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git-svn-id: 5747cdd2-2146-426f-b2b0-0570f90b98ed

Hobe 4 years ago
24 changed files with 15165 additions and 0 deletions
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trunk/RTCSA_SS/00Abstract.tex View File

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trunk/RTCSA_SS/01Introduction.tex View File

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{\bf Contribution} Contribution
The remaining of this paper is organized as follow. Section~\ref{sec:bk_related} presents related works and background for developing the methods. Section~\ref{sec:design} presents the system architecture, challenges, and the developed mechanisms. Section~\ref{sec:eval} presents the evaluation results of proposed mechanism and Section~\ref{sec:conclusion} summaries our works.

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trunk/RTCSA_SS/02Background.tex View File

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
\section{Background and Related Works}
\subsection{Related 1}
Related 1
\subsection{Related 2}
Related 2

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trunk/RTCSA_SS/03Design.tex View File

@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
\section{Method name}
\subsection{Algorithm name}

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trunk/RTCSA_SS/04Evaluation.tex View File

@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
\section{Performance Evaluation}

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trunk/RTCSA_SS/05Conclusion.tex View File

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trunk/RTCSA_SS/06Acknowledge.tex View File

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This research was supported in part by the Ministry of Science and Technology of Taiwan (MOST 106-2633-E-002-001, MOST 106-2627-M-002-022-), National Taiwan University (NTU-106R104045), Intel Corporation, and Delta Electronics, and Advantech.

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File diff suppressed because it is too large
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View File

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trunk/RTCSA_SS/Main.tex View File

@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
% Final Submission
% Draft
%Regular Papers: 8 pages, including all figures, tables, and references.
%Short Papers: 6 pages, including all figures, tables, and references.
%% % To add svn version number in Latex
% \usepackage[draft,scrtime]{prelim2e}
% Add svn keyword for all the tex files
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% to show SVN version number
%% \renewcommand{\PrelimWords}{Rev: \svnrev\ (\svnfilerev) \svnyear/\svnmonth/\svnday/\svnhour:\svnminute}
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% Commented out for article
% \numberwithin{algorithm}{section}
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%% \addbibresource{Conference.bib}
% \IEEEauthorblockN{Jyun-Jhe \textsc{Chou}\IEEEauthorrefmark{1}, Chi-Sheng \textsc{Shih}\IEEEauthorrefmark{1}, Wei-Dean \textsc{Wang}\IEEEauthorrefmark{2}, and Kuo-Chin \textsc{Huang}\IEEEauthorrefmark{3}}
% \IEEEauthorblockA{\IEEEauthorrefmark{1}\small{Embedded Systems and Wireless Networking Lab}\\
% \small{Graduate Institute of Networking and Multimedia}\\
% \small{Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering}\\
% \small{NTU IoX Research Center}\\
% \small{National Taiwan University}
% \\\{cshih\}}
% \IEEEauthorblockA{\IEEEauthorrefmark{2}Department of Medical Education and Bioethics,\\NTU}
% \IEEEauthorblockA{\IEEEauthorrefmark{3}Department of Family Medicine, \\NTU Hospital}
\author{Jyun-Jhe Chou}
\affil{\small{Graduate Institute of Networking and Multimedia}\\
\small{Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering}\\
\small{NTU IoX Research Center}\\
\small{National Taiwan University} \vspace{1.5ex}}
% \setlength{\topmargin}{-0.5in}
%% To make report cover
%% To add revision log
%% \input{todos}
%% \newpage
%% \twocolumn
% Double space for draft
% Related works
% Architecture, formal model, and problem definition
% Proposed solution
% Evaluation
% Conclusion
% Acknowledgement

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trunk/RTCSA_SS/Makefile View File

@ -0,0 +1,302 @@
# LaTeX Makefile for dvi, ps, and pdf file creation.
# MAGMA - Laboratoire Leibniz 13-12-2004
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# you can specify additional flags to pass.
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trunk/RTCSA_SS/MixedPublicPrivate_IoT.tex View File

