = {9781424441532},
  4033. journal = {2009 Tenth International Conference on Mobile Data Management Systems Services and Middleware},
  4034. keywords = {communication holes,computer geometry,data,gathering,mobile mule,traveling salesman problem,tsp,wireless sensor networks},
  4035. pages = {293--298},
  4036. publisher = {Ieee},
  4037. title = {{Data Gathering by Mobile Mules in a Spatially Separated Wireless Sensor Network}},
  4038. url = {http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/lpdocs/epic03/wrapper.htm?arnumber=5088947},
  4039. year = {2009}
  4040. }
  4041. @inproceedings{CT02,
  4042. author = {Charnsripinyo, C and Tipper, D},
  4043. booktitle = {MILCOM 2002. Proceedings},
  4044. doi = {10.1109/MILCOM.2002.1180497},
  4045. keywords = {fault tolerance; integer programming model; mobile},
  4046. pages = {525 -- 529 vol.1},
  4047. title = {{Designing fault tolerant wireless access networks}},
  4048. volume = {1},
  4049. year = {2002}
  4050. }
  4051. @incollection{Buchmann2004,
  4052. author = {{A. Buchmann, C. Bornh\"{o}vd, M. Cilia, L. Fiege, F. G\"{a}rtner, C. Liebig}, M. Meixner and G. M\"{u}hl},
  4053. booktitle = {Web Dynamics: Adapting to Change in Content, Size, Topology, and Use},
  4054. pages = {319--350},
  4055. title = {{DREAM: Distributed reliable event-based application management}},
  4056. year = {2004}
  4057. }
  4058. @misc{Dro93,
  4059. abstract = {Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol},
  4060. author = {Droms, R},
  4061. booktitle = {Text},
  4062. institution = {Internet Engineering Task Force},
  4063. number = {2131},
  4064. pages = {1--46},
  4065. publisher = {IETF},
  4066. series = {Request for Comments},
  4067. title = {{Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol}},
  4068. url = {http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2131.txt},
  4069. volume = {2136},
  4070. year = {1993}
  4071. }
  4072. @article{LHL10,
  4073. author = {Liu, L and Hu, B and Li, L},
  4074. issn = {17518628},
  4075. journal = {IET Communications},
  4076. number = {7},
  4077. pages = {786},
  4078. title = {{Energy conservation algorithms for maintaining coverage and connectivity in wireless sensor networks}},
  4079. url = {http://link.aip.org/link/ICEOCW/v4/i7/p786/s1\&Agg=doi},
  4080. volume = {4},
  4081. year = {2010}
  4082. }
  4083. @article{ZLV09,
  4084. author = {Zahariadis, Theodore and Leligou, Helen C and Voliotis, Stamatis and Trakadas, Panagiotis and Karkazis, Panagiotis},
  4085. journal = {Wseas Transactions On Communications},
  4086. number = {9},
  4087. pages = {981--991},
  4088. title = {{Energy-aware Secure Routing for Large Wireless Sensor Networks}},
  4089. volume = {8},
  4090. year = {2009}
  4091. }
  4092. @article{GXAG07,
  4093. author = {Deng, Gan and Xiong, Ming and Gokhale, Aniruddha and Edwards, George},
  4094. journal = {ISORC 07 Proceedings of the 10th IEEE International Symposium on Objectoriented Realtime Distributed Computing},
  4095. pages = {222--227},
  4096. publisher = {Ieee},
  4097. title = {{Evaluating Real-Time Publish/Subscribe Service Integration Approaches in QoS-Enabled Component Middleware}},
  4098. url = {http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/lpdocs/epic03/wrapper.htm?arnumber=4208847},
  4099. year = {2007}
  4100. }
  4101. @article{LHL09,
  4102. author = {Lili, Zhang and Huibin, Wang and Lizhong, Xu and Zhuoming, Xu and Chenming, Li},
  4103. journal = {2009 International Conference on Networks Security Wireless Communications and Trusted Computing},
  4104. keywords = {communications delay,fault tolerant,topology,wireless mesh networks},
  4105. pages = {193--196},
  4106. publisher = {Ieee},
  4107. title = {{Fault Tolerance and Transmission Delay in Wireless Mesh Networks}},
  4108. url = {http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/lpdocs/epic03/wrapper.htm?arnumber=4908438},
  4109. year = {2009}
  4110. }
  4111. @article{CIQC02,
  4112. abstract = {We present novel grid coverage strategies for effective surveillance and target location in distributed sensor networks. We represent the sensor field as a grid (two or three-dimensional) of points (coordinates) and use the term target location to refer to the problem of locating a target at a grid point at any instant in time. We first present an integer linear programming (ILP) solution for minimizing the cost of sensors for complete coverage of the sensor field. We solve the ILP model using a representative public-domain solver and present a divide-and-conquer approach for solving large problem instances. We then use the framework of identifying codes to determine sensor placement for unique target location, We provide coding-theoretic bounds on the number of sensors and present methods for determining their placement in the sensor field. We also show that grid-based sensor placement for single targets provides asymptotically complete (unambiguous) location of multiple targets in the grid.},
  4113. author = {Chakrabarty, K and Iyengar, S S and Qi, H and Cho, E},
  4114. institution = {IEEE Transactions on Computers},
  4115. issn = {00189340},
  4116. journal = {IEEE Transactions on Computers},
  4117. number = {12},
  4118. pages = {1448--1453},
  4119. publisher = {IEEE Computer Society},
  4120. title = {{Grid coverage for surveillance and target location in distributed sensor networks}},
  4121. url = {http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/lpdocs/epic03/wrapper.htm?arnumber=1146711},
  4122. volume = {51},
  4123. year = {2002}
  4124. }
  4125. @inproceedings{ZJY07,
  4126. author = {Zhan, Yichun and Ji, Meng and Yu, Shaohua},
  4127. booktitle = {Wireless Communications, Networking and Mobile Computing, 2006. WiCOM 2006.International Conference on},
  4128. doi = {10.1109/WiCOM.2006.378},
  4129. keywords = {3G system;4G system;IP wireless solution;Internet },
  4130. pages = {1--4},
  4131. title = {{Hierarchical Self-Healing Rings for Mobile Ethernet Networks}},
  4132. year = {2006}
  4133. }
  4134. @inproceedings{WW07,
  4135. author = {Wu, Zhengping and Weaver, A C},
  4136. booktitle = {Dependable, Autonomic and Secure Computing, 2007. DASC 2007. Third IEEE International Symposium on},
  4137. doi = {10.1109/DASC.2007.15},
  4138. keywords = {communication protocols;federated systems;informat},
  4139. pages = {125--133},
  4140. title = {{Hybrid Trust Information Exchange for Federated Systems}},
  4141. year = {2007}
  4142. }
  4143. @inproceedings{SS09,
  4144. author = {Sridevi, A and Sumathi, V},
  4145. booktitle = {Control, Automation, Communication and Energy Conservation, 2009. INCACEC 2009. 2009 International Conference on},
  4146. keywords = {GA;PSO;cellular network;channel capacity;fault-tol},
  4147. pages = {1--6},
  4148. title = {{Improved fault tolerant model for channel allocation in wireless communication}},
  4149. year = {2009}
  4150. }
  4151. @book{El06,
  4152. author = {El-Rabbany, Ahmed},
  4153. booktitle = {Communications},
  4154. pages = {xv, 176 p.},
  4155. publisher = {Artech House},
  4156. series = {Artech House mobile communications series},
  4157. title = {{Introduction to GPS: The Global Positioning System}},
  4158. url = {http://books.google.be/books?id=U2JmghrrB8cC\&pg=PA112\&dq=NMEA\&ei=k-UbSuGKG46UzQSD6YC5BA\#PPP1,M1},
  4159. year = {2002}
  4160. }
  4161. @article{KBS09,
  4162. author = {Kasbekar, Gaurav S and Bejerano, Yigal and Sarkar, Saswati},
  4163. journal = {Proceedings of the 15th annual international conference on Mobile computing and networking MobiCom 09},
  4164. keywords = {ap,coordinate,coverage,distributed algorithms,network lifetime,proximation algorithms,wireless sensor networks},
  4165. pages = {169},
  4166. publisher = {ACM Press},
  4167. title = {{Lifetime and coverage guarantees through distributed coordinate-free sensor activation}},
  4168. url = {http://portal.acm.org/citation.cfm?doid=1614320.1614339},
  4169. year = {2009}
  4170. }
  4171. @article{SG10,
  4172. author = {Sugihara, Ryo and Gupta, Rajesh K},
  4173. institution = {IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing},
