- %%
- %% IEEEtran.bst
- %% BibTeX Bibliography Style file for IEEE Journals and Conferences (unsorted)
- %% Version 1.13 (2008/09/30)
- %%
- %% Copyright (c) 2003-2008 Michael Shell
- %%
- %% Original starting code base and algorithms obtained from the output of
- %% Patrick W. Daly's makebst package as well as from prior versions of
- %% IEEE BibTeX styles:
- %%
- %% 1. Howard Trickey and Oren Patashnik's ieeetr.bst (1985/1988)
- %% 2. Silvano Balemi and Richard H. Roy's IEEEbib.bst (1993)
- %%
- %% Support sites:
- %% http://www.michaelshell.org/tex/ieeetran/
- %% http://www.ctan.org/tex-archive/macros/latex/contrib/IEEEtran/
- %% and/or
- %% http://www.ieee.org/
- %%
- %% For use with BibTeX version 0.99a or later
- %%
- %% This is a numerical citation style.
- %%
- %%*************************************************************************
- %% Legal Notice:
- %% This code is offered as-is without any warranty either expressed or
- %% implied; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
- %% User assumes all risk.
- %% In no event shall IEEE or any contributor to this code be liable for
- %% any damages or losses, including, but not limited to, incidental,
- %% consequential, or any other damages, resulting from the use or misuse
- %% of any information contained here.
- %%
- %% All comments are the opinions of their respective authors and are not
- %% necessarily endorsed by the IEEE.
- %%
- %% This work is distributed under the LaTeX Project Public License (LPPL)
- %% ( http://www.latex-project.org/ ) version 1.3, and may be freely used,
- %% distributed and modified. A copy of the LPPL, version 1.3, is included
- %% in the base LaTeX documentation of all distributions of LaTeX released
- %% 2003/12/01 or later.
- %% Retain all contribution notices and credits.
- %% ** Modified files should be clearly indicated as such, including **
- %% ** renaming them and changing author support contact information. **
- %%
- %% File list of work: IEEEabrv.bib, IEEEfull.bib, IEEEexample.bib,
- %% IEEEtran.bst, IEEEtranS.bst, IEEEtranSA.bst,
- %% IEEEtranN.bst, IEEEtranSN.bst, IEEEtran_bst_HOWTO.pdf
- %%*************************************************************************
- %
- %
- % Changelog:
- %
- % 1.00 (2002/08/13) Initial release
- %
- % 1.10 (2002/09/27)
- % 1. Corrected minor bug for improperly formed warning message when a
- % book was not given a title. Thanks to Ming Kin Lai for reporting this.
- % 2. Added support for CTLname_format_string and CTLname_latex_cmd fields
- % in the BST control entry type.
- %
- % 1.11 (2003/04/02)
- % 1. Fixed bug with URLs containing underscores when using url.sty. Thanks
- % to Ming Kin Lai for reporting this.
- %
- % 1.12 (2007/01/11)
- % 1. Fixed bug with unwanted comma before "et al." when an entry contained
- % more than two author names. Thanks to Pallav Gupta for reporting this.
- % 2. Fixed bug with anomalous closing quote in tech reports that have a
- % type, but without a number or address. Thanks to Mehrdad Mirreza for
- % reporting this.
- % 3. Use braces in \providecommand in begin.bib to better support
- % latex2html. TeX style length assignments OK with recent versions
- % of latex2html - 1.71 (2002/2/1) or later is strongly recommended.
- % Use of the language field still causes trouble with latex2html.
- % Thanks to Federico Beffa for reporting this.
- % 4. Added IEEEtran.bst ID and version comment string to .bbl output.
- % 5. Provide a \BIBdecl hook that allows the user to execute commands
- % just prior to the first entry.
- % 6. Use default urlstyle (is using url.sty) of "same" rather than rm to
- % better work with a wider variety of bibliography styles.
- % 7. Changed month abbreviations from Sept., July and June to Sep., Jul.,
- % and Jun., respectively, as IEEE now does. Thanks to Moritz Borgmann
- % for reporting this.
- % 8. Control entry types should not be considered when calculating longest
- % label width.
- % 9. Added alias www for electronic/online.
- % 10. Added CTLname_url_prefix control entry type.
- %
- % 1.13 (2008/09/30)
- % 1. Fixed bug with edition number to ordinal conversion. Thanks to
- % Michael Roland for reporting this and correcting the algorithm.
- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- % These are the defaults for the user adjustable controls. The values used
- % here can be overridden by the user via IEEEtranBSTCTL entry type.
- % NOTE: The recommended LaTeX command to invoke a control entry type is:
- %
- %\makeatletter
- %\def\bstctlcite{\@ifnextchar[{\@bstctlcite}{\@bstctlcite[@auxout]}}
- %\def\@bstctlcite[#1]#2{\@bsphack
- % \@for\@citeb:=#2\do{%
- % \edef\@citeb{\expandafter\@firstofone\@citeb}%
- % \if@filesw\immediate\write\csname #1\endcsname{\string\citation{\@citeb}}\fi}%
- % \@esphack}
- %\makeatother
- %
- % It is called at the start of the document, before the first \cite, like:
- % \bstctlcite{IEEEexample:BSTcontrol}
- %
- % IEEEtran.cls V1.6 and later does provide this command.
- % #0 turns off the display of the number for articles.
- % #1 enables
- FUNCTION {default.is.use.number.for.article} { #1 }
- % #0 turns off the display of the paper and type fields in @inproceedings.
- % #1 enables
- FUNCTION {default.is.use.paper} { #1 }
- % #0 turns off the forced use of "et al."
- % #1 enables
- FUNCTION {default.is.forced.et.al} { #0 }
- % The maximum number of names that can be present beyond which an "et al."
- % usage is forced. Be sure that num.names.shown.with.forced.et.al (below)
- % is not greater than this value!
- % Note: There are many instances of references in IEEE journals which have
- % a very large number of authors as well as instances in which "et al." is
- % used profusely.
- FUNCTION {default.max.num.names.before.forced.et.al} { #10 }
- % The number of names that will be shown with a forced "et al.".
- % Must be less than or equal to max.num.names.before.forced.et.al
- FUNCTION {default.num.names.shown.with.forced.et.al} { #1 }
- % #0 turns off the alternate interword spacing for entries with URLs.
- % #1 enables
- FUNCTION {default.is.use.alt.interword.spacing} { #1 }
- % If alternate interword spacing for entries with URLs is enabled, this is
- % the interword spacing stretch factor that will be used. For example, the
- % default "4" here means that the interword spacing in entries with URLs can
- % stretch to four times normal. Does not have to be an integer. Note that
- % the value specified here can be overridden by the user in their LaTeX
- % code via a command such as:
- % "\providecommand\BIBentryALTinterwordstretchfactor{1.5}" in addition to
- % that via the IEEEtranBSTCTL entry type.
- FUNCTION {default.ALTinterwordstretchfactor} { "4" }
- % #0 turns off the "dashification" of repeated (i.e., identical to those
- % of the previous entry) names. IEEE normally does this.
- % #1 enables
- FUNCTION {default.is.dash.repeated.names} { #1 }
- % The default name format control string.
- FUNCTION {default.name.format.string}{ "{f.~}{vv~}{ll}{, jj}" }
- % The default LaTeX font command for the names.
- FUNCTION {default.name.latex.cmd}{ "" }
- % The default URL prefix.
- FUNCTION {default.name.url.prefix}{ "[Online]. Available:" }
- % Other controls that cannot be accessed via IEEEtranBSTCTL entry type.
- % #0 turns off the terminal startup banner/completed message so as to
- % operate more quietly.