@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
%% \documentclass{sig-alternate-05-2015}
%% \usepackage{ntu_techrpt_cover_acm}
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%% \renewcommand*{\bibfont}{\small}
\node[shape=circle,draw,inner sep=1pt] (char) {#1};}}
\submission{IEEE CPSNA}
%% % To add svn version number in Latex
\svnidlong {$HeadURL: $} {$LastChangedDate: 2017-09-17 11:30:53 +0800 (週日, 17 九月 2017) $} {$LastChangedRevision: 2418 $} {$LastChangedBy: cshih $}
\svnid {$Id: MixedPublicPrivate_IoT.tex 2418 2017-09-17 03:30:53Z cshih $}
\renewcommand{\PrelimWords}{Prepared for WFIoT 2016 --
Last Changed Date:{\svnfiledate} -- Rev: {\svnrev} --
Page:{\thepage} of {\pageref{LastPage}}}
\title{Federating Public and Private Intelligent Services for IoT
%% \author{
%% <Removed for review> \\
%% \small{<Removed for review>} \\
%% \small{<Removed for review>} \\
%% \small{<Removed for review>}
%% }
%% \author{\IEEEauthorblockN{Sen Zhou\IEEEauthorrefmark{1}, Kwei-Jay Lin\IEEEauthorrefmark{1} and Chi-Sheng Shih\IEEEauthorrefmark{2}} \\
%% %\institute{
%% \IEEEauthorblockA{\IEEEauthorrefmark{1}Department of EECS, University of California, Irvine, USA}
%% \IEEEauthorblockA{\IEEEauthorrefmark{2}Department of Computer Science, National Taiwan University, Taiwan}
%% %\textit{\{senz, klin\}}\\
%% }
\small{{Chi-Sheng Shih}}\\
\small{Embedded Systems and Wireless Networking Lab}\\
\small{Graduate Institute of Networking and Multimedia}\\
\small{NTU IoX Research Center}\\
\small{Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering}\\
\small{National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan}
%% %% To make report cover
%% %% To add revision log
%% \thispagestyle{empty}
%% \onecolumn
%% \input{log}
%% \newpage
% \input{todos}
%% \input{Acknowledge}
%% \bibliographystyle{ieeetr}
%% \bibliography{ImpreciseComputationOverCloud}

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trunk/RTCSA_SS/MySetting.tex View File

@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
% theorem-like environments
% \newtheorem{thm}{Theorem}[section]
% \newtheorem{cor}[thm]{Corollary}
% \newtheorem{lem}[thm]{Lemma}
% \newtheorem{definition}[thm]{Definition}
% Definitions for old versions
%% \newtheorem*{algorithm}{Algorithm}
%% \theoremstyle{remark}
%% \newtheorem*{rmk}{Remark}
%% \newtheorem*{ToJane}{To Jane}
%% \newtheorem*{ToDaniel}{To Daniel}
%% \theoremstyle{plain}
%% \newtheorem*{rd_algorithm}{Reference Deadline Algorithm}
%% \newtheorem*{edf_rd}{EDF-RD Algorithm}
%% \newtheorem*{PSA}{Period Synthesis Algorithm}
%% \newtheorem*{priority_boosting_edf}{Priority-Boosting EDF Algorithm}
%% % Using symbole as the footnote mark
%% %\renewcommand{\thefootnote}{\fnsymbol{footnote}}
%% \def\singlespace{\baselineskip=11pt plus 2pt}
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\def\proof{\futurelet\next{\bf Proof:}}
\appear{Conference of Fun}
\timehh=\time \divide\timehh by 60
\timemm=\time \count255=\timehh \multiply\count255 by -60 \advance\timemm by \count255
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\submission{Conference of Fun}
\def\submitheaderday{\footnotesize Submitted to \@appear.\ }%
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\def\appearinheaderday{\footnotesize Appeared in \@appear.\ }
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% ---- OPERATORS (requires amsmath) ----
\def\aff{\operatorname{aff}} % (\Line is better!)
\def\Aut{\operatorname{Aut}} % Automorphism group
\def\card{\operatorname{card}} % cardinality, deprecated for \abs
\def\conv{\operatorname{conv}} % (\overline is better!)
\def\E{\operatorname{E}} % Expectation: $\E[X]$ (like \Pr)
\def\Hom{\operatorname{Hom}} % Homomorphism group
\def\id{\operatorname{id}} % identity
\def\im{\operatorname{im}} % image
\def\lfs{\operatorname{lfs}} % local feature size
\def\rel{\operatorname{rel\,}} % relative (interior, boundary, etc.)
\def\vol{\operatorname{vol}} % volume
\def\fp#1{^{\underline{#1}}} % falling powers: $n\fp{d}$
\def\rp#1{^{\overline{#1}}} % rising powers: $n\rp{d}$
%% \usepackage{easyReview}
% \newcommand{\argmax}{\mathop}{\mathrm{argmax}}}