  4174. issn = {15361233},
  4175. journal = {IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing},
  4176. number = {1},
  4177. pages = {127--139},
  4178. publisher = {Published by the IEEE Computer Society},
  4179. title = {{Optimal Speed Control of Mobile Node for Data Collection in Sensor Networks}},
  4180. url = {http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/lpdocs/epic03/wrapper.htm?arnumber=5089327},
  4181. volume = {9},
  4182. year = {2010}
  4183. }
  4184. @article{CLW08,
  4185. abstract = {This paper presents a survivable network design using network path restoration approach to provide fault tolerance in cellular backhaul network design, so that any breakdown of links within a network path can no longer interrupt the network services. As a consequence, the network design can greatly enhance the network reliability and quality of services. We adopt a two-phase network design approach to reduce the complexity of network design and to provide a design mechanism for enhancing reliability in existing networks. The first phase provides a minimum-cost initial network design. The problem is to find a minimum-cost network topology which includes selecting the location and type of base station controllers and mobile switching controllers as well as their link types. The second phase provides backup paths and spare capacity to the network topology from phase one to improve network reliability. Due to the complexity of network design problem, a genetic algorithm is applied as a meta-heuristic technique for obtaining good solutions. Various problem sizes of example networks are considered and discussed.},
  4186. author = {Wattanapongsakorn, Naruemon and Charnsripinyo, Chalermpol and Leesutthipornchai, Pakorn},
  4187. journal = {2008 Third International Conference on Availability Reliability and Security},
  4188. pages = {604 --609},
  4189. publisher = {Ieee},
  4190. title = {{Providing Fault Tolerance in Wireless Backhaul Network Design with Path Restoration}},
  4191. url = {http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/lpdocs/epic03/wrapper.htm?arnumber=4529397},
  4192. year = {2008}
  4193. }
  4194. @article{PR06,
  4195. abstract = {PlanetLab is a geographically distributed platform for deploying, evaluating, and accessing planetary-scale network services. PlanetLab is a shared community effort by a large international group of researchers, each of whom gets access to one or more isolated slices of PlanetLab's global resources. Because we deployed PlanetLab and started supporting users before we fully understood what its architecture would be, being able to evolve the system became a requirement. This paper examines the set of design principles that guided this evolution. Some of these principles were explicit at the project outset, and others have become crystallized as the platform has developed.},
  4196. author = {Peterson, Larry and Roscoe, Timothy},
  4197. journal = {ACM SIGOPS Operating Systems Review},
  4198. number = {1},
  4199. pages = {11--16},
  4200. publisher = {ACM Press, New York},
  4201. title = {{The design principles of PlanetLab}},
  4202. volume = {40},
  4203. year = {2006}
  4204. }
  4205. @inproceedings{Vai02,
  4206. author = {Vaidya, Nitin H},
  4207. booktitle = {Proc ACM International Symposium on Mobile Ad Hoc Networking and Computing MobiHoc},
  4208. title = {{Weak Duplicate Address Detection in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks}},
  4209. year = {2002}
  4210. }
  4211. @article{AWW05,
  4212. abstract = {Wireless mesh networks (WMNs) consist of mesh routers and mesh clients, where mesh routers have minimal mobility and form the backbone of WMNs. They provide network access for both mesh and conventional clients. The integration of WMNs with other networks such as the Internet, cellular, IEEE 802.11, IEEE 802.15, IEEE 802.16, sensor networks, etc., can be accomplished through the gateway and bridging functions in the mesh routers. Mesh clients can be either stationary or mobile, and can form a client mesh network among themselves and with mesh routers. WMNs are anticipated to resolve the limitations and to significantly improve the performance of ad hoc networks, wireless local area networks (WLANs), wireless personal area networks (WPANs), and wireless metropolitan area networks (WMANs). They are undergoing rapid progress and inspiring numerous deployments. WMNs will deliver wireless services for a large variety of applications in personal, local, campus, and metropolitan areas. Despite recent advances in wireless mesh networking, many research challenges remain in all protocol layers. This paper presents a detailed study on recent advances and open research issues in WMNs. System architectures and applications of WMNs are described, followed by discussing the critical factors influencing protocol design. Theoretical network capacity and the state-of-the-art protocols for WMNs are explored with an objective to point out a number of open research issues. Finally, testbeds, industrial practice, and current standard activities related to WMNs are highlighted.},
  4213. author = {Akyildiz, Ian F and Wang, Xudong and Wang, Weilin},
  4214. doi = {10.1016/j.comnet.2004.12.001},
  4215. issn = {13891286},
  4216. journal = {Computer Networks},
  4217. keywords = {ad hoc networks,medium access control,power management control,protocol,routing protocol,scalability,security,timing synchronization,transport,wireless mesh networks,wireless sensor networks},
  4218. number = {4},
  4219. pages = {445--487},
  4220. publisher = {Elsevier},
  4221. title = {{Wireless mesh networks: a survey}},
  4222. url = {http://linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/S1389128604003457},
  4223. volume = {47},
  4224. year = {2005}
  4225. }
  4226. @article{ARL05,
  4227. abstract = {Multi-hop infrastructure wireless mesh networks offer increased reliability, coverage and reduced equipment costs over their single-hop counterpart, wireless LANs. Equipping wireless routers with multiple radios further improves the capacity by transmitting over multiple radios simultaneously using orthogonal channels. Efficient channel assignment and routing is essential for throughput optimization of mesh clients. Efficient channel assignment schemes can greatly relieve the interference effect of close-by transmissions; effective routing schemes can alleviate potential congestion on any gateways to the Internet, thereby improving per-client throughput. Unlike previous heuristic approaches, we mathematically formulate the joint channel assignment and routing problem, taking into account the interference constraints, the number of channels in the network and the number of radios available at each mesh router. We then use this formulation to develop a solution for our problem that optimizes the overall network throughput subject to fairness constraints on allocation of scarce wireless capacity among mobile clients. We show that the performance of our algorithms is within a constant factor of that of any optimal algorithm for the joint channel assignment and routing problem. Our evaluation demonstrates that our algorithm can effectively exploit the increased number of channels and radios, and it performs much better than the theoretical worst case bounds.},
  4228. author = {Alicherry, Mansoor and Bhatia, Randeep and Li, Li Erran},
  4229. doi = {10.1145/1080829.1080836},
  4230. isbn = {1595930205},
  4231. issn = {07338716},
  4232. journal = {Proceedings of the 11th annual international conference on Mobile computing and networking MobiCom 05},
  4233. number = {11},
  4234. pages = {58},
  4235. publisher = {ACM Press},
  4236. series = {MobiCom '05},
  4237. title = {{Joint channel assignment and routing for throughput optimization in multi-radio wireless mesh networks}},
  4238. url = {http://portal.acm.org/citation.cfm?doid=1080829.1080836},
  4239. volume = {24},
  4240. year = {2005}
  4241. }
  4242. @article{AD09,