- % #1 enables
- FUNCTION {is.print.banners.to.terminal} { #1 }
- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- FUNCTION{bst.file.version} { "1.13" }
- FUNCTION{bst.file.date} { "2008/09/30" }
- FUNCTION{bst.file.website} { "http://www.michaelshell.org/tex/ieeetran/bibtex/" }
- FUNCTION {banner.message}
- { is.print.banners.to.terminal
- { "-- IEEEtran.bst version" " " * bst.file.version *
- " (" * bst.file.date * ") " * "by Michael Shell." *
- top$
- "-- " bst.file.website *
- top$
- "-- See the " quote$ * "IEEEtran_bst_HOWTO.pdf" * quote$ * " manual for usage information." *
- top$
- }
- { skip$ }
- if$
- }
- FUNCTION {completed.message}
- { is.print.banners.to.terminal
- { ""
- top$
- "Done."
- top$
- }
- { skip$ }
- if$
- }
- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- FUNCTION {bbl.and}{ "and" }
- FUNCTION {bbl.etal}{ "et~al." }
- FUNCTION {bbl.editors}{ "eds." }
- FUNCTION {bbl.editor}{ "ed." }
- FUNCTION {bbl.edition}{ "ed." }
- FUNCTION {bbl.volume}{ "vol." }
- FUNCTION {bbl.of}{ "of" }
- FUNCTION {bbl.number}{ "no." }
- FUNCTION {bbl.in}{ "in" }
- FUNCTION {bbl.pages}{ "pp." }
- FUNCTION {bbl.page}{ "p." }
- FUNCTION {bbl.chapter}{ "ch." }
- FUNCTION {bbl.paper}{ "paper" }
- FUNCTION {bbl.part}{ "pt." }
- FUNCTION {bbl.patent}{ "Patent" }
- FUNCTION {bbl.patentUS}{ "U.S." }
- FUNCTION {bbl.revision}{ "Rev." }
- FUNCTION {bbl.series}{ "ser." }
- FUNCTION {bbl.standard}{ "Std." }
- FUNCTION {bbl.techrep}{ "Tech. Rep." }
- FUNCTION {bbl.mthesis}{ "Master's thesis" }
- FUNCTION {bbl.phdthesis}{ "Ph.D. dissertation" }
- FUNCTION {bbl.st}{ "st" }
- FUNCTION {bbl.nd}{ "nd" }
- FUNCTION {bbl.rd}{ "rd" }
- FUNCTION {bbl.th}{ "th" }
- % This is the LaTeX spacer that is used when a larger than normal space
- % is called for (such as just before the address:publisher).
- FUNCTION {large.space} { "\hskip 1em plus 0.5em minus 0.4em\relax " }
- % The LaTeX code for dashes that are used to represent repeated names.
- % Note: Some older IEEE journals used something like
- % "\rule{0.275in}{0.5pt}\," which is fairly thick and runs right along
- % the baseline. However, IEEE now uses a thinner, above baseline,
- % six dash long sequence.
- FUNCTION {repeated.name.dashes} { "------" }
- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- MACRO {jan} {"Jan."}
- MACRO {feb} {"Feb."}
- MACRO {mar} {"Mar."}
- MACRO {apr} {"Apr."}
- MACRO {may} {"May"}
- MACRO {jun} {"Jun."}
- MACRO {jul} {"Jul."}
- MACRO {aug} {"Aug."}
- MACRO {sep} {"Sep."}
- MACRO {oct} {"Oct."}
- MACRO {nov} {"Nov."}
- MACRO {dec} {"Dec."}
- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- { address
- assignee
- author
- booktitle
- chapter
- day
- dayfiled
- edition
- editor
- howpublished
- institution
- intype
- journal
- key
- language
- month
- monthfiled
- nationality
- note
- number
- organization
- pages
- paper
- publisher
- school
- series
- revision
- title
- type
- url
- volume
- year
- yearfiled
- CTLuse_article_number
- CTLuse_paper
- CTLuse_forced_etal
- CTLmax_names_forced_etal
- CTLnames_show_etal
- CTLuse_alt_spacing
- CTLalt_stretch_factor
- CTLdash_repeated_names
- CTLname_format_string
- CTLname_latex_cmd
- CTLname_url_prefix
- }
- {}
- { label }
- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- INTEGERS { prev.status.punct this.status.punct punct.std
- punct.no punct.comma punct.period
- prev.status.space this.status.space space.std
- space.no space.normal space.large
- prev.status.quote this.status.quote quote.std
- quote.no quote.close
- prev.status.nline this.status.nline nline.std
- nline.no nline.newblock
- status.cap cap.std
- cap.no cap.yes}
- INTEGERS { longest.label.width multiresult nameptr namesleft number.label numnames }
- INTEGERS { is.use.number.for.article
- is.use.paper
- is.forced.et.al
- max.num.names.before.forced.et.al
- num.names.shown.with.forced.et.al
- is.use.alt.interword.spacing
- is.dash.repeated.names}
- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- STRINGS { bibinfo
- longest.label
- oldname
- s
- t
- ALTinterwordstretchfactor
- name.format.string
- name.latex.cmd
- name.url.prefix}
- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- FUNCTION {initialize.controls}
- { default.is.use.number.for.article 'is.use.number.for.article :=
- default.is.use.paper 'is.use.paper :=
- default.is.forced.et.al 'is.forced.et.al :=
- default.max.num.names.before.forced.et.al 'max.num.names.before.forced.et.al :=
- default.num.names.shown.with.forced.et.al 'num.names.shown.with.forced.et.al :=
- default.is.use.alt.interword.spacing 'is.use.alt.interword.spacing :=
- default.is.dash.repeated.names 'is.dash.repeated.names :=
- default.ALTinterwordstretchfactor 'ALTinterwordstretchfactor :=
- default.name.format.string 'name.format.string :=
- default.name.latex.cmd 'name.latex.cmd :=
- default.name.url.prefix 'name.url.prefix :=
- }
- % This IEEEtran.bst features a very powerful and flexible mechanism for
- % controlling the capitalization, punctuation, spacing, quotation, and
- % newlines of the formatted entry fields. (Note: IEEEtran.bst does not need
- % or use the newline/newblock feature, but it has been implemented for
- % possible future use.) The output states of IEEEtran.bst consist of
- % multiple independent attributes and, as such, can be thought of as being
- % vectors, rather than the simple scalar values ("before.all",
- % "mid.sentence", etc.) used in most other .bst files.
- %
- % The more flexible and complex design used here was motivated in part by
- % IEEE's rather unusual bibliography style. For example, IEEE ends the
- % previous field item with a period and large space prior to the publisher
- % address; the @electronic entry types use periods as inter-item punctuation
- % rather than the commas used by the other entry types; and URLs are never
- % followed by periods even though they are the last item in the entry.
- % Although it is possible to accommodate these features with the conventional
- % output state system, the seemingly endless exceptions make for convoluted,
- % unreliable and difficult to maintain code.
- %
- % IEEEtran.bst's output state system can be easily understood via a simple
- % illustration of two most recently formatted entry fields (on the stack):
- %
- %
- % which, in this example, is to eventually appear in the bibliography as:
- %
- %
- % It is the job of the output routine to take the previous item off of the
- % stack (while leaving the current item at the top of the stack), apply its
- % trailing punctuation (including closing quote marks) and spacing, and then
- % to write the result to BibTeX's output buffer:
- %
- %
- % Punctuation (and spacing) between items is often determined by both of the
- % items rather than just the first one. The presence of quotation marks
- % further complicates the situation because, in standard English, trailing
- % punctuation marks are supposed to be contained within the quotes.
- %
- % IEEEtran.bst maintains two output state (aka "status") vectors which
- % correspond to the previous and current (aka "this") items. Each vector
- % consists of several independent attributes which track punctuation,
- % spacing, quotation, and newlines. Capitalization status is handled by a
- % separate scalar because the format routines, not the output routine,
- % handle capitalization and, therefore, there is no need to maintain the
- % capitalization attribute for both the "previous" and "this" items.