+ 59
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trunk/RTCSA_SS/WFIoT.bib View File

@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
author = {Blackstock, Michael and Lea, Rodger},
title = {Toward a Distributed Data Flow Platform for the Web of Things (Distributed Node-RED)},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Web of Things},
series = {WoT '14},
year = {2014},
isbn = {978-1-4503-3066-4},
location = {Cambridge, MA, USA},
pages = {34--39},
numpages = {6},
url = {},
doi = {10.1145/2684432.2684439},
acmid = {2684439},
publisher = {ACM},
address = {New York, NY, USA},
keywords = {Distributed data flow, Internet of things, Node-RED, Visual data flow languages, Web of things, toolkits},
author = {Khan, Muhammad Sohail and Kim, DoHyeun},
title = {DIY Interface for Enhanced Service Customization of Remote IoT Devices: A CoAP Based Prototype},
journal = {Int. J. Distrib. Sen. Netw.},
issue_date = {January 2015},
volume = {2015},
month = jan,
year = {2016},
issn = {1550-1329},
pages = {185:185--185:185},
articleno = {185},
numpages = {1},
url = {},
doi = {10.1155/2015/542319},
acmid = {2929742},
publisher = {Taylor \& Francis, Inc.},
address = {Bristol, PA, USA},
author = {Nick Statt},
title = {{NEST} is permanently disabling the {Revolv} smart home hub},
url = {},
howpublished = {\url{}},
month = {April},
year = {2016},
note = {Last access: June 26th, 2016},
OPTannote = {}
author = {{IBM Emerging Technology organization}},
title = {Nest is permanently disabling the Revolv smart home hub},
url = {},
howpublished = {\url{}},
year = {2013},
note = {Last access: June 26th, 2016},
OPTannote = {}

+ 11
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trunk/RTCSA_SS/bibliography.bib View File

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
author = {Shih, Chi-Sheng and Chou, Chun-Ting and Lin, Kwei-Jay and Tsai, Bo-Lun and Lee, Chen-Husan and Cheng, Doug and Chou, Jyun-Jhe},
title = {Out-of-box Device Management for Large Scale
Cyber-Physical Systems},
booktitle = {the IEEE International Conference on Cyber-Physical-Social Computing},
year = {2014},
OPTpages = {},
month = {September},
address = {Taipei, Taiwan},
publisher = {IEEE Xplore}

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trunk/RTCSA_SS/myColor.sty View File

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[2000/10/26 v1.0 LaTeX package for colored paragraphs.]
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%% End of file `myColor.sty'.