  4243. abstract = {Although most of the studies on and in dimensional (2D) settings, such networks can in reality be accurately modeled a three-dimensional (3D) space. The concepts of continuum percolation theory best fit the problem of in WSNs to find out whether the network provides long-distance multihop communication. in 3D WSNs. We say that the network exhibits a and and in 3D WSNs in an integrated way. First, we compute the C con above which con above which in 3D WSNs will almost surely occur. Third, we compute the c cov-con above which both in 3D WSNs will almost surely occur. three problems, we also compute their corresponding in terms of and <span},
  4244. author = {Ammari, Habib M and Das, Sajal K},
  4245. doi = {10.1109/TPDS.2008.146},
  4246. issn = {10459219},
  4247. journal = {IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems},
  4248. number = {6},
  4249. pages = {872--885},
  4250. title = {{Critical Density for Coverage and Connectivity in Three-Dimensional Wireless Sensor Networks Using Continuum Percolation}},
  4251. url = {http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/lpdocs/epic03/wrapper.htm?arnumber=4589206},
  4252. volume = {20},
  4253. year = {2009}
  4254. }
  4255. @inproceedings{BHAW05,
  4256. abstract = {In this paper, we propose a fault-tolerant distributed dynamic channel allocation scheme, which works well under mobile host failures, base station failures as well as communication link failures. Our algorithm is based upon the mutual exclusion model where the channels are grouped by the number of cells in a cluster and each group of channels cannot be shared concurrently within the cluster. We present our scheme and discuss its simulation based performance evaluation.},
  4257. author = {Boukerche, A. and Abrougui, K. and Williams, J.},
  4258. booktitle = {2005 International Conference on Wireless Networks, Communications and Mobile Computing},
  4259. doi = {10.1109/WIRLES.2005.1549433},
  4260. isbn = {0-7803-9305-8},
  4261. pages = {342--347},
  4262. publisher = {IEEE},
  4263. title = {{A Fault-Tolerant Dynamic Channel Allocation Protocol for Cellular Networks}},
  4264. url = {http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/freeabs\_all.jsp?arnumber=1549433},
  4265. volume = {1}
  4266. }
  4267. @inproceedings{BAH05,
  4268. abstract = {Earlier studies on dynamic channel allocation protocols based upon the mutual exclusion paradigms have shown promising results. Though, very little data have been reported on how to integrate the quality of service (QoS) and fault tolerant components within these schemes. These two components are vital to the success of the deployment of future generation of wireless networks. Mobile users are not expected to have their connections cut off because of a base station or a link failure and require QoS guarantees on their connections. In this paper, we present an efficient QoS and fault tolerant based protocol for dynamic channel allocation using the mutual exclusion paradigm. Its main feature is its ability to tolerate the base station failure, mobile host failure and communication link failure, as well as reducing the connection dropping rate. QoS provisions are guaranteed in our protocol. We present our QoS and fault-tolerant protocol, and report on its performance evaluation using an extensive set of simulation experiments},
  4269. author = {Boukerche, A. and Abrougui, K.},
  4270. booktitle = {The IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks 30th Anniversary (LCN'05)l},
  4271. doi = {10.1109/LCN.2005.111},
  4272. isbn = {0-7695-2421-4},
  4273. pages = {59--67},
  4274. publisher = {IEEE},
  4275. title = {{QoS and fault-tolerant based distributed dynamic channel allocation protocol for cellular networks}},
  4276. url = {http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/freeabs\_all.jsp?arnumber=1550841},
  4277. year = {2005}
  4278. }
  4279. @article{YMJS05,
  4280. abstract = {In cellular networks, it is vital to allocate communication channels efficiently because the bandwidth allocated for cellular communication is limited. If channels are statically allocated, as is the case in current cellular networks, a cell may run out of channels when a large number of mobile hosts move to the cell. To overcome this problem, dynamic channel allocation approaches have been proposed. Under dynamic channel allocation, channels are allocated to cells on demand, thus increasing channel utilization. Such channel allocation approaches fall under two categories, namely, centralized and distributed. Centralized approaches are neither scalable nor reliable, while distributed approaches have the potential to be both reliable and scalable. In the distributed approaches, a mobile service station is responsible for allocating channels to mobile hosts in the same cell. In cellular networks, mobile service stations may fail. In addition, the network may encounter intermittent network congestion and/or link failures. It is desirable for a channel allocation algorithm to work well, even in the presence of network congestion, link failures, and/or mobile service station failures. In this paper, we present a distributed dynamic channel allocation scheme for cellular networks that is fault-tolerant. Our approach can tolerate the failure of mobile service stations, link failure, and network congestion, and make efficient reuse of channels. We also provide results of the performance evaluation of our algorithm.},
  4281. author = {Yang, J. and Jiang, Q. and Manivannan, D. and Singhal, M.},
  4282. doi = {10.1109/TC.2005.71},
  4283. issn = {0018-9340},
  4284. journal = {IEEE Transactions on Computers},
  4285. month = may,
  4286. number = {5},
  4287. pages = {616--629},
  4288. title = {{A Fault-Tolerant Distributed Channel Allocation Scheme for Cellular Networks}},
  4289. url = {http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpl/freeabs\_all.jsp?arnumber=1407850},
  4290. volume = {54},
  4291. year = {2005}
  4292. }
  4293. @Unpublished{ng911,
  4294. author = {United States Department of Transportation},
  4295. title = {Next Generation 9-1-1},
  4296. url = {http://www.its.dot.gov/ng911/},
  4297. note = {Last accessed at January 2012}
  4298. }
  4299. @Unpublished{rescue21,
  4300. author = {United States Coast Guard},
  4301. title = {Rescue 21},
  4302. url = {http://www.uscg.mil/acquisition/rescue21/project.asp},
  4303. note = {Last accessed at January 2012}
  4304. }
  4305. @article{Chiu2002,
  4306. author = {Chiu, Wen-Ta and Arnold, Jeffrey and Shih, Yaw-Tang and Hsiung, Kuang-Hua and Chi, Hsueh-Yun and Chiu, Chia-Huei and Tsai, Wan-Chen and Huang, William C.},
  4307. doi = {10.1111/1467-7717.00193},
  4308. issn = {03613666},
  4309. journal = {Disasters},
  4310. month = mar,
  4311. number = {1},
  4312. pages = {85--94},
  4313. title = {{A Survey of International Urban Search-and-rescue Teams following the Ji Ji Earthquake}},
  4314. url = {http://doi.wiley.com/10.1111/1467-7717.00193},
  4315. volume = {26},
  4316. year = {2002}
  4317. }
  4318. @article{Chanson2011,
  4319. abstract = {Taiwan is a relatively small island but with an extremely steep topography. On the east coast, the mountains rise straight out of the Ocean, but for three main coastal plains in Taitung, Hualien and Ilan (Fig. 1). In August 2009, the east coast and southern parts of Taiwan were severely affected by Typhoon Morakot, in particular some areas that the author visited a number of times between 1995 and 2008. The Typhoon Morakot was the deadliest typhoon that impacted Taiwan in recorded history. In December 2008, the author visited a number of affected areas, including the Taimali River mouth, theJihben River catchment, the Gaoping River bridge linking the Linyuan to Xinyuan townships at the boundary between the Kaohsiung and Pingtung counties, and several catchments in Pingtung County where the rivers flow into the Taiwan Strait. He shares his experience on several areas which were severely affected by the Typhoon Morakot.},
  4320. author = {Chanson, Hubert},
  4321. issn = {0037-4237},
  4322. journal = {Shore \& Beach},