- %
- % When a format routine adds a new item, it copies the current output status
- % vector to the previous output status vector and (usually) resets the
- % current (this) output status vector to a "standard status" vector. Using a
- % "standard status" vector in this way allows us to redefine what we mean by
- % "standard status" at the start of each entry handler and reuse the same
- % format routines under the various inter-item separation schemes. For
- % example, the standard status vector for the @book entry type may use
- % commas for item separators, while the @electronic type may use periods,
- % yet both entry handlers exploit many of the exact same format routines.
- %
- % Because format routines have write access to the output status vector of
- % the previous item, they can override the punctuation choices of the
- % previous format routine! Therefore, it becomes trivial to implement rules
- % such as "Always use a period and a large space before the publisher." By
- % pushing the generation of the closing quote mark to the output routine, we
- % avoid all the problems caused by having to close a quote before having all
- % the information required to determine what the punctuation should be.
- %
- % The IEEEtran.bst output state system can easily be expanded if needed.
- % For instance, it is easy to add a "space.tie" attribute value if the
- % bibliography rules mandate that two items have to be joined with an
- % unbreakable space.
- FUNCTION {initialize.status.constants}
- { #0 'punct.no :=
- #1 'punct.comma :=
- #2 'punct.period :=
- #0 'space.no :=
- #1 'space.normal :=
- #2 'space.large :=
- #0 'quote.no :=
- #1 'quote.close :=
- #0 'cap.no :=
- #1 'cap.yes :=
- #0 'nline.no :=
- #1 'nline.newblock :=
- }
- FUNCTION {std.status.using.comma}
- { punct.comma 'punct.std :=
- space.normal 'space.std :=
- quote.no 'quote.std :=
- nline.no 'nline.std :=
- cap.no 'cap.std :=
- }
- FUNCTION {std.status.using.period}
- { punct.period 'punct.std :=
- space.normal 'space.std :=
- quote.no 'quote.std :=
- nline.no 'nline.std :=
- cap.yes 'cap.std :=
- }
- FUNCTION {initialize.prev.this.status}
- { punct.no 'prev.status.punct :=
- space.no 'prev.status.space :=
- quote.no 'prev.status.quote :=
- nline.no 'prev.status.nline :=
- punct.no 'this.status.punct :=
- space.no 'this.status.space :=
- quote.no 'this.status.quote :=
- nline.no 'this.status.nline :=
- cap.yes 'status.cap :=
- }
- FUNCTION {this.status.std}
- { punct.std 'this.status.punct :=
- space.std 'this.status.space :=
- quote.std 'this.status.quote :=
- nline.std 'this.status.nline :=
- }
- FUNCTION {cap.status.std}{ cap.std 'status.cap := }
- FUNCTION {this.to.prev.status}
- { this.status.punct 'prev.status.punct :=
- this.status.space 'prev.status.space :=
- this.status.quote 'prev.status.quote :=
- this.status.nline 'prev.status.nline :=
- }
- FUNCTION {not}
- { { #0 }
- { #1 }
- if$
- }
- FUNCTION {and}
- { { skip$ }
- { pop$ #0 }
- if$
- }
- { { pop$ #1 }
- { skip$ }
- if$
- }
- % convert the strings "yes" or "no" to #1 or #0 respectively
- FUNCTION {yes.no.to.int}
- { "l" change.case$ duplicate$
- "yes" =
- { pop$ #1 }
- { duplicate$ "no" =
- { pop$ #0 }
- { "unknown boolean " quote$ * swap$ * quote$ *
- " in " * cite$ * warning$
- #0
- }
- if$
- }
- if$
- }
- % pushes true if the single char string on the stack is in the
- % range of "0" to "9"
- FUNCTION {is.num}
- { chr.to.int$
- duplicate$ "0" chr.to.int$ < not
- swap$ "9" chr.to.int$ > not and
- }
- % multiplies the integer on the stack by a factor of 10
- FUNCTION {bump.int.mag}
- { #0 'multiresult :=
- { duplicate$ #0 > }
- { #1 -
- multiresult #10 +
- 'multiresult :=
- }
- while$
- pop$
- multiresult
- }
- % converts a single character string on the stack to an integer
- FUNCTION {char.to.integer}
- { duplicate$
- is.num
- { chr.to.int$ "0" chr.to.int$ - }
- {"noninteger character " quote$ * swap$ * quote$ *
- " in integer field of " * cite$ * warning$
- #0
- }
- if$
- }
- % converts a string on the stack to an integer
- FUNCTION {string.to.integer}
- { duplicate$ text.length$ 'namesleft :=
- #1 'nameptr :=
- #0 'numnames :=
- { nameptr namesleft > not }
- { duplicate$ nameptr #1 substring$
- char.to.integer numnames bump.int.mag +
- 'numnames :=
- nameptr #1 +
- 'nameptr :=
- }
- while$
- pop$
- numnames
- }
- % The output routines write out the *next* to the top (previous) item on the
- % stack, adding punctuation and such as needed. Since IEEEtran.bst maintains
- % the output status for the top two items on the stack, these output
- % routines have to consider the previous output status (which corresponds to
- % the item that is being output). Full independent control of punctuation,
- % closing quote marks, spacing, and newblock is provided.
- %
- % "output.nonnull" does not check for the presence of a previous empty
- % item.
- %
- % "output" does check for the presence of a previous empty item and will
- % remove an empty item rather than outputing it.
- %
- % "output.warn" is like "output", but will issue a warning if it detects
- % an empty item.
- FUNCTION {output.nonnull}
- { swap$
- prev.status.punct punct.comma =
- { "," * }
- { skip$ }
- if$
- prev.status.punct punct.period =
- { add.period$ }
- { skip$ }
- if$
- prev.status.quote quote.close =
- { "''" * }
- { skip$ }
- if$
- prev.status.space space.normal =
- { " " * }
- { skip$ }
- if$
- prev.status.space space.large =
- { large.space * }
- { skip$ }
- if$
- write$
- prev.status.nline nline.newblock =
- { newline$ "\newblock " write$ }
- { skip$ }
- if$
- }
- FUNCTION {output}
- { duplicate$ empty$
- 'pop$
- 'output.nonnull
- if$
- }
- FUNCTION {output.warn}
- { 't :=
- duplicate$ empty$
- { pop$ "empty " t * " in " * cite$ * warning$ }
- 'output.nonnull
- if$
- }
- % "fin.entry" is the output routine that handles the last item of the entry
- % (which will be on the top of the stack when "fin.entry" is called).
- FUNCTION {fin.entry}
- { this.status.punct punct.no =
- { skip$ }
- { add.period$ }
- if$
- this.status.quote quote.close =
- { "''" * }
- { skip$ }
- if$
- write$
- newline$
- }
- FUNCTION {is.last.char.not.punct}
- { duplicate$
- "}" * add.period$
- #-1 #1 substring$ "." =
- }
- FUNCTION {is.multiple.pages}
- { 't :=
- #0 'multiresult :=
- { multiresult not
- t empty$ not
- and
- }
- { t #1 #1 substring$
- duplicate$ "-" =
- swap$ duplicate$ "," =
- swap$ "+" =
- or or
- { #1 'multiresult := }
- { t #2 global.max$ substring$ 't := }
- if$
- }
- while$
- multiresult
- }
- FUNCTION {capitalize}{ "u" change.case$ "t" change.case$ }
- FUNCTION {emphasize}
- { duplicate$ empty$
- { pop$ "" }
- { "\emph{" swap$ * "}" * }
- if$
- }
- FUNCTION {do.name.latex.cmd}
- { name.latex.cmd
- empty$
- { skip$ }
- { name.latex.cmd "{" * swap$ * "}" * }
- if$
- }
- % IEEEtran.bst uses its own \BIBforeignlanguage command which directly
- % invokes the TeX hyphenation patterns without the need of the Babel
- % package. Babel does a lot more than switch hyphenation patterns and
- % its loading can cause unintended effects in many class files (such as
- % IEEEtran.cls).