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\DefineNamedColor{named}{Purple} {cmyk}{0.45,0.86,0,0}
\DefineNamedColor{named}{Plum} {cmyk}{0.50,1,0,0}
\DefineNamedColor{named}{Violet} {cmyk}{0.79,0.88,0,0}
\DefineNamedColor{named}{RoyalPurple} {cmyk}{0.75,0.90,0,0}
\DefineNamedColor{named}{BlueViolet} {cmyk}{0.86,0.91,0,0.04}
\DefineNamedColor{named}{Periwinkle} {cmyk}{0.57,0.55,0,0}
\DefineNamedColor{named}{CadetBlue} {cmyk}{0.62,0.57,0.23,0}
\DefineNamedColor{named}{MidnightBlue} {cmyk}{0.98,0.13,0,0.43}
\DefineNamedColor{named}{NavyBlue} {cmyk}{0.94,0.54,0,0}
\DefineNamedColor{named}{RoyalBlue} {cmyk}{1,0.50,0,0}
\DefineNamedColor{named}{Blue} {cmyk}{1,1,0,0}
\DefineNamedColor{named}{Cerulean} {cmyk}{0.94,0.11,0,0}
\DefineNamedColor{named}{Cyan} {cmyk}{1,0,0,0}
\DefineNamedColor{named}{ProcessBlue} {cmyk}{0.96,0,0,0}
\DefineNamedColor{named}{SkyBlue} {cmyk}{0.62,0,0.12,0}
\DefineNamedColor{named}{Turquoise} {cmyk}{0.85,0,0.20,0}
\DefineNamedColor{named}{TealBlue} {cmyk}{0.86,0,0.34,0.02}
\DefineNamedColor{named}{Aquamarine} {cmyk}{0.82,0,0.30,0}
\DefineNamedColor{named}{BlueGreen} {cmyk}{0.85,0,0.33,0}
\DefineNamedColor{named}{Emerald} {cmyk}{1,0,0.50,0}
\DefineNamedColor{named}{JungleGreen} {cmyk}{0.99,0,0.52,0}
\DefineNamedColor{named}{SeaGreen} {cmyk}{0.69,0,0.50,0}
\DefineNamedColor{named}{Green} {cmyk}{1,0,1,0}
\DefineNamedColor{named}{ForestGreen} {cmyk}{0.91,0,0.88,0.12}
\DefineNamedColor{named}{PineGreen} {cmyk}{0.92,0,0.59,0.25}
\DefineNamedColor{named}{LimeGreen} {cmyk}{0.50,0,1,0}
\DefineNamedColor{named}{YellowGreen} {cmyk}{0.44,0,0.74,0}
\DefineNamedColor{named}{SpringGreen} {cmyk}{0.26,0,0.76,0}
\DefineNamedColor{named}{OliveGreen} {cmyk}{0.64,0,0.95,0.40}
\DefineNamedColor{named}{RawSienna} {cmyk}{0,0.72,1,0.45}
\DefineNamedColor{named}{Sepia} {cmyk}{0,0.83,1,0.70}
\DefineNamedColor{named}{Brown} {cmyk}{0,0.81,1,0.60}
\DefineNamedColor{named}{Tan} {cmyk}{0.14,0.42,0.56,0}
\DefineNamedColor{named}{LightGray} {cmyk}{0.1,0.1,0.1,0.1}
\DefineNamedColor{named}{Gray} {cmyk}{0,0,0,0.50}
\DefineNamedColor{named}{DarkGray} {cmyk}{0.1,0.1,0.1,0.8}
\DefineNamedColor{named}{Black} {cmyk}{0,0,0,1}
\DefineNamedColor{named}{White} {cmyk}{0,0,0,0}
\newcommand\black {\color{black}}
\newcommand\darkgray {\color{darkgray}}
\newcommand\gray {\color{gray}}
\newcommand\white {\color{white}}
\newcommand\blue {\color{Blue}}
\newcommand\red {\color{red}}
\newcommand\green {\color{green}}
\newcommand\yellow {\color{yellow}}
\newcommand\magenta {\color{magenta}}
\newcommand\cyan {\color{cyan}}
% \newenvironment{newtext}{\begin{center}
% ==== START of NEW CONTENT ====
% \end{center}\blue\bf}{\black\rm\begin{center}
% ==== END of NEW CONTENT ====
% \end{center}}