  4323. keywords = {09 Engineering,0905 Civil Engineering,090505 Infrastructure Engineering and Asset Manage,090509 Water Resources Engineering},
  4324. language = {eng},
  4325. month = sep,
  4326. number = {2},
  4327. pages = {33--37},
  4328. publisher = {American Shore and Beach Preservation Association},
  4329. title = {{The Impact of Typhoon Morakot on the Southern Taiwan Coast}},
  4330. url = {http://espace.library.uq.edu.au/view/UQ:205351},
  4331. volume = {78},
  4332. year = {2011}
  4333. }
  4334. @Unpublished{MSNBC10,
  4335. author = {NBC news services},
  4336. title = {Rescue crews pull 2 more from Haitian market},
  4337. url = {http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/34829978/},
  4338. note = {Last accessed on January 17th, 2010},
  4339. OPTkey = {},
  4340. OPTmonth = {},
  4341. OPTyear = {},
  4342. OPTannote = {}
  4343. }
  4344. @misc{Keith2011,
  4345. author = {{Keith Hamilton}},
  4346. file = {::},
  4347. title = {{Distributed Pub Sub Event System}},
  4348. url = {http://pubsub.codeplex.com/},
  4349. year = {2011}
  4350. }
  4351. @article{LiJoc2005,
  4352. abstract = {Distributed publish/subscribe systems are naturally suited for processing events in distributed systems. However, support for expressing patterns about distributed events and algorithms for detecting correlations among these events are still largely unexplored. Inspired from the requirements of decentralized, event-driven workflow processing, we design a subscription language for expressing correlations among distributed events. We illustrate the potential of our approach with a workflow management case study. The language is validated and implemented in PADRES. In this paper we present an overview of PADRES, highlighting some of its novel features, including the composite subscription language, the coordination patterns, the composite event detection algorithms, the rule-based router design, and a detailed case study illustrating the decentralized processing of workflows. Our experimental evaluation shows that rule-based brokers are a viable and powerful alternative to existing, special-purpose, content-based routing algorithms. The experiments also show that the use of composite subscriptions in PADRES significantly reduces the load on the network. Complex workflows can be processed in a decentralized fashion with a gain of 40\% in message dissemination cost. All processing is realized entirely in the publish/subscribe paradigm.},
  4353. address = {Berlin, Heidelberg},
  4354. author = {Li, Guoli and Jacobsen, Hans-Arno and Alonso, Gustavo},
  4355. editor = {Alonso, Gustavo},
  4356. journal = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
  4357. keywords = {Computer Science},
  4358. pages = {249--269},
  4359. publisher = {Springer Berlin Heidelberg},
  4360. series = {Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
  4361. title = {{Composite Subscriptions in Content-Based Publish/Subscribe Systems}},
  4362. url = {http://www.springerlink.com/content/p3056525172037n6/},
  4363. volume = {3790},
  4364. year = {2005}
  4365. }
  4366. @article{Li2010,
  4367. author = {Li, Guoli and Muthusamy, Vinod and Jacobsen, Hans-Arno},
  4368. issn = {15591131},
  4369. journal = {ACM Transactions on the Web},
  4370. keywords = {BPEL,Business process,complex event processing (CEP),distributed orchestration,enterprise service bus (ESB),event processing,publish/subscribe,service-oriented architecture (SOA),workflow management},
  4371. month = jan,
  4372. number = {1},
  4373. pages = {1--33},
  4374. title = {{A distributed service-oriented architecture for business process execution}},
  4375. url = {http://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=1658373.1658375},
  4376. volume = {4},
  4377. year = {2010}
  4378. }
  4379. @article{BSP07,
  4380. author = {Bozinovski, Marjan and Schwefel, Hans P. and Prasad, Ramjee},
  4381. issn = {1063-6692},
  4382. journal = {IEEE/ACM Transactions on Networking},
  4383. keywords = {fault-tolerance,performance,server selection policies (SSP),session control},
  4384. month = apr,
  4385. number = {2},
  4386. pages = {387--399},
  4387. title = {{Maximum Availability Server Selection Policy for Efficient and Reliable Session Control Systems}},
  4388. url = {http://dl.acm.org/citation.cfm?id=1279660.1279671},
  4389. volume = {15},
  4390. year = {2007}
  4391. }
  4392. @inproceedings{WZ02,
  4393. author = {Weniger, Kilian and Zitterbart, Martina},
  4394. booktitle = {Proceedings of European Wireless},
  4395. pages = {142----148},
  4396. title = {{IPv6 autoconfiguration in large scale mobile ad-hoc networks}},
  4397. url = {http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi=\&amp;rep=rep1\&amp;type=pdf},
  4398. year = {2002}
  4399. }
  4400. %% OIGY old collection
  4401. @article{Chakrabarty2002,
  4402. abstract = {We present novel grid coverage strategies for effective surveillance and target location in distributed sensor networks. We represent the sensor field as a grid (two or three-dimensional) of points (coordinates) and use the term target location to refer to the problem of locating a target at a grid point at any instant in time. We first present an integer linear programming (ILP) solution for minimizing the cost of sensors for complete coverage of the sensor field. We solve the ILP model using a representative public-domain solver and present a divide-and-conquer approach for solving large problem instances. We then use the framework of identifying codes to determine sensor placement for unique target location, We provide coding-theoretic bounds on the number of sensors and present methods for determining their placement in the sensor field. We also show that grid-based sensor placement for single targets provides asymptotically complete (unambiguous) location of multiple targets in the grid.},
  4403. author = {Chakrabarty, K and Iyengar, S S and Qi, H and Cho, E},
  4404. institution = {IEEE Transactions on Computers},
  4405. issn = {00189340},
  4406. journal = {IEEE Transactions on Computers},
  4407. number = {12},
  4408. pages = {1448--1453},
  4409. publisher = {IEEE Computer Society},
  4410. title = {{Grid coverage for surveillance and target location in distributed sensor networks}},
  4411. url = {http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/lpdocs/epic03/wrapper.htm?arnumber=1146711},
  4412. volume = {51},
  4413. year = {2002}
  4414. }
  4415. @inproceedings{1180497,
  4416. author = {Charnsripinyo, C and Tipper, D},
  4417. booktitle = {MILCOM 2002. Proceedings},
  4418. doi = {10.1109/MILCOM.2002.1180497},
  4419. keywords = {fault tolerance; integer programming model; mobile},
  4420. pages = {525 -- 529 vol.1},
  4421. title = {{Designing fault tolerant wireless access networks}},
  4422. volume = {1},
  4423. year = {2002}
  4424. }
  4425. @article{Cilia2003,
  4426. author = {Cilia, M and Bornhoevd, C and Buchmann, AP},
  4427. journal = {On The Move to Meaningful Internet Systems 2003 CoopIS DOA and ODBASE},
  4428. keywords = {business rules,concept based addressing,data integration,event based applications,event handling,publish,scribe,sub},
  4429. pages = {482--502},
  4430. publisher = {Springer},
  4431. title = {{CREAM: An infrastructure for distributed, heterogeneous event-based applications}},
  4432. url = {http://www.springerlink.com/index/6RE7XQFHLVC0RD5A.pdf},
  4433. year = {2003}
  4434. }
  4435. @article{Deng2007,
  4436. author = {Deng, Gan and Xiong, Ming and Gokhale, Aniruddha and Edwards, George},
  4437. journal = {ISORC 07 Proceedings of the 10th IEEE International Symposium on Objectoriented Realtime Distributed Computing},
  4438. pages = {222--227},
  4439. publisher = {Ieee},
  4440. title = {{Evaluating Real-Time Publish/Subscribe Service Integration Approaches in QoS-Enabled Component Middleware}},
  4441. url = {http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/lpdocs/epic03/wrapper.htm?arnumber=4208847},
  4442. year = {2007}
  4443. }
  4444. @misc{Droms1993,
  4445. abstract = {Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol},
  4446. author = {Droms, R},