- FUNCTION {select.language}
- { duplicate$ empty$ 'pop$
- { language empty$ 'skip$
- { "\BIBforeignlanguage{" language * "}{" * swap$ * "}" * }
- if$
- }
- if$
- }
- FUNCTION {tie.or.space.prefix}
- { duplicate$ text.length$ #3 <
- { "~" }
- { " " }
- if$
- swap$
- }
- FUNCTION {get.bbl.editor}
- { editor num.names$ #1 > 'bbl.editors 'bbl.editor if$ }
- FUNCTION {space.word}{ " " swap$ * " " * }
- % Field Conditioners, Converters, Checkers and External Interfaces
- FUNCTION {empty.field.to.null.string}
- { duplicate$ empty$
- { pop$ "" }
- { skip$ }
- if$
- }
- FUNCTION {either.or.check}
- { empty$
- { pop$ }
- { "can't use both " swap$ * " fields in " * cite$ * warning$ }
- if$
- }
- FUNCTION {empty.entry.warn}
- { author empty$ title empty$ howpublished empty$
- month empty$ year empty$ note empty$ url empty$
- and and and and and and
- { "all relevant fields are empty in " cite$ * warning$ }
- 'skip$
- if$
- }
- % The bibinfo system provides a way for the electronic parsing/acquisition
- % of a bibliography's contents as is done by ReVTeX. For example, a field
- % could be entered into the bibliography as:
- % \bibinfo{volume}{2}
- % Only the "2" would show up in the document, but the LaTeX \bibinfo command
- % could do additional things with the information. IEEEtran.bst does provide
- % a \bibinfo command via "\providecommand{\bibinfo}[2]{#2}". However, it is
- % currently not used as the bogus bibinfo functions defined here output the
- % entry values directly without the \bibinfo wrapper. The bibinfo functions
- % themselves (and the calls to them) are retained for possible future use.
- %
- % bibinfo.check avoids acting on missing fields while bibinfo.warn will
- % issue a warning message if a missing field is detected. Prior to calling
- % the bibinfo functions, the user should push the field value and then its
- % name string, in that order.
- FUNCTION {bibinfo.check}
- { swap$ duplicate$ missing$
- { pop$ pop$ "" }
- { duplicate$ empty$
- { swap$ pop$ }
- { swap$ pop$ }
- if$
- }
- if$
- }
- FUNCTION {bibinfo.warn}
- { swap$ duplicate$ missing$
- { swap$ "missing " swap$ * " in " * cite$ * warning$ pop$ "" }
- { duplicate$ empty$
- { swap$ "empty " swap$ * " in " * cite$ * warning$ }
- { swap$ pop$ }
- if$
- }
- if$
- }
- % IEEE separates large numbers with more than 4 digits into groups of
- % three. IEEE uses a small space to separate these number groups.
- % Typical applications include patent and page numbers.
- % number of consecutive digits required to trigger the group separation.
- FUNCTION {large.number.trigger}{ #5 }
- % For numbers longer than the trigger, this is the blocksize of the groups.
- % The blocksize must be less than the trigger threshold, and 2 * blocksize
- % must be greater than the trigger threshold (can't do more than one
- % separation on the initial trigger).
- FUNCTION {large.number.blocksize}{ #3 }
- % What is actually inserted between the number groups.
- FUNCTION {large.number.separator}{ "\," }
- % So as to save on integer variables by reusing existing ones, numnames
- % holds the current number of consecutive digits read and nameptr holds
- % the number that will trigger an inserted space.
- FUNCTION {large.number.separate}
- { 't :=
- ""
- #0 'numnames :=
- large.number.trigger 'nameptr :=
- { t empty$ not }
- { t #-1 #1 substring$ is.num
- { numnames #1 + 'numnames := }
- { #0 'numnames :=
- large.number.trigger 'nameptr :=
- }
- if$
- t #-1 #1 substring$ swap$ *
- t #-2 global.max$ substring$ 't :=
- numnames nameptr =
- { duplicate$ #1 nameptr large.number.blocksize - substring$ swap$
- nameptr large.number.blocksize - #1 + global.max$ substring$
- large.number.separator swap$ * *
- nameptr large.number.blocksize - 'numnames :=
- large.number.blocksize #1 + 'nameptr :=
- }
- { skip$ }
- if$
- }
- while$
- }
- % Converts all single dashes "-" to double dashes "--".
- FUNCTION {n.dashify}
- { large.number.separate
- 't :=
- ""
- { t empty$ not }
- { t #1 #1 substring$ "-" =
- { t #1 #2 substring$ "--" = not
- { "--" *
- t #2 global.max$ substring$ 't :=
- }
- { { t #1 #1 substring$ "-" = }
- { "-" *
- t #2 global.max$ substring$ 't :=
- }
- while$
- }
- if$
- }
- { t #1 #1 substring$ *
- t #2 global.max$ substring$ 't :=
- }
- if$
- }
- while$
- }
- % This function detects entries with names that are identical to that of
- % the previous entry and replaces the repeated names with dashes (if the
- % "is.dash.repeated.names" user control is nonzero).
- FUNCTION {name.or.dash}
- { 's :=
- oldname empty$
- { s 'oldname := s }
- { s oldname =
- { is.dash.repeated.names
- { repeated.name.dashes }
- { s 'oldname := s }
- if$
- }
- { s 'oldname := s }
- if$
- }
- if$
- }
- % Converts the number string on the top of the stack to
- % "numerical ordinal form" (e.g., "7" to "7th"). There is
- % no artificial limit to the upper bound of the numbers as the
- % two least significant digits determine the ordinal form.
- FUNCTION {num.to.ordinal}
- { duplicate$ #-2 #1 substring$ "1" =
- { bbl.th * }
- { duplicate$ #-1 #1 substring$ "1" =
- { bbl.st * }
- { duplicate$ #-1 #1 substring$ "2" =
- { bbl.nd * }
- { duplicate$ #-1 #1 substring$ "3" =
- { bbl.rd * }
- { bbl.th * }
- if$
- }
- if$
- }
- if$
- }
- if$
- }
- % If the string on the top of the stack begins with a number,
- % (e.g., 11th) then replace the string with the leading number
- % it contains. Otherwise retain the string as-is. s holds the
- % extracted number, t holds the part of the string that remains
- % to be scanned.
- FUNCTION {extract.num}
- { duplicate$ 't :=
- "" 's :=
- { t empty$ not }
- { t #1 #1 substring$
- t #2 global.max$ substring$ 't :=
- duplicate$ is.num
- { s swap$ * 's := }
- { pop$ "" 't := }
- if$
- }
- while$
- s empty$
- 'skip$
- { pop$ s }
- if$
- }
- % Converts the word number string on the top of the stack to
- % Arabic string form. Will be successful up to "tenth".
- FUNCTION {word.to.num}
- { duplicate$ "l" change.case$ 's :=
- s "first" =
- { pop$ "1" }
- { skip$ }
- if$
- s "second" =
- { pop$ "2" }
- { skip$ }
- if$
- s "third" =
- { pop$ "3" }
- { skip$ }
- if$
- s "fourth" =
- { pop$ "4" }
- { skip$ }
- if$
- s "fifth" =
- { pop$ "5" }
- { skip$ }
- if$
- s "sixth" =
- { pop$ "6" }
- { skip$ }
- if$
- s "seventh" =
- { pop$ "7" }
- { skip$ }
- if$
- s "eighth" =
- { pop$ "8" }
- { skip$ }
- if$
- s "ninth" =
- { pop$ "9" }
- { skip$ }
- if$
- s "tenth" =
- { pop$ "10" }
- { skip$ }
- if$
- }
- % Converts the string on the top of the stack to numerical
- % ordinal (e.g., "11th") form.