+ 255
- 0
trunk/RTCSA_SS/ntu_techrpt_cover.sty View File

@ -0,0 +1,255 @@
% NTU News Lab Cover style
% Provides a command, \makecover, that produces a UC CS technical report
% cover (complete with campanile logo), and then resets the page number.
% Copyright (C) 1993, 1994 by Paul N. Hilfinger. All rights reserved.
% Permission to copy this file and use after suitable modification is granted,
% provided that this notice be retained on the copy and that no change is
% made to the format of the text of the report number without the author's
% permission.
% To use:
% 1. Include ntu_techrpt_cover as a style parameter in the \documentstyle
% command.
% 2. Use the declarations \author, \title, \reportmonth,
% \reportyear, and \reportnumber to supply the necessary
%information for the cover. These declarations
% typically go in the prelude. For example,
% \author{P. N. Hilfinger}
% \title{LaTeX: Threat or Menace?}
% \reportmonth{April}
% \reportyear{1993}
% \reportnumber{42}
% You may also leave off \reportyear and \reportmonth, and put the
%entire report designation in \reportnumber. This use is deprecated,
%but retained for backwards compatibility. For example,
% \author{P. N. Hilfinger}
% \title{LaTeX: Threat or Menace?}
% \date{April 1993}
% \reportnumber{93-42}
% 3. If you wish to use the ugly official format (with the form
%UCB//CSD-94-nn rather than UCB/CSD-94-nn), include also the
% declaration
% \useuglyformat
% with \title, \reportmonth, etc.
% 4. Put a \makecover command immediately after \begin{document}
% This file requires the auxiliary Postscript file coverart.eps.
% 1. Put in some appropriate directory.
% 2. Change the following declaration to give the right path name (see 1)
% for coverart.eps. This must be a full path name (starting with
% /).
%% \RequirePackage{pdfpages}
%% \includegraphics[width=0.90\paperwidth,height=\paperheight,%
%% keepaspectratio,bb=0 0 560 763]{figures/coverart}%
%% \includepdf[scale=0.90,pagecommand={},pages={-}]{figures/coverart.pdf}%
\AtPageCenter{% Picture is centred on page
\makebox[0pt]{% Horizontally centred
\raisebox{-0.5\height}{% Vertically centred
\includegraphics[scale=1.0]{figures/coverart}}}}}% Actual image
\typeout{-- This is defined for letterpaper cover.}}
\typeout{-- This is defined for a4paper cover.}}
%% \DeclareOption{letterpaper}{\def\@coverart{\special{psfile=figures/coverart.eps %
%% hoffset=-50 voffset=-700 hscale=100 vscale=100}}%
%% \typeout{-- This is defined for letterpaper.}}
%% \DeclareOption{a4paper}{\def\@coverart{\special{psfile=figures/coverart.eps %
%% hoffset=-55 voffset=-740 hscale=100 vscale=100}}%
%% \typeout{-- This is defined for a4paper.}}
% default to A4 paper, 10pt, twocolumn, one sided, final, journal
% overrride these defaults per user requests
% For a4paper
% \def\@coverart{\special{psfile=figures/coverart.eps hoffset=-55 voffset=-740 hscale=100 vscale=100}}
% For letter
%% \def\@coverart{\special{psfile=figures/coverart.eps hoffset=-50 voffset=-700 hscale=100 vscale=100}}
\def\@numberformatter{Report No.~NTU/NEWS-\@reportdesignator}
\gdef\@numberformatter{Report No.~NTU//NEWS-\@reportdesignator}%
\date{\@reportmonth\ \@reportyear}%
\divide\@tempcnta by 100%
\multiply\@tempcnta by 100%
\shipout\vbox to 7true in{
\hsize=7.4375true in\parindent=0.5true in
\vbox to 1.25true in{\vfil}
\hspace*{-1.0true in}
\noindent\begin{minipage}[t]{6.9375 true in}
\vbox to 0.625true in{\vfil}
% 6.9375
% \noindent\begin{minipage}[t]{6.9375 true in}
% \Large\it
% \begin{center}
% \hspace*{-0.8in}{\lineskip .75em\begin{tabular}[t]{|p{12cm}|}\@author\end{tabular}\par}%
% \end{center}
% \end{minipage}
\hspace*{-1.0true in}
\noindent\begin{minipage}[t]{6.9375 true in}
\hspace{-1.25true in}Copyright \copyright \@reportyear, National Taiwan University.
\hrule width 440pt depth 0.5pt height 1pt
\hspace*{2.5true in}
{\bf \@numberformatter}
\noindent \@date
Wireless Networking and Embedded Systems (NEWS) Group\\
Graduate Institute of Networking and Multimedia \\
Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering \\
National Taiwan University \\
Taipei, Taiwan 106 \\ \\ \\
%% \def\makecoverRB{
%% \ifx\@empty\@reportyear%
%% \def\@reportdesignator{\@reportnumber}
%% \else%
%% \date{\@reportmonth\ \@reportyear}%
%% \@tempcnta\@reportyear%
%% \divide\@tempcnta by 100%
%% \multiply\@tempcnta by 100%
%% \@tempcntb\@reportyear%
%% \advance\@tempcntb-\@tempcnta%
%% \edef\@reportdesignator{\the\@tempcntb-\@reportnumber}%
%% \fi
%% \shipout\vbox to 7true in{
%% \hsize=7.4375true in\parindent=0.5true in
%% {\@coverartRB
%% \vbox to 1.25true in{\vfil}
%% \hspace*{-1.0true in}
%% \noindent\begin{minipage}[t]{6.9375 true in}
%% \def\thanks##1{\relax}
%% \LARGE\bf
%% \begin{center}
%% \@title
%% \end{center}
%% \end{minipage}
%% \vbox to 0.625true in{\vfil}
%% % 6.9375
%% % \noindent\begin{minipage}[t]{6.9375 true in}
%% % \Large\it
%% % \begin{center}
%% % \hspace*{-0.8in}{\lineskip .75em\begin{tabular}[t]{|p{12cm}|}\@author\end{tabular}\par}%
%% % \end{center}
%% % \end{minipage}
%% \hspace*{-1.0true in}
%% \noindent\begin{minipage}[t]{6.9375 true in}
%% \large
%% \begin{center}
%% \@author
%% \end{center}
%% \end{minipage}
%% \vfil
%% \begin{center}
%% \hspace{-1.25true in}Copyright \copyright \@reportyear, National Taiwan University.
%% \end{center}
%% \begin{center}
%% \hrule width 440pt depth 0.5pt height 1pt
%% \end{center}
%% \vspace{1cm}
%% \hspace*{2.5true in}
%% \begin{minipage}[t]{3.75in}
%% \parindent=0pt
%% {\bf \@numberformatter}
%% \vspace{1ex}
%% \noindent \@date
%% \vspace{14ex}
%% \small
%% Wireless Networking and Embedded Systems (NEWS) Lab \\
%% Graduate Institute of Networking and Multimedia \\
%% Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering \\
%% National Taiwan University \\
%% Taipei, Taiwan 106
%% \end{minipage}
%% }}
%% }