  4447. booktitle = {Text},
  4448. institution = {Internet Engineering Task Force},
  4449. number = {2131},
  4450. pages = {1--46},
  4451. publisher = {IETF},
  4452. series = {Request for Comments},
  4453. title = {{Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol}},
  4454. url = {http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc2131.txt},
  4455. volume = {2136},
  4456. year = {1993}
  4457. }
  4458. @book{El-Rabbany2002,
  4459. author = {El-Rabbany, Ahmed},
  4460. booktitle = {Communications},
  4461. pages = {xv, 176 p.},
  4462. publisher = {Artech House},
  4463. series = {Artech House mobile communications series},
  4464. title = {{Introduction to GPS: The Global Positioning System}},
  4465. url = {http://books.google.be/books?id=U2JmghrrB8cC\&pg=PA112\&dq=NMEA\&ei=k-UbSuGKG46UzQSD6YC5BA\#PPP1,M1},
  4466. year = {2002}
  4467. }
  4468. @article{Ferguson2011,
  4469. author = {Ferguson, Donald Francis},
  4470. journal = {5th ACM international conference on Distributed eventbased system},
  4471. pages = {4503--4503},
  4472. title = {{Distributed Event Based Challenges for Systems and Applications Management}},
  4473. year = {2011}
  4474. }
  4475. @article{Kasbekar2009,
  4476. author = {Kasbekar, Gaurav S and Bejerano, Yigal and Sarkar, Saswati},
  4477. journal = {Proceedings of the 15th annual international conference on Mobile computing and networking MobiCom 09},
  4478. keywords = {ap,coordinate,coverage,distributed algorithms,network lifetime,proximation algorithms,wireless sensor networks},
  4479. pages = {169},
  4480. publisher = {ACM Press},
  4481. title = {{Lifetime and coverage guarantees through distributed coordinate-free sensor activation}},
  4482. url = {http://portal.acm.org/citation.cfm?doid=1614320.1614339},
  4483. year = {2009}
  4484. }
  4485. @article{KV08,
  4486. author = {Khanbary, L.M.O. and Vidyarthi, D.P.},
  4487. doi = {10.1109/TVT.2007.907311},
  4488. issn = {0018-9545},
  4489. journal = {Vehicular Technology, IEEE Transactions on},
  4490. number = {3},
  4491. pages = {1823--1833},
  4492. title = {{A GA-Based Effective Fault-Tolerant Model for Channel Allocation in Mobile Computing}},
  4493. volume = {57},
  4494. year = {2008}
  4495. }
  4496. @article{4357446,
  4497. author = {Khanbary, L.M.O. and Vidyarthi, D.P.},
  4498. doi = {10.1109/TVT.2007.907311},
  4499. issn = {0018-9545},
  4500. journal = {Vehicular Technology, IEEE Transactions on},
  4501. number = {3},
  4502. pages = {1823--1833},
  4503. title = {A GA-Based Effective Fault-Tolerant Model for Channel Allocation in Mobile Computing},
  4504. volume = {57},
  4505. year = {2008}
  4506. }
  4507. @article{1561973,
  4508. author = {Kim, S. and Varshney, P. K.},
  4509. doi = {10.1049/ip-com:20045131},
  4510. issn = {1350-2425},
  4511. journal = {Communications, IEE Proceedings-},
  4512. keywords = {QoS; adaptive fault tolerant scheme; bandwidth man},
  4513. number = {6},
  4514. pages = {932--938},
  4515. title = {{Adaptive fault tolerant bandwidth management framework for multimedia cellular networks}},
  4516. volume = {152},
  4517. year = {2005}
  4518. }
  4519. @article{Lili2009,
  4520. author = {Lili, Zhang and Huibin, Wang and Lizhong, Xu and Zhuoming, Xu and Chenming, Li},
  4521. journal = {2009 International Conference on Networks Security Wireless Communications and Trusted Computing},
  4522. keywords = {communications delay,fault tolerant,topology,wireless mesh networks},
  4523. pages = {193--196},
  4524. publisher = {Ieee},
  4525. title = {{Fault Tolerance and Transmission Delay in Wireless Mesh Networks}},
  4526. url = {http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/lpdocs/epic03/wrapper.htm?arnumber=4908438},
  4527. year = {2009}
  4528. }
  4529. @article{Liu2010,
  4530. author = {Liu, L and Hu, B and Li, L},
  4531. issn = {17518628},
  4532. journal = {IET Communications},
  4533. number = {7},
  4534. pages = {786},
  4535. title = {{Energy conservation algorithms for maintaining coverage and connectivity in wireless sensor networks}},
  4536. url = {http://link.aip.org/link/ICEOCW/v4/i7/p786/s1\&Agg=doi},
  4537. volume = {4},
  4538. year = {2010}
  4539. }
  4540. @article{Peterson2006,
  4541. abstract = {PlanetLab is a geographically distributed platform for deploying, evaluating, and accessing planetary-scale network services. PlanetLab is a shared community effort by a large international group of researchers, each of whom gets access to one or more isolated slices of PlanetLab's global resources. Because we deployed PlanetLab and started supporting users before we fully understood what its architecture would be, being able to evolve the system became a requirement. This paper examines the set of design principles that guided this evolution. Some of these principles were explicit at the project outset, and others have become crystallized as the platform has developed.},
  4542. author = {Peterson, Larry and Roscoe, Timothy},
  4543. journal = {ACM SIGOPS Operating Systems Review},
  4544. number = {1},
  4545. pages = {11--16},
  4546. publisher = {ACM Press, New York},
  4547. title = {{The design principles of PlanetLab}},
  4548. volume = {40},
  4549. year = {2006}
  4550. }
  4551. @article{Raniwala2005,
  4552. abstract = {Even though multiple non-overlapped channels exist in the 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz spectrum, most IEEE 802.11-based multi-hop ad hoc networks today use only a single channel. As a result, these networks rarely can fully exploit the aggregate bandwidth available in the radio spectrum provisioned by the standards. This prevents them from being used as an ISP's wireless last-mile access network or as a wireless enterprise backbone network. In this paper, we propose a multi-channel wireless mesh network (WMN) architecture (called Hyacinth) that equips each mesh network node with multiple 802.11 network interface cards (NICs). The central design issues of this multi-channel WMN architecture are channel assignment and routing. We show that intelligent channel assignment is critical to Hyacinth's performance, present distributed algorithms that utilize only local traffic load information to dynamically assign channels and to route packets, and compare their performance against a centralized algorithm that performs the same functions. Through an extensive simulation study, we show that even with just 2 NICs on each node, it is possible to improve the network throughput by a factor of 6 to 7 when compared with the conventional single-channel ad hoc network architecture. We also describe and evaluate a 9-node Hyacinth prototype that Is built using commodity PCs each equipped with two 802.11a NICs.},
  4553. author = {Raniwala, A and Chiueh, Tzi-cker},
  4554. issn = {0743166X},
  4555. journal = {Proceedings IEEE 24th Annual Joint Conference of the IEEE Computer and Communications Societies},
  4556. keywords = {ashish raniwala tzi cker chiueh,distributed algorithms,protocols,prototype implementation,sim,system design,ulations},
  4557. pages = {2223--2234},
  4558. publisher = {IEEE},
  4559. title = {{Architecture and algorithms for an IEEE 802.1 1 -based multi-channel wireless mesh network}},
  4560. url = {http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/lpdocs/epic03/wrapper.htm?arnumber=1498497},
  4561. volume = {3},
  4562. year = {2005}
  4563. }
  4564. @inproceedings{5204428,
  4565. author = {Sridevi, A and Sumathi, V},
  4566. booktitle = {Control, Automation, Communication and Energy Conservation, 2009. INCACEC 2009. 2009 International Conference on},
  4567. keywords = {GA;PSO;cellular network;channel capacity;fault-tol},
  4568. pages = {1--6},
  4569. title = {{Improved fault tolerant model for channel allocation in wireless communication}},
  4570. year = {2009}
  4571. }
  4572. @article{Sugihara2010,
  4573. author = {Sugihara, Ryo and Gupta, Rajesh K},
  4574. institution = {IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing},
  4575. issn = {15361233},
  4576. journal = {IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing},
  4577. number = {1},