- FUNCTION {convert.edition}
- { duplicate$ empty$ 'skip$
- { duplicate$ #1 #1 substring$ is.num
- { extract.num
- num.to.ordinal
- }
- { word.to.num
- duplicate$ #1 #1 substring$ is.num
- { num.to.ordinal }
- { "edition ordinal word " quote$ * edition * quote$ *
- " may be too high (or improper) for conversion" * " in " * cite$ * warning$
- }
- if$
- }
- if$
- }
- if$
- }
- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- FUNCTION {start.entry}
- { newline$
- "\bibitem{" write$
- cite$ write$
- "}" write$
- newline$
- ""
- initialize.prev.this.status
- }
- % Here we write out all the LaTeX code that we will need. The most involved
- % code sequences are those that control the alternate interword spacing and
- % foreign language hyphenation patterns. The heavy use of \providecommand
- % gives users a way to override the defaults. Special thanks to Javier Bezos,
- % Johannes Braams, Robin Fairbairns, Heiko Oberdiek, Donald Arseneau and all
- % the other gurus on comp.text.tex for their help and advice on the topic of
- % \selectlanguage, Babel and BibTeX.
- FUNCTION {begin.bib}
- { "% Generated by IEEEtran.bst, version: " bst.file.version * " (" * bst.file.date * ")" *
- write$ newline$
- preamble$ empty$ 'skip$
- { preamble$ write$ newline$ }
- if$
- "\begin{thebibliography}{" longest.label * "}" *
- write$ newline$
- "\providecommand{\url}[1]{#1}"
- write$ newline$
- "\csname url@samestyle\endcsname"
- write$ newline$
- "\providecommand{\newblock}{\relax}"
- write$ newline$
- "\providecommand{\bibinfo}[2]{#2}"
- write$ newline$
- "\providecommand{\BIBentrySTDinterwordspacing}{\spaceskip=0pt\relax}"
- write$ newline$
- "\providecommand{\BIBentryALTinterwordstretchfactor}{"
- ALTinterwordstretchfactor * "}" *
- write$ newline$
- "\providecommand{\BIBentryALTinterwordspacing}{\spaceskip=\fontdimen2\font plus "
- write$ newline$
- "\BIBentryALTinterwordstretchfactor\fontdimen3\font minus \fontdimen4\font\relax}"
- write$ newline$
- "\providecommand{\BIBforeignlanguage}[2]{{%"
- write$ newline$
- "\expandafter\ifx\csname l@#1\endcsname\relax"
- write$ newline$
- "\typeout{** WARNING: IEEEtran.bst: No hyphenation pattern has been}%"
- write$ newline$
- "\typeout{** loaded for the language `#1'. Using the pattern for}%"
- write$ newline$
- "\typeout{** the default language instead.}%"
- write$ newline$
- "\else"
- write$ newline$
- "\language=\csname l@#1\endcsname"
- write$ newline$
- "\fi"
- write$ newline$
- "#2}}"
- write$ newline$
- "\providecommand{\BIBdecl}{\relax}"
- write$ newline$
- "\BIBdecl"
- write$ newline$
- }
- FUNCTION {end.bib}
- { newline$ "\end{thebibliography}" write$ newline$ }
- FUNCTION {if.url.alt.interword.spacing}
- { is.use.alt.interword.spacing
- {url empty$ 'skip$ {"\BIBentryALTinterwordspacing" write$ newline$} if$}
- { skip$ }
- if$
- }
- FUNCTION {if.url.std.interword.spacing}
- { is.use.alt.interword.spacing
- {url empty$ 'skip$ {"\BIBentrySTDinterwordspacing" write$ newline$} if$}
- { skip$ }
- if$
- }
- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- FUNCTION {initialize.longest.label}
- { "" 'longest.label :=
- #1 'number.label :=
- #0 'longest.label.width :=
- }
- FUNCTION {longest.label.pass}
- { type$ "ieeetranbstctl" =
- { skip$ }
- { number.label int.to.str$ 'label :=
- number.label #1 + 'number.label :=
- label width$ longest.label.width >
- { label 'longest.label :=
- label width$ 'longest.label.width :=
- }
- { skip$ }
- if$
- }
- if$
- }
- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- %% Lower Level Formats (used by higher level formats)
- FUNCTION {format.address.org.or.pub.date}
- { 't :=
- ""
- year empty$
- { "empty year in " cite$ * warning$ }
- { skip$ }
- if$
- address empty$ t empty$ and
- year empty$ and month empty$ and
- { skip$ }
- { this.to.prev.status
- this.status.std
- cap.status.std
- address "address" bibinfo.check *
- t empty$
- { skip$ }
- { punct.period 'prev.status.punct :=
- space.large 'prev.status.space :=
- address empty$
- { skip$ }
- { ": " * }
- if$
- t *
- }
- if$
- year empty$ month empty$ and
- { skip$ }
- { t empty$ address empty$ and
- { skip$ }
- { ", " * }
- if$
- month empty$
- { year empty$
- { skip$ }
- { year "year" bibinfo.check * }
- if$
- }
- { month "month" bibinfo.check *
- year empty$
- { skip$ }
- { " " * year "year" bibinfo.check * }
- if$
- }
- if$
- }
- if$
- }
- if$
- }
- FUNCTION {format.names}
- { 'bibinfo :=
- duplicate$ empty$ 'skip$ {
- this.to.prev.status
- this.status.std
- 's :=
- "" 't :=
- #1 'nameptr :=
- s num.names$ 'numnames :=
- numnames 'namesleft :=
- { namesleft #0 > }
- { s nameptr
- name.format.string
- format.name$
- bibinfo bibinfo.check
- 't :=
- nameptr #1 >
- { nameptr num.names.shown.with.forced.et.al #1 + =
- numnames max.num.names.before.forced.et.al >
- is.forced.et.al and and
- { "others" 't :=
- #1 'namesleft :=
- }
- { skip$ }
- if$
- namesleft #1 >
- { ", " * t do.name.latex.cmd * }
- { s nameptr "{ll}" format.name$ duplicate$ "others" =
- { 't := }
- { pop$ }
- if$
- t "others" =
- { " " * bbl.etal emphasize * }
- { numnames #2 >
- { "," * }
- { skip$ }
- if$
- bbl.and
- space.word * t do.name.latex.cmd *
- }
- if$
- }
- if$
- }
- { t do.name.latex.cmd }
- if$
- nameptr #1 + 'nameptr :=
- namesleft #1 - 'namesleft :=
- }
- while$
- cap.status.std
- } if$
- }
- %% Higher Level Formats
- %% addresses/locations
- FUNCTION {format.address}
- { address duplicate$ empty$ 'skip$
- { this.to.prev.status
- this.status.std
- cap.status.std
- }
- if$
- }
- %% author/editor names
- FUNCTION {format.authors}{ author "author" format.names }
- FUNCTION {format.editors}
- { editor "editor" format.names duplicate$ empty$ 'skip$
- { ", " *
- get.bbl.editor
- capitalize
- *
- }
- if$
- }
- %% date
- FUNCTION {format.date}
- {
- month "month" bibinfo.check duplicate$ empty$
- year "year" bibinfo.check duplicate$ empty$
- { swap$ 'skip$
- { this.to.prev.status
- this.status.std
- cap.status.std
- "there's a month but no year in " cite$ * warning$ }
- if$
- *
- }
- { this.to.prev.status
- this.status.std
- cap.status.std
- swap$ 'skip$
- {
- swap$
- " " * swap$
- }
- if$
- *
- }
- if$
- }
- FUNCTION {format.date.electronic}
- { month "month" bibinfo.check duplicate$ empty$
- year "year" bibinfo.check duplicate$ empty$
- { swap$
- { pop$ }
- { "there's a month but no year in " cite$ * warning$
- pop$ ")" * "(" swap$ *
- this.to.prev.status
- punct.no 'this.status.punct :=
- space.normal 'this.status.space :=
- quote.no 'this.status.quote :=
- cap.yes 'status.cap :=
- }
- if$
- }
- { swap$
- { swap$ pop$ ")" * "(" swap$ * }
- { "(" swap$ * ", " * swap$ * ")" * }
- if$
- this.to.prev.status
- punct.no 'this.status.punct :=
- space.normal 'this.status.space :=
- quote.no 'this.status.quote :=
- cap.yes 'status.cap :=
- }
- if$
- }
- %% edition/title
- % Note: IEEE considers the edition to be closely associated with
- % the title of a book. So, in IEEEtran.bst the edition is normally handled
- % within the formatting of the title. The format.edition function is
- % retained here for possible future use.