+ 256
- 0
trunk/RTCSA_SS/ntu_techrpt_cover_acm.sty View File

@ -0,0 +1,256 @@
% NTU News Lab Cover style
% Provides a command, \makecover, that produces a UC CS technical report
% cover (complete with campanile logo), and then resets the page number.
% Copyright (C) 1993, 1994 by Paul N. Hilfinger. All rights reserved.
% Permission to copy this file and use after suitable modification is granted,
% provided that this notice be retained on the copy and that no change is
% made to the format of the text of the report number without the author's
% permission.
% To use:
% 1. Include ntu_techrpt_cover as a style parameter in the \documentstyle
% command.
% 2. Use the declarations \author, \title, \reportmonth,
% \reportyear, and \reportnumber to supply the necessary
%information for the cover. These declarations
% typically go in the prelude. For example,
% \author{P. N. Hilfinger}
% \title{LaTeX: Threat or Menace?}
% \reportmonth{April}
% \reportyear{1993}
% \reportnumber{42}
% You may also leave off \reportyear and \reportmonth, and put the
%entire report designation in \reportnumber. This use is deprecated,
%but retained for backwards compatibility. For example,
% \author{P. N. Hilfinger}
% \title{LaTeX: Threat or Menace?}
% \date{April 1993}
% \reportnumber{93-42}
% 3. If you wish to use the ugly official format (with the form
%UCB//CSD-94-nn rather than UCB/CSD-94-nn), include also the
% declaration
% \useuglyformat
% with \title, \reportmonth, etc.
% 4. Put a \makecover command immediately after \begin{document}
% This file requires the auxiliary Postscript file coverart.eps.
% 1. Put in some appropriate directory.
% 2. Change the following declaration to give the right path name (see 1)
% for coverart.eps. This must be a full path name (starting with
% /).
%% \RequirePackage{pdfpages}
%% \includegraphics[width=0.90\paperwidth,height=\paperheight,%
%% keepaspectratio,bb=0 0 560 763]{figures/coverart}%
%% \includepdf[scale=0.90,pagecommand={},pages={-}]{figures/coverart.pdf}%
\AtPageCenter{% Picture is centred on page
\makebox[600pt]{% Horizontally centred
\raisebox{-1\height}{% Vertically centred
\includegraphics[scale=1.0]{figures/coverart}}}}}% Actual image
\typeout{-- This is defined for letterpaper cover.}}
\typeout{-- This is defined for a4paper cover.}}
%% \DeclareOption{letterpaper}{\def\@coverart{\special{psfile=figures/coverart.eps %
%% hoffset=-50 voffset=-700 hscale=100 vscale=100}}%
%% \typeout{-- This is defined for letterpaper.}}
%% \DeclareOption{a4paper}{\def\@coverart{\special{psfile=figures/coverart.eps %
%% hoffset=-55 voffset=-740 hscale=100 vscale=100}}%
%% \typeout{-- This is defined for a4paper.}}
% default to A4 paper, 10pt, twocolumn, one sided, final, journal
% overrride these defaults per user requests
% For a4paper
% \def\@coverart{\special{psfile=figures/coverart.eps hoffset=-55 voffset=-740 hscale=100 vscale=100}}
% For letter