  4578. pages = {127--139},
  4579. publisher = {Published by the IEEE Computer Society},
  4580. title = {{Optimal Speed Control of Mobile Node for Data Collection in Sensor Networks}},
  4581. url = {http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/lpdocs/epic03/wrapper.htm?arnumber=5089327},
  4582. volume = {9},
  4583. year = {2010}
  4584. }
  4585. @article{Wattanapongsakorn2008,
  4586. abstract = {This paper presents a survivable network design using network path restoration approach to provide fault tolerance in cellular backhaul network design, so that any breakdown of links within a network path can no longer interrupt the network services. As a consequence, the network design can greatly enhance the network reliability and quality of services. We adopt a two-phase network design approach to reduce the complexity of network design and to provide a design mechanism for enhancing reliability in existing networks. The first phase provides a minimum-cost initial network design. The problem is to find a minimum-cost network topology which includes selecting the location and type of base station controllers and mobile switching controllers as well as their link types. The second phase provides backup paths and spare capacity to the network topology from phase one to improve network reliability. Due to the complexity of network design problem, a genetic algorithm is applied as a meta-heuristic technique for obtaining good solutions. Various problem sizes of example networks are considered and discussed.},
  4587. author = {Wattanapongsakorn, Naruemon and Charnsripinyo, Chalermpol and Leesutthipornchai, Pakorn},
  4588. journal = {2008 Third International Conference on Availability Reliability and Security},
  4589. pages = {604 --609},
  4590. publisher = {Ieee},
  4591. title = {{Providing Fault Tolerance in Wireless Backhaul Network Design with Path Restoration}},
  4592. url = {http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/lpdocs/epic03/wrapper.htm?arnumber=4529397},
  4593. year = {2008}
  4594. }
  4595. %% OIGY
  4596. @INPROCEEDINGS{Shih11,
  4597. author={{Yi-Sheng Chiu} and {Chi-Sheng Shih} and {Shih-Hao Hung}},
  4598. booktitle={Design, Automation Test in Europe Conference Exhibition (DATE), 2011},
  4599. title={Pipeline schedule synthesis for real-time streaming tasks with inter/intra-instance precedence constraints},
  4600. year={2011},
  4601. month={march},
  4602. volume={},
  4603. number={},
  4604. pages={1-6},
  4605. keywords={compressed multimedia data processing;computation resource;heterogeneous multicore platform;high performance multimedia embedded systems;interinstance precedence constraint;intrainstance precedence constraint;multimedia streaming;optimal algorithm;performance evaluation;pipelined schedule synthesis;real-time streaming task;tile piecing algorithm;media streaming;multiprocessing systems;pipeline processing;processor scheduling;},
  4606. doi={},
  4607. ISSN={1530-1591},}
  4608. @TechReport{pubsubhubbub,
  4609. author = {{Brad Fitzpatrick} and {Brett Slatkin} and {Martin Atkins}},
  4610. title = {PubSubHubbub Core 0.3 Working Draft},
  4611. institution = {},
  4612. year = {2010},
  4613. url = {http://pubsubhubbub.googlecode. com/svn/trunk/pubsubhubbub-core-0.3.html},
  4614. }
  4615. @inproceedings{DNA07,
  4616. author = {Koponen, Teemu and Chawla, Mohit and Chun, Byung-Gon and Ermolinskiy, Andrey and Kim, Kye Hyun and Shenker, Scott and Stoica, Ion},
  4617. title = {A data-oriented (and beyond) network architecture},
  4618. booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2007 conference on Applications, technologies, architectures, and protocols for computer communications},
  4619. series = {SIGCOMM '07},
  4620. year = {2007},
  4621. isbn = {978-1-59593-713-1},
  4622. location = {Kyoto, Japan},
  4623. pages = {181--192},
  4624. numpages = {12},
  4625. url = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/1282380.1282402},
  4626. doi = {10.1145/1282380.1282402},
  4627. acmid = {1282402},
  4628. publisher = {ACM},
  4629. address = {New York, NY, USA},
  4630. keywords = {data, internet architecture, middleboxes, name resolution, naming},
  4631. }
  4632. @TechReport{NDN10,
  4633. author = {{L. Zhang} and {D. Estrin} and {J. Burke}},
  4634. title = {Named data networking (NDN) project},
  4635. institution = { PARC Technical Report NDN-0001},
  4636. year = {2010},
  4637. }
  4638. @ARTICLE{AMQP06,
  4639. author={Vinoski, S.},
  4640. journal={Internet Computing, IEEE}, title={Advanced Message Queuing Protocol},
  4641. year={2006},
  4642. month={nov.-dec. },
  4643. volume={10},
  4644. number={6},
  4645. pages={87 -89},
  4646. keywords={advanced message queuing protocol;interoperable enterprise-scale asynchronous messaging protocol;open standard;business data processing;middleware;open systems;},
  4647. doi={10.1109/MIC.2006.116},
  4648. ISSN={1089-7801},}
  4649. @inproceedings{Martin2010,
  4650. author = {Tchamgoue, Guy Martin and Kim, Kyong Hoon and Jun, Yong-Kee and Lee, Wan Yeon},
  4651. title = {Hierarchical Real-Time Scheduling Framework for Imprecise Computations},
  4652. booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2010 IEEE/IFIP International Conference on Embedded and Ubiquitous Computing},
  4653. series = {EUC '10},
  4654. year = {2010},
  4655. isbn = {978-0-7695-4322-2},
  4656. pages = {273--280},
  4657. numpages = {8},
  4658. url = {http://dx.doi.org/10.1109/EUC.2010.46},
  4659. doi = {10.1109/EUC.2010.46},
  4660. acmid = {1933256},
  4661. publisher = {IEEE Computer Society},
  4662. address = {Washington, DC, USA},
  4663. keywords = {Real-Time, Hierarchical Scheduling, Imprecise Computation},
  4664. }
  4665. @article{Gupta10a,
  4666. title={Modeling and Verification of Cyber-Physical Systems with Co-inductive Constraint Logic Programming},
  4667. author={Saeedloei, N. and Gupta, G.},
  4668. url = {http://www.utdallas.edu/~nxs048000/cps.pdf}
  4669. }
  4670. @article{Gupta10b,
  4671. title={Verifying complex continuous real-time systems with coinductive CLP (R)},
  4672. author={Saeedloei, N. and Gupta, G.},
  4673. journal={Language and Automata Theory and Applications},
  4674. pages={536--548},
  4675. year={2010},
  4676. publisher={Springer}
  4677. }
  4678. @inproceedings{Sha08,
  4679. author = {Lui Sha and Sathish Gopalakrishnan and Xue Liu and Qixin Wang},
  4680. title = {Cyber-Physical Systems: A New Frontier},
  4682. year = {2008}
  4683. }
  4684. @INPROCEEDINGS{He2011,
  4685. author={Sijin He and Li Guo and Yike Guo},
  4686. booktitle={Cloud Computing (CLOUD), 2011 IEEE International Conference on}, title={Real Time Elastic Cloud Management for Limited Resources},
  4687. year={2011},
  4688. month={july},
  4689. pages={622 -- 629},
  4690. keywords={Cloud computing;Hardware;Memory management;Real time systems;Resource management;Servers;Virtual machine monitors;cloud computing;computer centres;real-time systems;resource allocation;business model;cloud computing service;hardware resource management;infrastructure-as-a-service;medium sized Internet data centre;real time elastic cloud management;resource scheduling algorithm;resource utilisation;small sized Internet data centre;Cloud Computing;IaaS;Resource Scheduling;VM Migration;},
  4691. doi={10.1109/CLOUD.2011.47},
  4692. url={http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/xpls/abs_all.jsp?arnumber=6008763&tag=1},
  4693. ISSN={2159-6182},}
  4694. @article{Buttazzo02,
  4695. author = {G.C. Buttazzo and G. Lipari and M. Caccamo and L. Abeni},
  4696. title = {Elastic Scheduling for Flexible Workload Management},
  4697. journal ={IEEE Transactions on Computers},
  4698. volume = {51},
  4699. number = {3},
  4700. issn = {0018-9340},
  4701. year = {2002},
  4702. pages = {289-302},
  4703. doi = {http://doi.ieeecomputersociety.org/10.1109/12.990127},
  4704. publisher = {IEEE Computer Society},
  4705. address = {Los Alamitos, CA, USA},
  4706. }
  4707. @INPROCEEDINGS{ShihChen12,
  4708. author={Shih, Chi-Sheng and Chen, Hsin-Yi},