- FUNCTION {format.edition}
- { edition duplicate$ empty$ 'skip$
- { this.to.prev.status
- this.status.std
- convert.edition
- status.cap
- { "t" }
- { "l" }
- if$ change.case$
- "edition" bibinfo.check
- "~" * bbl.edition *
- cap.status.std
- }
- if$
- }
- % This is used to format the booktitle of a conference proceedings.
- % Here we use the "intype" field to provide the user a way to
- % override the word "in" (e.g., with things like "presented at")
- % Use of intype stops the emphasis of the booktitle to indicate that
- % we no longer mean the written conference proceedings, but the
- % conference itself.
- FUNCTION {format.in.booktitle}
- { booktitle "booktitle" bibinfo.check duplicate$ empty$ 'skip$
- { this.to.prev.status
- this.status.std
- select.language
- intype missing$
- { emphasize
- bbl.in " " *
- }
- { intype " " * }
- if$
- swap$ *
- cap.status.std
- }
- if$
- }
- % This is used to format the booktitle of collection.
- % Here the "intype" field is not supported, but "edition" is.
- FUNCTION {format.in.booktitle.edition}
- { booktitle "booktitle" bibinfo.check duplicate$ empty$ 'skip$
- { this.to.prev.status
- this.status.std
- select.language
- emphasize
- edition empty$ 'skip$
- { ", " *
- edition
- convert.edition
- "l" change.case$
- * "~" * bbl.edition *
- }
- if$
- bbl.in " " * swap$ *
- cap.status.std
- }
- if$
- }
- FUNCTION {format.article.title}
- { title duplicate$ empty$ 'skip$
- { this.to.prev.status
- this.status.std
- "t" change.case$
- }
- if$
- "title" bibinfo.check
- duplicate$ empty$ 'skip$
- { quote.close 'this.status.quote :=
- is.last.char.not.punct
- { punct.std 'this.status.punct := }
- { punct.no 'this.status.punct := }
- if$
- select.language
- "``" swap$ *
- cap.status.std
- }
- if$
- }
- FUNCTION {format.article.title.electronic}
- { title duplicate$ empty$ 'skip$
- { this.to.prev.status
- this.status.std
- cap.status.std
- "t" change.case$
- }
- if$
- "title" bibinfo.check
- duplicate$ empty$
- { skip$ }
- { select.language }
- if$
- }
- FUNCTION {format.book.title.edition}
- { title "title" bibinfo.check
- duplicate$ empty$
- { "empty title in " cite$ * warning$ }
- { this.to.prev.status
- this.status.std
- select.language
- emphasize
- edition empty$ 'skip$
- { ", " *
- edition
- convert.edition
- status.cap
- { "t" }
- { "l" }
- if$
- change.case$
- * "~" * bbl.edition *
- }
- if$
- cap.status.std
- }
- if$
- }
- FUNCTION {format.book.title}
- { title "title" bibinfo.check
- duplicate$ empty$ 'skip$
- { this.to.prev.status
- this.status.std
- cap.status.std
- select.language
- emphasize
- }
- if$
- }
- %% journal
- FUNCTION {format.journal}
- { journal duplicate$ empty$ 'skip$
- { this.to.prev.status
- this.status.std
- cap.status.std
- select.language
- emphasize
- }
- if$
- }
- %% how published
- FUNCTION {format.howpublished}
- { howpublished duplicate$ empty$ 'skip$
- { this.to.prev.status
- this.status.std
- cap.status.std
- }
- if$
- }
- %% institutions/organization/publishers/school
- FUNCTION {format.institution}
- { institution duplicate$ empty$ 'skip$
- { this.to.prev.status
- this.status.std
- cap.status.std
- }
- if$
- }
- FUNCTION {format.organization}
- { organization duplicate$ empty$ 'skip$
- { this.to.prev.status
- this.status.std
- cap.status.std
- }
- if$
- }
- FUNCTION {format.address.publisher.date}
- { publisher "publisher" bibinfo.warn format.address.org.or.pub.date }
- FUNCTION {format.address.publisher.date.nowarn}
- { publisher "publisher" bibinfo.check format.address.org.or.pub.date }
- FUNCTION {format.address.organization.date}
- { organization "organization" bibinfo.check format.address.org.or.pub.date }
- FUNCTION {format.school}
- { school duplicate$ empty$ 'skip$
- { this.to.prev.status
- this.status.std
- cap.status.std
- }
- if$
- }
- %% volume/number/series/chapter/pages
- FUNCTION {format.volume}
- { volume empty.field.to.null.string
- duplicate$ empty$ 'skip$
- { this.to.prev.status
- this.status.std
- bbl.volume
- status.cap
- { capitalize }
- { skip$ }
- if$
- swap$ tie.or.space.prefix
- "volume" bibinfo.check
- * *
- cap.status.std
- }
- if$
- }
- FUNCTION {format.number}
- { number empty.field.to.null.string
- duplicate$ empty$ 'skip$
- { this.to.prev.status
- this.status.std
- status.cap
- { bbl.number capitalize }
- { bbl.number }
- if$
- swap$ tie.or.space.prefix
- "number" bibinfo.check
- * *
- cap.status.std
- }
- if$
- }
- FUNCTION {format.number.if.use.for.article}
- { is.use.number.for.article
- { format.number }
- { "" }
- if$
- }
- % IEEE does not seem to tie the series so closely with the volume
- % and number as is done in other bibliography styles. Instead the
- % series is treated somewhat like an extension of the title.
- FUNCTION {format.series}
- { series empty$
- { "" }
- { this.to.prev.status
- this.status.std
- bbl.series " " *
- series "series" bibinfo.check *
- cap.status.std
- }
- if$
- }
- FUNCTION {format.chapter}
- { chapter empty$
- { "" }
- { this.to.prev.status
- this.status.std
- type empty$
- { bbl.chapter }
- { type "l" change.case$
- "type" bibinfo.check
- }
- if$
- chapter tie.or.space.prefix
- "chapter" bibinfo.check
- * *
- cap.status.std
- }
- if$
- }
- % The intended use of format.paper is for paper numbers of inproceedings.
- % The paper type can be overridden via the type field.