%% \def\@coverart{\special{psfile=figures/coverart.eps hoffset=-50 voffset=-700 hscale=100 vscale=100}}
\def\@numberformatter{Report No.~NTU/NEWS-\@reportdesignator}
\gdef\@numberformatter{Report No.~NTU//NEWS-\@reportdesignator}%
\date{\@reportmonth\ \@reportyear}%
\divide\@tempcnta by 100%
\multiply\@tempcnta by 100%
\shipout\vbox to 7true in{
\hsize=7.4375true in\parindent=0.5true in
\vbox to 1.25true in{\vfil}
\hspace*{-1.0true in}
\noindent\begin{minipage}[t]{6.9375 true in}
\vbox to 0.625true in{\vfil}
% 6.9375
% \noindent\begin{minipage}[t]{6.9375 true in}
% \Large\it
% \begin{center}
% \hspace*{-0.8in}{\lineskip .75em\begin{tabular}[t]{|p{12cm}|}\@author\end{tabular}\par}%
% \end{center}
% \end{minipage}
\hspace*{-1.0true in}
\noindent\begin{minipage}[t][3.3 true in]{6.9375 true in}
\hspace{-1.25true in}Copyright \copyright \@reportyear, National Taiwan University.
\hrule width 440pt depth 0.5pt height 1pt
\hspace*{2.5true in}
{\bf \@numberformatter}
\noindent \@date
Wireless Networking and Embedded Systems (NEWS) Group\\
Graduate Institute of Networking and Multimedia \\
Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering \\
National Taiwan University \\
Taipei, Taiwan 106 \\ \\ \\
%% \def\makecoverRB{
%% \ifx\@empty\@reportyear%
%% \def\@reportdesignator{\@reportnumber}
%% \else%
%% \date{\@reportmonth\ \@reportyear}%
%% \@tempcnta\@reportyear%
%% \divide\@tempcnta by 100%
%% \multiply\@tempcnta by 100%
%% \@tempcntb\@reportyear%
%% \advance\@tempcntb-\@tempcnta%
%% \edef\@reportdesignator{\the\@tempcntb-\@reportnumber}%
%% \fi
%% \shipout\vbox to 7true in{
%% \hsize=7.4375true in\parindent=0.5true in
%% {\@coverartRB
%% \vbox to 1.25true in{\vfil}
%% \hspace*{-1.0true in}
%% \noindent\begin{minipage}[t]{6.9375 true in}
%% \def\thanks##1{\relax}
%% \LARGE\bf
%% \begin{center}
%% \@title
%% \end{center}
%% \end{minipage}
%% \vbox to 0.625true in{\vfil}
%% % 6.9375
%% % \noindent\begin{minipage}[t]{6.9375 true in}
%% % \Large\it
%% % \begin{center}
%% % \hspace*{-0.8in}{\lineskip .75em\begin{tabular}[t]{|p{12cm}|}\@author\end{tabular}\par}%
%% % \end{center}
%% % \end{minipage}
%% \hspace*{-1.0true in}
%% \noindent\begin{minipage}[t]{6.9375 true in}
%% \large
%% \begin{center}
%% \@author
%% \end{center}
%% \end{minipage}
%% \vfil
%% \begin{center}
%% \hspace{-1.25true in}Copyright \copyright \@reportyear, National Taiwan University.
%% \end{center}
%% \begin{center}
%% \hrule width 440pt depth 0.5pt height 1pt
%% \end{center}
%% \vspace{1cm}
%% \hspace*{2.5true in}
%% \begin{minipage}[t]{3.75in}
%% \parindent=0pt
%% {\bf \@numberformatter}
%% \vspace{1ex}
%% \noindent \@date
%% \vspace{14ex}
%% \small
%% Wireless Networking and Embedded Systems (NEWS) Lab \\
%% Graduate Institute of Networking and Multimedia \\
%% Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering \\
%% National Taiwan University \\
%% Taipei, Taiwan 106
%% \end{minipage}
%% }}
%% }