  4709. booktitle={Wireless Personal Multimedia Communications (WPMC), 2012 15th International Symposium on}, title={Distributed service recovery for real-time pub/sub services on disaster management},
  4710. year={2012},
  4711. month={sept.},
  4712. volume={},
  4713. number={},
  4714. pages={494 -499},
  4715. keywords={},
  4716. doi={},
  4717. ISSN={1347-6890},}
  4718. @article{HungShih_12,
  4719. title = "Executing mobile applications on the cloud: Framework and issues",
  4720. journal = "Computers and Mathematics with Applications",
  4721. volume = "63",
  4722. number = "2",
  4723. pages = "573 - 587",
  4724. year = "2012",
  4725. note = "<ce:title>Advances in context, cognitive, and secure computing</ce:title>",
  4726. issn = "0898-1221",
  4727. doi = "10.1016/j.camwa.2011.10.044",
  4728. url = "http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0898122111009084",
  4729. author = "Shih-Hao Hung and Chi-Sheng Shih and Jeng-Peng Shieh and Chen-Pang Lee and Yi-Hsiang Huang",
  4730. keywords = "Smartphone",
  4731. keywords = "Cloud computing",
  4732. keywords = "Mobile network",
  4733. keywords = "Virtualization",
  4734. keywords = "Collaborative computing",
  4735. keywords = "Quality-of-service"
  4736. }
  4737. @ARTICLE{ChenHuang12,
  4738. author={Tsung-Yen Chen and Yu-Chi Huang and Ting-Shuo Chou and Chi-Sheng Shih and Liu, J.W.S.},
  4739. journal={Systems Journal, IEEE}, title={Model-Based Development of User-Centric Automation and Assistive Devices/Systems},
  4740. year={2012},
  4741. month={sept. },
  4742. volume={6},
  4743. number={3},
  4744. pages={388 -400},
  4745. keywords={Automation;Containers;Engines;Hardware;Humans;Schedules;Unified modeling language;digital simulation;embedded systems;home automation;resource allocation;software reusability;user centred design;UCAADS simulation environment;automation tools;design assessment;device behavior;embedded workflow framework;model-based development;quality of care;quality of life;resource components;reusable models;runtime environment;safe-to-use UCAADS model;user actions;user-centric automation and assistive devices-systems;user-device interactions;workflow elements;Model-based development;simulation;system specification and evaluation;workflow;},
  4746. doi={10.1109/JSYST.2011.2171270},
  4747. ISSN={1932-8184},}
  4748. @INPROCEEDINGS{HungShihShieh11,
  4749. author={Shih-Hao Hung and Chi-Sheng Shih and Jeng-Peng Shieh and Chen-Pang Lee and Yi-Hsiang Huang},
  4750. booktitle={Innovative Mobile and Internet Services in Ubiquitous Computing (IMIS), 2011 Fifth International Conference on}, title={An Online Migration Environment for Executing Mobile Applications on the Cloud},
  4751. year={2011},
  4752. month={30 2011-july 2},
  4753. volume={},
  4754. number={},
  4755. pages={20 -27},
  4756. keywords={Androids;Humanoid robots;Mobile communication;Quality of service;Smart phones;Synchronization;Virtual environments;cloud computing;mobile computing;probability;quality of service;QoS;Quality-of-Service;battery capacity;client-server models;cloud based virtualized execution environment;cloud providers;cloud services;data storage;encryption;mobile application execution;network bandwidth;online migration environment;pervasive computing;probabilistic communication;smart phones;virtualization execution environment;Cloud Computing;Collaborative Computing;Mobile Network;Quality-of-Service;Smartphone;Virtualization;},
  4757. doi={10.1109/IMIS.2011.77},
  4758. ISSN={},}
  4759. @incollection{ChouHuang11,
  4760. year={2011},
  4761. isbn={978-3-642-16255-8},
  4762. booktitle={Software Technologies for Embedded and Ubiquitous Systems},
  4763. volume={6399},
  4764. series={Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
  4765. editor={Min, SangLyul and Pettit, Robert and Puschner, Peter and Ungerer, Theo},
  4766. doi={10.1007/978-3-642-16256-5_19},
  4767. title={EMWF: A Middleware for Flexible Automation and Assistive Devices},
  4768. url={http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-16256-5_19},
  4769. publisher={Springer Berlin Heidelberg},
  4770. keywords={Workflow-based architecture; embedded automation advices; workflow management and engine},
  4771. author={Chou, Ting-Shuo and Huang, YuChi and Wang, YungChun and Chen, Wai-Chi and Shih, Chi-Sheng and Liu, JaneW.S.},
  4772. pages={191-203}
  4773. }
  4774. @incollection{TsaiShih11,
  4775. year={2011},
  4776. isbn={978-3-642-21615-2},
  4777. booktitle={Human-Computer Interaction. Towards Mobile and Intelligent Interaction Environments},
  4778. volume={6763},
  4779. series={Lecture Notes in Computer Science},
  4780. editor={Jacko, JulieA.},
  4781. doi={10.1007/978-3-642-21616-9_13},
  4782. title={Mobile Reminder for Flexible and Safe Medication Schedule for Home Users},
  4783. url={http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-642-21616-9_13},
  4784. publisher={Springer Berlin Heidelberg},
  4785. keywords={Medication Scheduler; Smart Devices; Medication Compliance},
  4786. author={Tsai, Pei-Hsuan and Shih, Chi-Sheng and Liu, JaneW.-S.},
  4787. pages={107-116}
  4788. }
  4789. @inproceedings{ChuangShih11,
  4790. author = {Chuang, Kuan-Chun and Shih, Chi-Sheng and Hung, Shih-Hao},
  4791. title = {User behavior augmented software testing for user-centered GUI},
  4792. booktitle = {Proceedings of the 2011 ACM Symposium on Research in Applied Computation},
  4793. series = {RACS '11},
  4794. year = {2011},
  4795. isbn = {978-1-4503-1087-1},
  4796. location = {Miami, Florida},
  4797. pages = {200--208},
  4798. numpages = {9},
  4799. url = {http://doi.acm.org/10.1145/2103380.2103421},
  4800. doi = {10.1145/2103380.2103421},
  4801. acmid = {2103421},
  4802. publisher = {ACM},
  4803. address = {New York, NY, USA},
  4804. keywords = {cyber-physical systems, embedded systems, user computer interaction},
  4805. }
  4806. @INPROCEEDINGS{ChangLiao10,
  4807. author={Hung-Siang Chang and Yu-Sheng Liao and Yi-Hsiang Huang and Chung-Keng Hung and Chi-Sheng Shih and Phone Lin},
  4808. booktitle={Parallel and Distributed Processing with Applications (ISPA), 2010 International Symposium on}, title={Seamless On-Line Service Upgrade for Transaction-Based Internet Services},
  4809. year={2010},
  4810. month={sept.},
  4811. volume={},
  4812. number={},
  4813. pages={319 -326},
  4814. keywords={Databases;Java;Prototypes;Transmission line measurements;Web and internet services;Web server;Internet;quality of service;transaction processing;online service upgrade;quality of service;service continuity technology;service interruption;transaction-base service model;transaction-based Internet services;},
  4815. doi={10.1109/ISPA.2010.85},
  4816. ISSN={},}
  4817. @ARTICLE{TsaiShih09,
  4818. author={Pei-Husan Tsai and Chi-Sheng Shih, and Liu, J.W.S.},
  4819. journal={Foundations of Computing and Decision Science},
  4820. title={Algorithms for Scheduling Interactive Medications},
  4821. year={2009},
  4822. volume={4},
  4823. number={34},
  4824. }
  4825. @INPROCEEDINGS{LinTuShih09,
  4826. author={Yu-Hsien Lin and Chiaheng Tu and Chi-Sheng Shih and Shih-Hao Hung},
  4827. booktitle={Embedded and Real-Time Computing Systems and Applications, 2009. RTCSA '09. 15th IEEE International Conference on}, title={Zero-Buffer Inter-core Process Communication Protocol for Heterogeneous Multi-core Platforms},
  4828. year={2009},
  4829. month={August},
  4830. volume={},
  4831. number={},
  4832. pages={69 -78},
  4833. keywords={Communication switching;Context;Data communication;Encoding;Pipelines;Postal services;Protocols;Switches;Video sharing;Yarn;buffer storage;parallel processing;pipeline processing;protocols;video coding;H.264 video clip encoding;data communication;functional component;heterogeneous multicore platform;input-output data management;memory subsystem;zero-buffer inter-core process communication protocol;Distributed Systems.;Heterogeneous Multi-core Processor;Operating Systems;},
  4834. doi={10.1109/RTCSA.2009.14},
  4835. ISSN={1533-2306}}
  4836. @InProceedings{ShihChen13,
  4837. author = {Chi-Sheng Shih and Yu-Kai Chen and Norman Chang},