- % We allow the type to be displayed even if the paper number is absent
- % for things like "postdeadline paper"
- FUNCTION {format.paper}
- { is.use.paper
- { paper empty$
- { type empty$
- { "" }
- { this.to.prev.status
- this.status.std
- type "type" bibinfo.check
- cap.status.std
- }
- if$
- }
- { this.to.prev.status
- this.status.std
- type empty$
- { bbl.paper }
- { type "type" bibinfo.check }
- if$
- " " * paper
- "paper" bibinfo.check
- *
- cap.status.std
- }
- if$
- }
- { "" }
- if$
- }
- FUNCTION {format.pages}
- { pages duplicate$ empty$ 'skip$
- { this.to.prev.status
- this.status.std
- duplicate$ is.multiple.pages
- {
- bbl.pages swap$
- n.dashify
- }
- {
- bbl.page swap$
- }
- if$
- tie.or.space.prefix
- "pages" bibinfo.check
- * *
- cap.status.std
- }
- if$
- }
- %% technical report number
- FUNCTION {format.tech.report.number}
- { number "number" bibinfo.check
- this.to.prev.status
- this.status.std
- cap.status.std
- type duplicate$ empty$
- { pop$
- bbl.techrep
- }
- { skip$ }
- if$
- "type" bibinfo.check
- swap$ duplicate$ empty$
- { pop$ }
- { tie.or.space.prefix * * }
- if$
- }
- %% note
- FUNCTION {format.note}
- { note empty$
- { "" }
- { this.to.prev.status
- this.status.std
- punct.period 'this.status.punct :=
- note #1 #1 substring$
- duplicate$ "{" =
- { skip$ }
- { status.cap
- { "u" }
- { "l" }
- if$
- change.case$
- }
- if$
- note #2 global.max$ substring$ * "note" bibinfo.check
- cap.yes 'status.cap :=
- }
- if$
- }
- %% patent
- FUNCTION {format.patent.date}
- { this.to.prev.status
- this.status.std
- year empty$
- { monthfiled duplicate$ empty$
- { "monthfiled" bibinfo.check pop$ "" }
- { "monthfiled" bibinfo.check }
- if$
- dayfiled duplicate$ empty$
- { "dayfiled" bibinfo.check pop$ "" * }
- { "dayfiled" bibinfo.check
- monthfiled empty$
- { "dayfiled without a monthfiled in " cite$ * warning$
- *
- }
- { " " swap$ * * }
- if$
- }
- if$
- yearfiled empty$
- { "no year or yearfiled in " cite$ * warning$ }
- { yearfiled "yearfiled" bibinfo.check
- swap$
- duplicate$ empty$
- { pop$ }
- { ", " * swap$ * }
- if$
- }
- if$
- }
- { month duplicate$ empty$
- { "month" bibinfo.check pop$ "" }
- { "month" bibinfo.check }
- if$
- day duplicate$ empty$
- { "day" bibinfo.check pop$ "" * }
- { "day" bibinfo.check
- month empty$
- { "day without a month in " cite$ * warning$
- *
- }
- { " " swap$ * * }
- if$
- }
- if$
- year "year" bibinfo.check
- swap$
- duplicate$ empty$
- { pop$ }
- { ", " * swap$ * }
- if$
- }
- if$
- cap.status.std
- }
- FUNCTION {format.patent.nationality.type.number}
- { this.to.prev.status
- this.status.std
- nationality duplicate$ empty$
- { "nationality" bibinfo.warn pop$ "" }
- { "nationality" bibinfo.check
- duplicate$ "l" change.case$ "united states" =
- { pop$ bbl.patentUS }
- { skip$ }
- if$
- " " *
- }
- if$
- type empty$
- { bbl.patent "type" bibinfo.check }
- { type "type" bibinfo.check }
- if$
- *
- number duplicate$ empty$
- { "number" bibinfo.warn pop$ }
- { "number" bibinfo.check
- large.number.separate
- swap$ " " * swap$ *
- }
- if$
- cap.status.std
- }
- %% standard
- FUNCTION {format.organization.institution.standard.type.number}
- { this.to.prev.status
- this.status.std
- organization duplicate$ empty$
- { pop$
- institution duplicate$ empty$
- { "institution" bibinfo.warn }
- { "institution" bibinfo.warn " " * }
- if$
- }
- { "organization" bibinfo.warn " " * }
- if$
- type empty$
- { bbl.standard "type" bibinfo.check }
- { type "type" bibinfo.check }
- if$
- *
- number duplicate$ empty$
- { "number" bibinfo.check pop$ }
- { "number" bibinfo.check
- large.number.separate
- swap$ " " * swap$ *
- }
- if$
- cap.status.std
- }
- FUNCTION {format.revision}
- { revision empty$
- { "" }
- { this.to.prev.status
- this.status.std
- bbl.revision
- revision tie.or.space.prefix
- "revision" bibinfo.check
- * *
- cap.status.std
- }
- if$
- }
- %% thesis
- FUNCTION {format.master.thesis.type}
- { this.to.prev.status
- this.status.std
- type empty$
- {
- bbl.mthesis
- }
- {
- type "type" bibinfo.check
- }
- if$
- cap.status.std
- }
- FUNCTION {format.phd.thesis.type}
- { this.to.prev.status
- this.status.std
- type empty$
- {
- bbl.phdthesis
- }
- {
- type "type" bibinfo.check
- }
- if$
- cap.status.std
- }
- %% URL
- FUNCTION {format.url}
- { url empty$
- { "" }
- { this.to.prev.status
- this.status.std
- cap.yes 'status.cap :=
- name.url.prefix " " *
- "\url{" * url * "}" *
- punct.no 'this.status.punct :=
- punct.period 'prev.status.punct :=
- space.normal 'this.status.space :=
- space.normal 'prev.status.space :=
- quote.no 'this.status.quote :=
- }
- if$
- }
- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- % Note: In many journals, IEEE (or the authors) tend not to show the number
- % for articles, so the display of the number is controlled here by the
- % switch "is.use.number.for.article"
- FUNCTION {article}
- { std.status.using.comma
- start.entry
- if.url.alt.interword.spacing
- format.authors "author" output.warn
- name.or.dash
- format.article.title "title" output.warn
- format.journal "journal" bibinfo.check "journal" output.warn
- format.volume output
- format.number.if.use.for.article output
- format.pages output
- format.date "year" output.warn
- format.note output
- format.url output
- fin.entry
- if.url.std.interword.spacing
- }
- FUNCTION {book}
- { std.status.using.comma
- start.entry
- if.url.alt.interword.spacing
- author empty$
- { format.editors "author and editor" output.warn }
- { format.authors output.nonnull }
- if$
- name.or.dash
- format.book.title.edition output
- format.series output
- author empty$
- { skip$ }
- { format.editors output }
- if$
- format.address.publisher.date output
- format.volume output
- format.number output
- format.note output
- format.url output
- fin.entry
- if.url.std.interword.spacing
- }
- FUNCTION {booklet}
- { std.status.using.comma
- start.entry
- if.url.alt.interword.spacing
- format.authors output
- name.or.dash
- format.article.title "title" output.warn
- format.howpublished "howpublished" bibinfo.check output
- format.organization "organization" bibinfo.check output
- format.address "address" bibinfo.check output
- format.date output
- format.note output
- format.url output
- fin.entry
- if.url.std.interword.spacing
- }
- FUNCTION {electronic}
- { std.status.using.period
- start.entry
- if.url.alt.interword.spacing
- format.authors output
- name.or.dash
- format.date.electronic output
- format.article.title.electronic output
- format.howpublished "howpublished" bibinfo.check output
- format.organization "organization" bibinfo.check output
- format.address "address" bibinfo.check output
- format.note output
- format.url output
- fin.entry
- empty.entry.warn
- if.url.std.interword.spacing
- }
- FUNCTION {inbook}
- { std.status.using.comma
- start.entry
- if.url.alt.interword.spacing
- author empty$
- { format.editors "author and editor" output.warn }
- { format.authors output.nonnull }
- if$
- name.or.dash
- format.book.title.edition output
- format.series output
- format.address.publisher.date output
- format.volume output
- format.number output
- format.chapter output
- format.pages output
- format.note output
- format.url output
- fin.entry
- if.url.std.interword.spacing
- }
- FUNCTION {incollection}
- { std.status.using.comma
- start.entry
- if.url.alt.interword.spacing
- format.authors "author" output.warn
- name.or.dash
- format.article.title "title" output.warn
- format.in.booktitle.edition "booktitle" output.warn
- format.series output
- format.editors output
- format.address.publisher.date.nowarn output
- format.volume output
- format.number output