+ 139
- 0
trunk/RTCSA_SS/prelim2e.sty View File

@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
%% This is file `prelim2e.sty',
%% generated with the docstrip utility.
%% The original source files were:
%% prelim2e.dtx (with options: `package')
%% Copyright (C) 1995..2009 by Martin Schroeder.
%% This file is part of the Prelim2e package
%% -----------------------------------------
%% This work may be distributed and/or modified under the
%% conditions of the LaTeX Project Public License, either version 1.3
%% of this license or (at your option) any later version.
%% The latest version of this license is in
%% and version 1.3 or later is part of all distributions of LaTeX
%% version 2005/12/01 or later.
%% This work has the LPPL maintenance status `maintained'.
%% The Current Maintainer of this work is Martin Schroeder.
%% This work consists of the files prelim2e.dtx and prelim2e.ins
%% and the derived file prelim2e.sty.
[2009/05/29 v1.3 prelim2e Package (MS)]
%% \CharacterTable
%% {Upper-case \A\B\C\D\E\F\G\H\I\J\K\L\M\N\O\P\Q\R\S\T\U\V\W\X\Y\Z
%% Lower-case \a\b\c\d\e\f\g\h\i\j\k\l\m\n\o\p\q\r\s\t\u\v\w\x\y\z
%% Digits \0\1\2\3\4\5\6\7\8\9
%% Exclamation \! Double quote \" Hash (number) \#
%% Dollar \$ Percent \% Ampersand \&
%% Acute accent \' Left paren \( Right paren \)
%% Asterisk \* Plus \+ Comma \,
%% Minus \- Point \. Solidus \/
%% Colon \: Semicolon \; Less than \<
%% Equals \= Greater than \> Question mark \?
%% Commercial at \@ Left bracket \[ Backslash \\
%% Right bracket \] Circumflex \^ Underscore \_
%% Grave accent \` Left brace \{ Vertical bar \|
%% Right brace \} Tilde \~}
%% \iffalse meta-comment
%% ===================================================================
%% @LaTeX-package-file{
%% author = {Martin Schr\"oder},
%% version = "1.3",
%% date = "29 May 2009",
%% filename = "prelim2e.sty",
%% address = {Martin Schr\"oder
%% Barmer Stra\"se 14
%% 44137 Dortmund
%% Germany},
%% telephone = "+49-231-1206574",
%% email = "",
%% docstring = "LaTeX package which allows the marking of
%% preliminary versions of a document."
%% }
%% ===================================================================
%% \fi
\renewcommand{\PrelimWords}{Forel\o{}big version}}
\renewcommand{\PrelimWords}{Preliminary version}}
\renewcommand{\PrelimWords}{Version pr\'eliminaire}}
\renewcommand{\PrelimWords}{Vorl\"aufige Version}}
\renewcommand{\PrelimWords}{Versione preliminare}}
\renewcommand{\PrelimWords}{Forel\o{}pig versjon}}
\PrelimWords{} -- \today
\ -- \thistime
\advance\dimen\thr@@ by \dimen\tw@
\global\setbox\@cclv\vbox to \dimen\thr@@{%
\vbox to \z@{%
%% End of file `prelim2e.sty'.

+ 1849
- 0
File diff suppressed because it is too large
View File

+ 21
- 0
trunk/RTCSA_SS/todos.tex View File

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
{\bf Todo Lists}:
\textbf{Mark} & \textbf{Author} &\textbf{Date} & \textbf{Description}\\
cshih &
2017-03-10-10:54 & Start to write
& cshih & 2017-03-10-10:54 & Replace thesis to paper/works
& Ginger & 2017-03-18-13:30 & Questions:\\
&&&1. Data exchange detail between server, routers, and users\\
&&&2. Network topology\\
&&&3. What Gaussian distribution means in random allocate.\\
&&&4. Both and Condition mean?\\