  4838. title = {Virtual Cloud Core: {OpenCL} Workload Sharing Framework for Connected Devices},
  4839. OPTcrossref = {},
  4840. OPTkey = {},
  4841. booktitle = {IEEE MobileCloud 2013},
  4842. OPTpages = {},
  4843. year = {2013},
  4844. OPTeditor = {},
  4845. OPTvolume = {},
  4846. OPTnumber = {},
  4847. OPTseries = {},
  4848. OPTaddress = {},
  4849. month = {March},
  4850. OPTorganization = {},
  4851. OPTpublisher = {},
  4852. OPTnote = {},
  4853. OPTannote = {}
  4854. }
  4855. @Misc{qpid,
  4856. title = {{Apache} {Qpid} {O}pen {S}ource {AMQP} {M}essaging},
  4857. url = {https://cwiki.apache.org/qpid/},
  4858. note = {Last accessed on March, 2013}
  4859. }
  4860. @article{manyfaces,
  4861. title={{The Many Faces of Publish/Subscribe}},
  4862. author={{Patrick T. Eugster} and {Pascal A. Felber} and {Rachid Guerraoui} and {Anne-Marie Kermarrec}},
  4863. journal={ACM Computing Surveys},
  4864. volume={35},
  4865. number={2},
  4866. pages={114-131},
  4867. year={2003},
  4868. publisher={}
  4869. }
  4870. @MastersThesis{Wang12,
  4871. author = {Shun-Min Wang},
  4872. Title = {Streaming Computation on Mobile Devices},
  4873. school = {National Taiwan University},
  4874. address = {Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering, National Taiwan University, Taipei City, Taiwan},
  4875. year = {2012}
  4876. }
  4877. @inproceedings{Shih2014,
  4878. abstract = { The number and variety of applications for mobile devices
  4879. continue to grow. However, the resources on mobile
  4880. devices including computation and storage do not
  4881. keep pace with the growth. How to incorporate the
  4882. computation capacity on cloud servers into mobile
  4883. computing has been desired and challenge issues to
  4884. resolve. In this work, we design a flexible
  4885. computation framework to take advantage the
  4886. heterogeneous computation capacity on cloud servers,
  4887. which are CPUs and GPGPUs, to meet the computation
  4888. demands of ever grow- ing mobile applications. The
  4889. computation framework extends OpenCL framework to
  4890. link remote processors with local mobile
  4891. applications. The framework is flexible in the sense
  4892. that the computation can be stopped at any time and
  4893. gains results, which is called imprecise computation
  4894. in real-time computing literature. The framework has
  4895. been evaluated against OpenCL benchmark and physical
  4896. computation engine for gaming. The results show that
  4897. the framework supports OpenCL benchmark, RODINIA,
  4898. without modifying the codes with few exceptions. The
  4899. imprecise computation model allows the cloud servers
  4900. to support more mobile clients without sacrificing
  4901. their QoS requirements. The experiment results also
  4902. show that IO intensive applications do not perform
  4903. well when the network capacity is insufficient or
  4904. unreliable.},
  4905. address = {Oxford, London},
  4906. author = {Shih, Chi-sheng and Chen, Joen and Wang, Yu-hsin and Chang, Norman},
  4907. booktitle = {IEEE Mobile Cloud 2014},
  4908. doi = {10.1109/MobileCloud.2014.17},
  4909. file = {:Volumes/Data/Users/cshih/Documents/Mendeley/Hih et al/IEEE Mobile Cloud 2014/Hih et al. - 2014 - Imprecise Computation Over the Cloud.pdf:pdf},
  4910. isbn = {9781479944255},
  4911. keywords = {- opencl,gpgpu,heterogeneous computing},
  4912. pages = {29 ---- 37},
  4913. publisher = {IEEE},
  4914. title = {{Imprecise Computation Over the Cloud}},
  4915. year = {2014}
  4916. }
  4917. @InProceedings{Shih14a,
  4918. author = {Shih, Chi-Sheng and Chou, Chun-Ting and Lin, Kwei-Jay and Tsai, Bo-Lun and Lee, Chen-Husan and Cheng, Doug and Chou, Jyun-Jhe},
  4919. title = {Out-of-box Device Management for Large Scale
  4920. Cyber-Physical Systems},
  4921. booktitle = {the IEEE International Conference on Cyber-Physical-Social Computing},
  4922. year = {2014},
  4923. OPTpages = {},
  4924. month = {September},
  4925. address = {Taipei, Taiwan},
  4926. publisher = {IEEE Xplore}
  4927. }
  4928. @inproceedings{Meil2014,
  4929. abstract = {We consider a challenging class of highly interactive
  4930. virtual environments, also known as Real-Time Online
  4931. Interactive Applications (ROIA). Popular examples of
  4932. ROIA include multi-player online computer games,
  4933. e-learning and training applications based on
  4934. real-time simulations, among others. An emerging
  4935. enhancement for ROIA is the use of mobile devices
  4936. for accessing the application (mobile
  4937. ROIA). However, the limited computing power of
  4938. mobile devices is an obstacle for implement- ing
  4939. computation-intensive parts of ROIA, in particular
  4940. graphics processing, on mobile devices. This paper
  4941. proposes a runtime system for mobile ROIA that moves
  4942. computation-intensive tasks, including graphics
  4943. processing, from the mobile devices to Cloud
  4944. resources. We report experimental results of our
  4945. runtime system using a multi-player online game with
  4946. real-world characteristics.},
  4947. author = {Meil, Dominik and Glinka, Frank and Gorlatch, Sergei},
  4948. booktitle = {IEEE Mobile Cloud 2014},
  4949. doi = {10.1109/MobileCloud.2014.19},
  4950. file = {:Volumes/Data/Users/cshih/Documents/Mendeley/Meil, Glinka, Gorlatch/IEEE Mobile Cloud 2014/Meil, Glinka, Gorlatch - 2014 - Using Mobile Cloud Computing for Real-Time Online Applications.pdf:pdf},
  4951. isbn = {9781479944255},
  4952. pages = {48 ---- 56},
  4953. title = {{Using Mobile Cloud Computing for Real-Time Online Applications}},
  4954. year = {2014}
  4955. }
  4956. @inproceedings{Su2014,
  4957. author = {Su, Penn H. and Shih, Chi-Sheng and Hsu, Jane Yung-Jen and Lin, Kwei-Jay and Wang, Yu-Chung},
  4958. booktitle = {2014 IEEE World Forum on Internet of Things (WF-IoT)},
  4959. doi = {10.1109/WF-IoT.2014.6803115},
  4960. isbn = {978-1-4799-3459-1},
  4961. keywords = {Biomedical monitoring,Fault tolerance,Heart beat,Internet of Things,Internet-of-Things,Middleware,Monitoring,Sensors,Strips,decentralized fault tolerance mechanism,duplicated services,end-to-end transmissions,failover mechanisms,heartbeat protocol,intelligent IoT-M2M middleware,middleware,resource reconfiguration,service-oriented architecture,service-oriented distributed networks},
  4962. month = {March},
  4963. pages = {45--50},
  4964. publisher = {IEEE},
  4965. shorttitle = {Internet of Things (WF-IoT), 2014 IEEE World Forum},
  4966. title = {{Decentralized fault tolerance mechanism for intelligent IoT/M2M middleware}},
  4967. abstract = {Failover for service-oriented distributed networks is a prerequisite to enabling Internet-of-Things (IoT) in the sense of deploy-once, run forever. Resource reconfiguration is required to achieve failover mechanisms upon replacement of devices or failure of services. It can be particularly challenging when services in applications have more than end-to-end transmissions between devices that are heterogeneous or versatile, for which duplications can be costly and redundant. Specifically, a device with a failed service shall be taken over by another service peer without users', including developers and installers, involvement. We develop the fault tolerance mechanism for IoT, which is distributed and takes into account the dynamics within IoT. Strip is introduced to store a list of duplicated services, and, each service peer maintains a consistent view of duplicated services in the strip. In combination with the heartbeat protocol, recovery from failure can be achieved by manipulating strips in a distributed manner. Experiments using Arduino Mega 2560 compatible devices show that our approach is capable of failover in small networks, whereas experiments in larger networks are underway. The results show that the faulures can be recovered within few seconds without administrator or developers in the loop.},
  4968. url = {http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/lpdocs/epic03/wrapper.htm?arnumber=6803115},
  4969. year = {2014}
  4970. }