% NTU News Lab Cover style % Extended from UC CS REPORT COVER STYLE % Provides a command, \makecover, that produces a UC CS technical report % cover (complete with campanile logo), and then resets the page number. % Copyright (C) 1993, 1994 by Paul N. Hilfinger. All rights reserved. % Permission to copy this file and use after suitable modification is granted, % provided that this notice be retained on the copy and that no change is % made to the format of the text of the report number without the author's % permission. % To use: % % 1. Include ntu_techrpt_cover as a style parameter in the \documentstyle % command. % 2. Use the declarations \author, \title, \reportmonth, % \reportyear, and \reportnumber to supply the necessary %information for the cover. These declarations % typically go in the prelude. For example, % % \author{P. N. Hilfinger} % \title{LaTeX: Threat or Menace?} % \reportmonth{April} % \reportyear{1993} % \reportnumber{42} % % You may also leave off \reportyear and \reportmonth, and put the %entire report designation in \reportnumber. This use is deprecated, %but retained for backwards compatibility. For example, % \author{P. N. Hilfinger} % \title{LaTeX: Threat or Menace?} % \date{April 1993} % \reportnumber{93-42} % 3. If you wish to use the ugly official format (with the form %UCB//CSD-94-nn rather than UCB/CSD-94-nn), include also the % declaration % \useuglyformat % with \title, \reportmonth, etc. % 4. Put a \makecover command immediately after \begin{document} % % This file requires the auxiliary Postscript file coverart.eps. % TO INSTALL: % 1. Put coverart.ps in some appropriate directory. % 2. Change the following declaration to give the right path name (see 1) % for coverart.eps. 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