- format.chapter output
- format.pages output
- format.note output
- format.url output
- fin.entry
- if.url.std.interword.spacing
- }
- FUNCTION {inproceedings}
- { std.status.using.comma
- start.entry
- if.url.alt.interword.spacing
- format.authors "author" output.warn
- name.or.dash
- format.article.title "title" output.warn
- format.in.booktitle "booktitle" output.warn
- format.series output
- format.editors output
- format.volume output
- format.number output
- publisher empty$
- { format.address.organization.date output }
- { format.organization "organization" bibinfo.check output
- format.address.publisher.date output
- }
- if$
- format.paper output
- format.pages output
- format.note output
- format.url output
- fin.entry
- if.url.std.interword.spacing
- }
- FUNCTION {manual}
- { std.status.using.comma
- start.entry
- if.url.alt.interword.spacing
- format.authors output
- name.or.dash
- format.book.title.edition "title" output.warn
- format.howpublished "howpublished" bibinfo.check output
- format.organization "organization" bibinfo.check output
- format.address "address" bibinfo.check output
- format.date output
- format.note output
- format.url output
- fin.entry
- if.url.std.interword.spacing
- }
- FUNCTION {mastersthesis}
- { std.status.using.comma
- start.entry
- if.url.alt.interword.spacing
- format.authors "author" output.warn
- name.or.dash
- format.article.title "title" output.warn
- format.master.thesis.type output.nonnull
- format.school "school" bibinfo.warn output
- format.address "address" bibinfo.check output
- format.date "year" output.warn
- format.note output
- format.url output
- fin.entry
- if.url.std.interword.spacing
- }
- FUNCTION {misc}
- { std.status.using.comma
- start.entry
- if.url.alt.interword.spacing
- format.authors output
- name.or.dash
- format.article.title output
- format.howpublished "howpublished" bibinfo.check output
- format.organization "organization" bibinfo.check output
- format.address "address" bibinfo.check output
- format.pages output
- format.date output
- format.note output
- format.url output
- fin.entry
- empty.entry.warn
- if.url.std.interword.spacing
- }
- FUNCTION {patent}
- { std.status.using.comma
- start.entry
- if.url.alt.interword.spacing
- format.authors output
- name.or.dash
- format.article.title output
- format.patent.nationality.type.number output
- format.patent.date output
- format.note output
- format.url output
- fin.entry
- empty.entry.warn
- if.url.std.interword.spacing
- }
- FUNCTION {periodical}
- { std.status.using.comma
- start.entry
- if.url.alt.interword.spacing
- format.editors output
- name.or.dash
- format.book.title "title" output.warn
- format.series output
- format.volume output
- format.number output
- format.organization "organization" bibinfo.check output
- format.date "year" output.warn
- format.note output
- format.url output
- fin.entry
- if.url.std.interword.spacing
- }
- FUNCTION {phdthesis}
- { std.status.using.comma
- start.entry
- if.url.alt.interword.spacing
- format.authors "author" output.warn
- name.or.dash
- format.article.title "title" output.warn
- format.phd.thesis.type output.nonnull
- format.school "school" bibinfo.warn output
- format.address "address" bibinfo.check output
- format.date "year" output.warn
- format.note output
- format.url output
- fin.entry
- if.url.std.interword.spacing
- }
- FUNCTION {proceedings}
- { std.status.using.comma
- start.entry
- if.url.alt.interword.spacing
- format.editors output
- name.or.dash
- format.book.title "title" output.warn
- format.series output
- format.volume output
- format.number output
- publisher empty$
- { format.address.organization.date output }
- { format.organization "organization" bibinfo.check output
- format.address.publisher.date output
- }
- if$
- format.note output
- format.url output
- fin.entry
- if.url.std.interword.spacing
- }
- FUNCTION {standard}
- { std.status.using.comma
- start.entry
- if.url.alt.interword.spacing
- format.authors output
- name.or.dash
- format.book.title "title" output.warn
- format.howpublished "howpublished" bibinfo.check output
- format.organization.institution.standard.type.number output
- format.revision output
- format.date output
- format.note output
- format.url output
- fin.entry
- if.url.std.interword.spacing
- }
- FUNCTION {techreport}
- { std.status.using.comma
- start.entry
- if.url.alt.interword.spacing
- format.authors "author" output.warn
- name.or.dash
- format.article.title "title" output.warn
- format.howpublished "howpublished" bibinfo.check output
- format.institution "institution" bibinfo.warn output
- format.address "address" bibinfo.check output
- format.tech.report.number output.nonnull
- format.date "year" output.warn
- format.note output
- format.url output
- fin.entry
- if.url.std.interword.spacing
- }
- FUNCTION {unpublished}
- { std.status.using.comma
- start.entry
- if.url.alt.interword.spacing
- format.authors "author" output.warn
- name.or.dash
- format.article.title "title" output.warn
- format.date output
- format.note "note" output.warn
- format.url output
- fin.entry
- if.url.std.interword.spacing
- }
- % The special entry type which provides the user interface to the
- % BST controls
- { is.print.banners.to.terminal
- { "** IEEEtran BST control entry " quote$ * cite$ * quote$ * " detected." *
- top$
- }
- { skip$ }
- if$
- CTLuse_article_number
- empty$
- { skip$ }
- { CTLuse_article_number
- yes.no.to.int
- 'is.use.number.for.article :=
- }
- if$
- CTLuse_paper
- empty$
- { skip$ }
- { CTLuse_paper
- yes.no.to.int
- 'is.use.paper :=
- }
- if$
- CTLuse_forced_etal
- empty$
- { skip$ }
- { CTLuse_forced_etal
- yes.no.to.int
- 'is.forced.et.al :=
- }
- if$
- CTLmax_names_forced_etal
- empty$
- { skip$ }
- { CTLmax_names_forced_etal
- string.to.integer
- 'max.num.names.before.forced.et.al :=
- }
- if$
- CTLnames_show_etal
- empty$
- { skip$ }
- { CTLnames_show_etal
- string.to.integer
- 'num.names.shown.with.forced.et.al :=
- }
- if$
- CTLuse_alt_spacing
- empty$
- { skip$ }
- { CTLuse_alt_spacing
- yes.no.to.int
- 'is.use.alt.interword.spacing :=
- }
- if$
- CTLalt_stretch_factor
- empty$
- { skip$ }
- { CTLalt_stretch_factor
- 'ALTinterwordstretchfactor :=
- "\renewcommand{\BIBentryALTinterwordstretchfactor}{"
- ALTinterwordstretchfactor * "}" *
- write$ newline$
- }
- if$
- CTLdash_repeated_names
- empty$
- { skip$ }
- { CTLdash_repeated_names
- yes.no.to.int
- 'is.dash.repeated.names :=
- }
- if$
- CTLname_format_string
- empty$
- { skip$ }
- { CTLname_format_string
- 'name.format.string :=
- }
- if$
- CTLname_latex_cmd
- empty$
- { skip$ }
- { CTLname_latex_cmd
- 'name.latex.cmd :=
- }
- if$
- CTLname_url_prefix
- missing$
- { skip$ }
- { CTLname_url_prefix
- 'name.url.prefix :=
- }
- if$
- num.names.shown.with.forced.et.al max.num.names.before.forced.et.al >
- { "CTLnames_show_etal cannot be greater than CTLmax_names_forced_etal in " cite$ * warning$
- max.num.names.before.forced.et.al 'num.names.shown.with.forced.et.al :=
- }
- { skip$ }
- if$
- }
- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- FUNCTION {conference}{inproceedings}
- FUNCTION {online}{electronic}
- FUNCTION {internet}{electronic}
- FUNCTION {webpage}{electronic}
- FUNCTION {www}{electronic}
- FUNCTION {default.type}{misc}
- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%
- EXECUTE {initialize.controls}
- EXECUTE {initialize.status.constants}
- EXECUTE {banner.message}
- EXECUTE {initialize.longest.label}
- ITERATE {longest.label.pass}
- EXECUTE {begin.bib}
- ITERATE {call.type$}
- EXECUTE {end.bib}
- EXECUTE{completed.message}
- %% That's all folks, mds.